我是靠谱客的博主 淡定故事,这篇文章主要介绍OpenSSL之十三:证书和CA指令证书生命周期证书封装类型证书使用OpenSSL支持的CA指令申请证书建立CACA 操作使用证书验证证书,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


  • 证书生命周期
  • 证书封装类型
  • 证书使用
    • 证书应用模型
    • 证书链
    • 用户身份确认
  • OpenSSL支持的CA指令
  • 申请证书
    • req指令
    • 生成证书密钥
      • 使用RSA密钥生成证书请求
      • 使用DSA密钥生成证书请求
      • 双证书
    • 在证书请求中增加扩展项
    • 申请用户证书请求
    • 申请 CA 证书请求
  • 建立CA
    • CA 服务器的基本功能
    • CA 服务器的基本要素
    • OpenSSL 模拟 CA 服务器结构
    • OpenSSl 配置文件
    • 建立基于 OpenSSL 的 CA 服务器
  • CA 操作
    • 指令格式
    • 在证书中增加扩展项
    • 签发用户证书
    • 签发下级 CA 证书
    • 建立多级 CA
  • 使用证书
    • X.509 证书
    • CRL
    • PCKS#12 证书
    • PCKS#7 证书
  • 验证证书
    • 证书验证过程
    • verify 指令介绍
    • 在线状态服务程序指令 ocsp




  • X.509证书:X.509证书包含的内容主要是用户信息、整数序列号、签发者、有效期、公钥、其他信息及CA的数字签名。如果要在Windows平台查看和管理X.509证书,需要将X.509证书文件后缀名改成cer、der或者crt。OpenSSL本身的ca指令颁发的证书是X.5009标准格式。
  • PKCS#12证书:PCKS#12格式证书可以将证书和其相应的私钥封装在一起。PKCS#12采用了PKCS#8的私钥封装格式对私钥进行了基于口令的加密。
  • PKCS#7证书:所谓证书链,就是一个用户证书和一系列与其证书相关的CA证书的有序集合。PKCS#7证书可以包含多个证书和CRL。






  1. A将自己的证书、CA1的证书和根CA证书发送给B;
  2. B接收到A发送过来的整个证书链后,B从CA1提取公钥,验证用户证书A的合法性和有效性;
  3. B从根CA提取公钥,验证CA1证书的合法性和有效性;
  4. B利用根CA的公钥验证根CA证书的合法性和有效新(因为它是一个自签发根证书);
  5. B查找自己的信任证书库(通常是一些根CA的列表),看看上述通过验证的根CA是否在信任列表中,如果在,那么验证通过,否则验证不通过。












OpenSSL> req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout RSAPrivateKey.pem -out RSAReq.pem -passout pass:12345678

OpenSSL> genrsa -aes256 -passout pass:12345678 -out RSAPrivateKey.pem 1024
OpenSSL> req -new -key RSAPrivateKey.pem -passin pass:12345678 -out RSAReq.pem


OpenSSL> dsaparam -out DSAParam.pem 1024
OpenSSL> req -new -newkey dsa:DSAParam.pem -keyout DSAPrivateKey.pem -out DSAReq.pem -passout pass:12345678

OpenSSL> dsaparam -out DSAParam.pem 1024
OpenSSL> gendsa -out DSAPrivateKey.pem -aes256 -passout pass:12345678 DSAParam.pem
OpenSSL> gendsa -out DSAPrivateKey.pem -aes256 -passout pass:12345678 DSAParam.pem




首先保证 openssl.cnf 文件中 oid_section = new_oids 没有被注释,然后在 [new_oids] 字段中定义一个 OID,其简短名和长名都是 UserRights, OID 为

[ new_oids ]

然后在 [ req_distinguished_name ] 字段中添加自定义配置:

[ req_distinguished_name ]
UserRights					= User Rights
UserRights_default			= US
UserRights_min				= 2
UserRights_max				= 2


