我是靠谱客的博主 现实鸭子,这篇文章主要介绍Groovy天哪:闭包可写,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

在上一篇文章中,我们了解了Writable接口以及GString实现如何实现此接口。 在Groovy中,我们还可以将闭包用作Writable接口的实现。 Closure类具有asWritable()方法,该方法将返回带有writeTo()方法实现的闭包版本。 用作writeTo()方法的参数的Writer对象将作为参数传递给闭包。 asWritable()方法还为闭包添加了toString()实现,以将闭包的结果作为String

在下面的代码中,我们编写了一个示例make()方法。 make()方法返回Writable闭包。 仅在调用writeTo()toString()方法时执行关闭。

Writable make(Map binding = [:], Closure template) {
    // Use asWritable() to make the closure
    // implement the Writable interface.
    def writableTemplate = template.asWritable()
    // Assing binding map as delegate so we can access
    // the keys of the maps as properties in the 
    // closure context.
    writableTemplate.delegate = binding
    // Return closure as Writable.

// Use toString() of Writable closure.
assert make { Writer out -> out << "Hello world!" }.toString() == 'Hello world!'

// Provide data for the binding.
// The closure is not executed when the 
// make method is finished.
final writable = make(user:'mrhaki', { out ->
    out.println "Welcome ${user},"
    out.print "Today on ${new Date(year: 114, month: 3, date: 4).format('dd-MM-yyyy')}, "
    out.println "we have a Groovy party!"

// We invoke toString() and now the closure
// is executed.
final result = writable.toString()

assert result == '''Welcome mrhaki,
Today on 04-04-2014, we have a Groovy party!

// Append contents to a file.
// NOTE: The leftShift (<<) operator on File is implemented
// in Groovy to use the File.append() method.
// The append() method creates a new Writer and
// invokes the write() method which 
// is re-implemented in Groovy if the argument
// is a Writable object. Then the writeTo() method
// is invoked:
// Writer.write(Writable) becomes Writable.writeTo(Writer).
// So a lot of Groovy magic allows us to use the following one-liner
// and still the writeTo() method is used on Writable.
new File('welcome.txt') << writable

assert new File('welcome.txt').text == '''Welcome mrhaki,
Today on 04-04-2014, we have a Groovy party!

用Groovy 2.2.2编写的代码

翻译自: https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2014/04/groovy-goodness-closure-as-writable.html




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