I have a String with (n) as a line break
String mytext = "
Your email is not correct.nPlease check again
"//(mytext value load from my database)
And i put mytext on webview like this :
web_view.loadDataWithBaseURL("", mytext, "text/html", "UTF-8", "");
But, i don't know why n doesn't work as line break, but it show as String "n"?
How to fix it?
I tried to replace n with br> with mytext.replace("n"," br>") and mytext.replaceAll("n", " br>") but it doesn't work.
So the solution is :
mytext.replace ("\r\n", "
").replace ("\n", "
Thank you, @ChristianJonassen for your help.
You are using HTML, you need to introduce an HTML line break.
In your case, the source code of the page will be given the line break, but not the representation given to the user.
Here is how you can fix it:
String mytext = "
Your email is not correct.
Please check again
Since it comes from an external service, you can edit the String by replacing n:
mytext.replaceAll("n", "
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