证书按照其在证书链中的位置分类,一般可以分为两种:终端用户证书和 CA 证书。所谓 CA 证书,是指该证书可以用于签发别的用户证书,也就是说,它可以有下级的证书。终端用户证书则用于具体应用程序或协议中,它不能用来签发别的证书,在证书链中,它处于最末端。
首先保证 openssl.cnf 配置文件中 v3_req 生效:req_extensions = v3_req 没有被注释,然后修改 [ v3_req ] 配置项:

[ v3_req ]
# Extensions to add to a certificate request
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE

申请 CA 证书请求

如果你要申请一个临时的 CA 证书,你可能并不需要签发这个证书,只需要生成一个申请一个 CA 证书的请求,然后发给上级 CA,然后等待它的签发就可以了。怎样生成一个 CA 证书请求,而不是用户证书请求呢?首先保证 openssl.cnf 配置文件中 v3_req 生效:req_extensions = v3_req 没有被注释,然后修改 [ v3_req ] 配置项:

[ v3_req ]
# Extensions to add to a certificate request
basicConstraints = CA:TRUE


有了 OpenSSl,建立一个 CA 服务器非常简单。这里我们需要直到 CA 服务器只是一个技术上的基础程序,而 CA 则是一个集技术个管理于一体的庞大机构。

CA 服务器的基本功能

  • 接受证书请求:在线实时提交、在线非实时提交和本地提交
  • 审核证书请求
  • 签发证书
  • 发布证书,发布对象有两种:一种是申请证书的用户本人,必须让他能够及时获得自己的证书;一种是其他用户,可以向他们提供获得所有用户证书的途径。一般通过 WEB 方式或 LDAP 方式发布。
  • 吊销证书
  • 生成和发布 CRL
  • 证书库管理

CA 服务器的基本要素

  • 一个具备基本功(CA 服务器基本功能)能的 CA 应用程序,可以使用 OpenSSL 的 ca 指令作为 CA 应用程序,当然也可以使用微软的CA服务器或 OpenCA。
  • 一个 CA 证书和一个其相应的私钥,可能是自签名的根证书,也可能是向另一个 CA 申请的证书。如果我们搭建的 CA 服务自称体系,并不需要上级 CA 支持,那么使用 OpenSSL 的 req 指令生成一个自签名根证书作为 CA 服务器的证书即可;如果需要上级 CA 支持,只需要生成一个 CA 证书请求发送给上级 CA,然后等待上级 CA 签发你的证书。
  • 证书数据库,用于存储证书(有时候还包括私钥)。可以使用 Mysql、Oracle、SQLServer 数据库,或自定义的文本数据库。

OpenSSL 模拟 CA 服务器结构

demoCA 根目录
	|____newcerts 目录(存放新证书,如 01.pem)
	|____cers 目录(存放签发者证书)
	|____private 目录(存放私钥文件)
	|		|____cakey.pem(CA 私钥)
	|____crl 目录(存放 CA 的 CRL)
	|____cacert.pem 文件(CA 证书)
	|____index.txt 文件(文本证书库)
	|____serial 文件(序列号文件)

OpenSSl 配置文件

[ CA_default ]
dir			= ./demoCA		
certs		= $dir/certs		
crl_dir		= $dir/crl		
database	= $dir/index.txt	
new_certs_dir	= $dir/newcerts		
certificate	= $dir/cacert.pem 	
serial		= $dir/serial 	
crlnumber	= $dir/crlnumber	
crl			= $dir/crl.pem 		
private_key	= $dir/private/cakey.pem
RANDFILE	= $dir/private/.rand

建立基于 OpenSSL 的 CA 服务器

  • 手动创建一个 CA 目录结构
    • 在 OpenSSL 目录下创建 demoCA 目录
    • 在 demoCA 目录下创建 newcerts、cers、private、crl 子目录
    • 在 demoCA 目录下创建 index.txt 空文件
    • 在 demoCA 目录下创建 serial 文件,文件内容为 01
    • 将 CA 证书文件转换为 pem 格式,复制到 demoCA 根目录,命名为 cacert.pem
    • 将 CA 私钥文件转换为 pem 格式,复制到 demoCA 根目录,命名为 cakey.pem

    CA 证书和私钥可以使用自签名证书和私钥,生成命令:
    OpenSSL> req -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout cakey.pem -out cacert.pem

  • 自动创建一个 CA 目录结构
    将 OpenSSL 的 apps 目录下的 ca.pl 文件赋值到你想创建 CA 目录的目录,然后运行下面的命令:
OpenSSL> perl ca.pl -newca

接下来该指令会提示输入已有的 CA 证书或者直接按 Enter 建创建一个自签名的根证书。执行完成后 CA 的目录结构就会自动创建完成。如果你想使用已经申请到的 CA 证书作为 CA 证书,那么将证书和私钥转换为 pem 格式,并将其替代 CA 目录下的 cacert.pem 和 cakey.pem。

  • 指定 OpenSSL 配置文件
    • Linux 环境下默认的 OpenSSL 配置文件路径是 /usr/local/ssl/openssl.cnf
    • Windows 环境下可以通过设置环境变量 OPENSSL_CONF 或 SSLEAY_CONF 来指定 openssl.cnf 的位置,也可直接在指令环境中输入:
      OpenSSL> set OPENSSL_CONF=C:OpenSSLopenssl.cnf
    • 使用 ca 指令的 config 选项来指定

CA 操作


λ openssl.exe ca -help
Usage: ca [options]
Valid options are:
 -help                   Display this summary
 -verbose                Verbose output during processing
 -config val             A config file
 -name val               The particular CA definition to use
 -subj val               Use arg instead of request's subject
 -utf8                   Input characters are UTF8 (default ASCII)
 -create_serial          If reading serial fails, create a new random serial
 -rand_serial            Always create a random serial; do not store it
 -multivalue-rdn         Enable support for multivalued RDNs
 -startdate val          Cert notBefore, YYMMDDHHMMSSZ
 -enddate val            YYMMDDHHMMSSZ cert notAfter (overrides -days)
 -days +int              Number of days to certify the cert for
 -md val                 md to use; one of md2, md5, sha or sha1
 -policy val             The CA 'policy' to support
 -keyfile val            Private key
 -keyform format         Private key file format (PEM or ENGINE)
 -passin val             Input file pass phrase source
 -key val                Key to decode the private key if it is encrypted
 -cert infile            The CA cert
 -selfsign               Sign a cert with the key associated with it
 -in infile              The input PEM encoded cert request(s)
 -out outfile            Where to put the output file(s)
 -outdir dir             Where to put output cert
 -sigopt val             Signature parameter in n:v form
 -notext                 Do not print the generated certificate
 -batch                  Don't ask questions
 -preserveDN             Don't re-order the DN
 -noemailDN              Don't add the EMAIL field to the DN
 -gencrl                 Generate a new CRL
 -msie_hack              msie modifications to handle all those universal strings
 -crldays +int           Days until the next CRL is due
 -crlhours +int          Hours until the next CRL is due
 -crlsec +int            Seconds until the next CRL is due
 -infiles                The last argument, requests to process
 -ss_cert infile         File contains a self signed cert to sign
 -spkac infile           File contains DN and signed public key and challenge
 -revoke infile          Revoke a cert (given in file)
 -valid val              Add a Valid(not-revoked) DB entry about a cert (given in file)
 -extensions val         Extension section (override value in config file)
 -extfile infile         Configuration file with X509v3 extensions to add
 -status val             Shows cert status given the serial number
 -updatedb               Updates db for expired cert
 -crlexts val            CRL extension section (override value in config file)
 -crl_reason val         revocation reason
 -crl_hold val           the hold instruction, an OID. Sets revocation reason to certificateHold
 -crl_compromise val     sets compromise time to val and the revocation reason to keyCompromise
 -crl_CA_compromise val  sets compromise time to val and the revocation reason to CACompromise
 -rand val               Load the file(s) into the random number generator
 -writerand outfile      Write random data to the specified file
 -engine val             Use engine, possibly a hardware device


# 使用 notext,不输出明文信息到证书文件
OpenSSL> ca -in req.pem -out cert.cer -notext
# 生成有效期在2020年9月9日 至 2021年10月10日的证书
OpenSSL> ca -notext -startdata 200909000000Z -enddata 211010000000Z -infiles req1.pem req2.pem
# 使用 Engine 中的私钥签发证书
OpenSSL> ca -in req.pem =out cert.cer -notext -cert pcks11cert.pem -keyfile pkcs11key.pem -keyform e -engine pkcs11
# 吊销证书,并指明吊销原因是密钥泄露
OpenSSL> ca -revoke cert.pem -crl_reason keyCompromise
# 吊销证书,并指明密钥泄露时间
OpenSSL> ca -revoke cert.pem -crl_compromise 2023210309000000Z
# 生成一个 CRL,并设定 CRL 更新时间为 7 天 7 小时
OpenSSL> ca -gencrl -crldays 7 -crlhours 7 -out crl.crl
# 查询证书号为 1 的证书状态
OpenSSL> ca -gencrl -crldays 7 -crlhours 7 -out crl.crl
# 更新文本证书数据库
OpenSSL> ca -updatedb


首先增加 OID,然后在 [ policy_match ][ policy_anything ] 中添加扩展项。


可以通过在 OpenSSL 配置文件中的 X.509 v3 扩展项 [ usr_cert ] 字段来告诉 ca 指令签发用户证书:

basicConstraints = CA:FALSE

签发下级 CA 证书

首先保证 OpenSSL的 basicConstraints 配置项为 basicConstraints = CA:TRUE
然后,如果要签发 CA 证书,则使用 extensions 选项指定 X509 v3 扩展字段为 v3_ca:

OpenSSL> ca [其它参数] -extensions  v3_ca

或者直接在配置文件中配置:x509_extensions = usr_cert

建立多级 CA

建立多级 CA 的过程总结:

	  |                                |
	SubCA                          用户证书 A
   用户证书 B
  1. 使用 req 生成一个自签名根证书作为 RootCA 证书,配置 RootCA 配置文件。
  2. 使用 req 生成一个 CA 证书请求,并使用 RootCA 签发该请求形成 SubCA 的证书,配置 SubCA 配置文件。
  3. 使用 req 生成一个证书请求,并使用 SubCA 的证书签发该请求形成用户证书 B。
  4. 使用 req 生成一个证书请求,并使用 RootCA 的证书签发该请求形成用户证书 A。
# Step1:创建 RootCA 目录
λ mkdir RootCA

λ cd RootCA

# Step2:将 openssl.exe、openssl.cnf、ca.pl 拷贝到 RootCA 目录,创建 demoCA 目录
# RootCA 的配置文件需要支持两个不同的 X.509 v3 扩展项,用于签发用户证书(user_cert)和 CA 证书(ca_v3)
λ perl ca.pl -newca
λ openssl
# Step3: 生成一个使用 2048 位密钥的自签名根证书作为 RootCA 的证书
OpenSSL> req -x509 -nerkey rsa:2048 -out rootca_cart.pem -keyout rootca_key.pem -config C:UsersSunnyDesktopRootCAopenssl.cnf
# Step4:将 rootca_cart.pem 命名为 cacert.pem 拷贝到 demoCA 根目录替换原文件,将 rootca_key.pem 命名为 cakey.pem 拷贝到 demoCA/private 目录,替换原文件
# Step5:创建 SubCA 目录
λ mkdir SubCA

λ cd SubCA

# Step6:将 openssl.exe、openssl.cnf、ca.pl 拷贝到 RootCA 目录,创建 SubCA目录,创建 demoCA 目录
λ perl ca.pl -newca
# Step7:创建由 RootCA 签发的 SubCA 的证书和密钥
OpenSSL> req -new -nerkey rsa:2048 -out subca_req.pem -keyout subca_key.pem -config C:UsersSunnyDesktopSubCAopenssl.cnf
# 此时将 subca_key.pem 文件拷贝到 SubCA/demoCA/prvate 目录下,替换原文件
# Step8:将证书请求提交给 RootCA 签发,首先将 subca_req.pem 拷贝到 RootCA 目录下,执行签发命令
OpenSSL> ca -in subca_req.pem -out subca_cert.pem -notext -extensions v3_ca -config C:UsersSunnyDesktopRootCAopenssl.cnf
# 此时将 subca_cert.pem 文件命名为 cacert.pem,拷贝到 SubCA/demoCA 的根目录下,替换原文件
# 至此,RootCA 和 SubCA 已经配置完成,可以进行签发用户证书了
# Step9:签发用户证书 A,切换到 RootCA 目录下
λ openssl
OpenSSL> req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -out userA_req.pem -keyout userA_key.pem -config C:UsersSunnyDesktopRootCAopenssl.cnf
OpenSSL> ca -in userA_req.pem -out userA_cert.pem -notext -config C:UsersSunnyDesktopRootCAopenssl.cnf
# Step10:签发用户证书 B,切换到 SubCA 目录下
λ openssl
OpenSSL> req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -out userB_req.pem -keyout userB_key.pem -config C:UsersSunnyDesktopSubCAopenssl.cnf
OpenSSL> ca -in userB_req.pem -out userB_cert.pem -notext -config C:UsersSunnyDesktopSubCAopenssl.cnf


X.509 证书

x509 指令格式:

OpenSSL> x509 -help
Usage: x509 [options]
Valid options are:
 -help                      Display this summary
 -inform format             Input format - default PEM (one of DER or PEM)
 -in infile                 Input file - default stdin
 -outform format            Output format - default PEM (one of DER or PEM)
 -out outfile               Output file - default stdout
 -keyform PEM|DER|ENGINE    Private key format - default PEM
 -passin val                Private key password/pass-phrase source
 -serial                    Print serial number value
 -subject_hash              Print subject hash value
 -issuer_hash               Print issuer hash value
 -hash                      Synonym for -subject_hash
 -subject                   Print subject DN
 -issuer                    Print issuer DN
 -email                     Print email address(es)
 -startdate                 Set notBefore field
 -enddate                   Set notAfter field
 -purpose                   Print out certificate purposes
 -dates                     Both Before and After dates
 -modulus                   Print the RSA key modulus
 -pubkey                    Output the public key
 -fingerprint               Print the certificate fingerprint
 -alias                     Output certificate alias
 -noout                     No output, just status
 -nocert                    No certificate output
 -ocspid                    Print OCSP hash values for the subject name and public key
 -ocsp_uri                  Print OCSP Responder URL(s)
 -trustout                  Output a trusted certificate
 -clrtrust                  Clear all trusted purposes
 -clrext                    Clear all certificate extensions
 -addtrust val              Trust certificate for a given purpose
 -addreject val             Reject certificate for a given purpose
 -setalias val              Set certificate alias
 -days int                  How long till expiry of a signed certificate - def 30 days
 -checkend intmax           Check whether the cert expires in the next arg seconds
                            Exit 1 if so, 0 if not
 -signkey val               Self sign cert with arg
 -x509toreq                 Output a certification request object
 -req                       Input is a certificate request, sign and output
 -CA infile                 Set the CA certificate, must be PEM format
 -CAkey val                 The CA key, must be PEM format; if not in CAfile
 -CAcreateserial            Create serial number file if it does not exist
 -CAserial val              Serial file
 -set_serial val            Serial number to use
 -text                      Print the certificate in text form
 -ext val                   Print various X509V3 extensions
 -C                         Print out C code forms
 -extfile infile            File with X509V3 extensions to add
 -rand val                  Load the file(s) into the random number generator
 -writerand outfile         Write random data to the specified file
 -extensions val            Section from config file to use
 -nameopt val               Various certificate name options
 -certopt val               Various certificate text options
 -checkhost val             Check certificate matches host
 -checkemail val            Check certificate matches email
 -checkip val               Check certificate matches ipaddr
 -CAform PEM|DER            CA format - default PEM
 -CAkeyform PEM|DER|ENGINE  CA key format - default PEM
 -sigopt val                Signature parameter in n:v form
 -force_pubkey infile       Force the Key to put inside certificate
 -next_serial               Increment current certificate serial number
 -clrreject                 Clears all the prohibited or rejected uses of the certificate
 -badsig                    Corrupt last byte of certificate signature (for test)
 -*                         Any supported digest
 -subject_hash_old          Print old-style (MD5) issuer hash value
 -issuer_hash_old           Print old-style (MD5) subject hash value
 -engine val                Use engine, possibly a hardware device
 -preserve_dates            preserve existing dates when signing


# 查看证书内容
OpenSSL> x509 -in cert.pem -noout -text
# 查看证书序列号
OpenSSL> x509 -in cert.pem -noout -setial
# 查看证书 HASH 值
OpenSSL> x509 -in cert.pem -noout -hash
# 查看 MD5 指纹信息
OpenSSL> x509 -in cert.pem -noout -fingerprint
# PEM 格式转 DER
OpenSSL> x509 -in cert.pem inform PEM -out cert.der -outform DER
# 将证书转换为证书请求
OpenSSL> x509 -x509toreq -in cert.pem -out req.pem -signkey key.pem


所谓 CRL,即为一系列已经被吊销的证书的序列号文件。
crl 指令格式:

OpenSSL> crl -help
Usage: crl [options]
Valid options are:
 -help             Display this summary
 -inform PEM|DER   Input format; default PEM
 -in infile        Input file - default stdin
 -outform PEM|DER  Output format - default PEM
 -out outfile      output file - default stdout
 -keyform PEM|DER  Private key file format (PEM or ENGINE)
 -key infile       CRL signing Private key to use
 -issuer           Print issuer DN
 -lastupdate       Set lastUpdate field
 -nextupdate       Set nextUpdate field
 -noout            No CRL output
 -fingerprint      Print the crl fingerprint
 -crlnumber        Print CRL number
 -badsig           Corrupt last byte of loaded CRL signature (for test)
 -gendelta infile  Other CRL to compare/diff to the Input one
 -CApath dir       Verify CRL using certificates in dir
 -CAfile infile    Verify CRL using certificates in file name
 -no-CAfile        Do not load the default certificates file
 -no-CApath        Do not load certificates from the default certificates directory
 -verify           Verify CRL signature
 -text             Print out a text format version
 -hash             Print hash value
 -nameopt val      Various certificate name options
 -*                Any supported digest
 -hash_old         Print old-style (MD5) hash value


# CRL 文件 PEM 格式转换为 DER
OpenSSL> crl -in crl.pem -outform DER -out crl.der
# 输出 DER 格式编码的证书吊销列表的文本
OpenSSL> crl -in crl.der -text -noout

PCKS#12 证书

pkcs12 指令格式:

OpenSSL> pkcs12 -help
Usage: pkcs12 [options]
Valid options are:
 -help               Display this summary
 -nokeys             Don't output private keys
 -keyex              Set MS key exchange type
 -keysig             Set MS key signature type
 -nocerts            Don't output certificates
 -clcerts            Only output client certificates
 -cacerts            Only output CA certificates
 -noout              Don't output anything, just verify
 -info               Print info about PKCS#12 structure
 -chain              Add certificate chain
 -twopass            Separate MAC, encryption passwords
 -nomacver           Don't verify MAC
 -descert            Encrypt output with 3DES (default RC2-40)
 -certpbe val        Certificate PBE algorithm (default RC2-40)
 -export             Output PKCS12 file
 -noiter             Don't use encryption iteration
 -maciter            Use MAC iteration
 -nomaciter          Don't use MAC iteration
 -nomac              Don't generate MAC
 -LMK                Add local machine keyset attribute to private key
 -nodes              Don't encrypt private keys
 -macalg val         Digest algorithm used in MAC (default SHA1)
 -keypbe val         Private key PBE algorithm (default 3DES)
 -rand val           Load the file(s) into the random number generator
 -writerand outfile  Write random data to the specified file
 -inkey val          Private key if not infile
 -certfile infile    Load certs from file
 -name val           Use name as friendly name
 -CSP val            Microsoft CSP name
 -caname val         Use name as CA friendly name (can be repeated)
 -in infile          Input filename
 -out outfile        Output filename
 -passin val         Input file pass phrase source
 -passout val        Output file pass phrase source
 -password val       Set import/export password source
 -CApath dir         PEM-format directory of CA's
 -CAfile infile      PEM-format file of CA's
 -no-CAfile          Do not load the default certificates file
 -no-CApath          Do not load certificates from the default certificates directory
 -*                  Any supported cipher
 -engine val         Use engine, possibly a hardware device


# 生成一个 PKCS#12 证书
OpenSSL> pkcs12 -export -in Mycert.pem -inkey Mykey.pem -out file.p12 -name "MyCert"
# 添加额外证书
OpenSSL> pkcs12 -export -in Mycert.pem -inkey Mykey.pem -out file.p12 -name "MyCert" -certfile Mycert1.pem
# 查看证书结构和信息
OpenSSL> pkcs12 -in file.p12 -info -noout
# 分解证书
OpenSSL> pkcs12 -in file.p12 -out file.pem
# 分解得到客户证书信息
OpenSSL> pkcs12 -in file.p12 -clcerts -out file.pem

PCKS#7 证书

pkcs7 指令格式:

OpenSSL> pkcs7 -help
Usage: pkcs7 [options]
Valid options are:
 -help             Display this summary
 -inform PEM|DER   Input format - DER or PEM
 -in infile        Input file
 -outform PEM|DER  Output format - DER or PEM
 -out outfile      Output file
 -noout            Don't output encoded data
 -text             Print full details of certificates
 -print            Print out all fields of the PKCS7 structure
 -print_certs      Print_certs  print any certs or crl in the input
 -engine val       Use engine, possibly a hardware device


OpenSSL> pkcs7 -in file.pem -outform DER -out file.der
# 输出文件中的所有证书
OpenSSL> pkcs7 -in file.pem -print_certs -out certs.pem



  1. 确认证书内容正确完整,没有被篡改,CA 签名是正确的。
  2. 确认证书有效,在有效期内没有被吊销(证书序列号不在 CRL 中)。
  3. 确认 CA 证书是可被信任的,如果 CA 证书不是根证书,还要继续对 CA 证书进行验证。
  4. 通过与用户交互,基于证书中的公钥和公开密钥算法确认用户身份:
    (2)验证方提前证书中的公钥,并产生一个随机数 Rp,使用该公钥加密随机数得到加密的随机数 Re,并发给被验证方。
    (3)被验证方使用自己的私钥解密 Re 得到 Rep 并返回给验证方。
    (4)验证方对比 Rp 和 Rep,如果一致,则验证通过,否则,验证不通过。

verify 指令介绍


OpenSSL> verify -help
Usage: verify [options] cert.pem...
Valid options are:
 -help                 Display this summary
 -verbose              Print extra information about the operations being performed.
 -CApath dir           A directory of trusted certificates
 -CAfile infile        A file of trusted certificates
 -no-CAfile            Do not load the default certificates file
 -no-CApath            Do not load certificates from the default certificates directory
 -untrusted infile     A file of untrusted certificates
 -trusted infile       A file of trusted certificates
 -CRLfile infile       File containing one or more CRL's (in PEM format) to load
 -crl_download         Attempt to download CRL information for this certificate
 -show_chain           Display information about the certificate chain
 -nameopt val          Various certificate name options
 -policy val           adds policy to the acceptable policy set
 -purpose val          certificate chain purpose
 -verify_name val      verification policy name
 -verify_depth int     chain depth limit
 -auth_level int       chain authentication security level
 -attime intmax        verification epoch time
 -verify_hostname val  expected peer hostname
 -verify_email val     expected peer email
 -verify_ip val        expected peer IP address
 -ignore_critical      permit unhandled critical extensions
 -issuer_checks        (deprecated)
 -crl_check            check leaf certificate revocation
 -crl_check_all        check full chain revocation
 -policy_check         perform rfc5280 policy checks
 -explicit_policy      set policy variable require-explicit-policy
 -inhibit_any          set policy variable inhibit-any-policy
 -inhibit_map          set policy variable inhibit-policy-mapping
 -x509_strict          disable certificate compatibility work-arounds
 -extended_crl         enable extended CRL features
 -use_deltas           use delta CRLs
 -policy_print         print policy processing diagnostics
 -check_ss_sig         check root CA self-signatures
 -trusted_first        search trust store first (default)
 -suiteB_128_only      Suite B 128-bit-only mode
 -suiteB_128           Suite B 128-bit mode allowing 192-bit algorithms
 -suiteB_192           Suite B 192-bit-only mode
 -partial_chain        accept chains anchored by intermediate trust-store CAs
 -no_alt_chains        (deprecated)
 -no_check_time        ignore certificate validity time
 -allow_proxy_certs    allow the use of proxy certificates
 -engine val           Use engine, possibly a hardware device
Recognized usages:
        sslclient       SSL client
        sslserver       SSL server
        nssslserver     Netscape SSL server
        smimesign       S/MIME signing
        smimeencrypt    S/MIME encryption
        crlsign         CRL signing
        any             Any Purpose
        ocsphelper      OCSP helper
        timestampsign   Time Stamp signing
Recognized verify names:


penSSL> verify -CApath C:cacert.pem -verbose cert1.pem -verbose cert1.pem

在线状态服务程序指令 ocsp

OCSP(Online Certificate Status Protocol),在线证书状态协议,用于确定证书状态,比如是否被吊销等。OCSP 响应器通常返回给客户端的状态信息包括三种:良好、吊销和未知。
安全起见,每个 OSCP 信息都必须签名,所有用于必须对每一个回应信息进行验证。在 OpenSSL 的实践中,签名者可以是:被验证证书的 CA、被验证证书的 CA特殊授权的 OCSP 响应器、被信任的 OCSP 响应器。

OpenSSL> ocsp -help
Usage: ocsp [options]
Valid options are:
 -help                   Display this summary
 -out outfile            Output filename
 -timeout +int           Connection timeout (in seconds) to the OCSP responder
 -url val                Responder URL
 -host val               TCP/IP hostname:port to connect to
 -port +int              Port to run responder on
 -ignore_err             Ignore error on OCSP request or response and continue running
 -noverify               Don't verify response at all
 -nonce                  Add OCSP nonce to request
 -no_nonce               Don't add OCSP nonce to request
 -resp_no_certs          Don't include any certificates in response
 -resp_key_id            Identify response by signing certificate key ID
 -no_certs               Don't include any certificates in signed request
 -no_signature_verify    Don't check signature on response
 -no_cert_verify         Don't check signing certificate
 -no_chain               Don't chain verify response
 -no_cert_checks         Don't do additional checks on signing certificate
 -no_explicit            Do not explicitly check the chain, just verify the root
 -trust_other            Don't verify additional certificates
 -no_intern              Don't search certificates contained in response for signer
 -badsig                 Corrupt last byte of loaded OSCP response signature (for test)
 -text                   Print text form of request and response
 -req_text               Print text form of request
 -resp_text              Print text form of response
 -reqin val              File with the DER-encoded request
 -respin val             File with the DER-encoded response
 -signer infile          Certificate to sign OCSP request with
 -VAfile infile          Validator certificates file
 -sign_other infile      Additional certificates to include in signed request
 -verify_other infile    Additional certificates to search for signer
 -CAfile infile          Trusted certificates file
 -CApath infile          Trusted certificates directory
 -no-CAfile              Do not load the default certificates file
 -no-CApath              Do not load certificates from the default certificates directory
 -validity_period ulong  Maximum validity discrepancy in seconds
 -status_age +int        Maximum status age in seconds
 -signkey val            Private key to sign OCSP request with
 -reqout val             Output file for the DER-encoded request
 -respout val            Output file for the DER-encoded response
 -path val               Path to use in OCSP request
 -issuer infile          Issuer certificate
 -cert infile            Certificate to check
 -serial val             Serial number to check
 -index infile           Certificate status index file
 -CA infile              CA certificate
 -nmin +int              Number of minutes before next update
 -nrequest +int          Number of requests to accept (default unlimited)
 -ndays +int             Number of days before next update
 -rsigner infile         Responder certificate to sign responses with
 -rkey infile            Responder key to sign responses with
 -rother infile          Other certificates to include in response
 -rmd val                Digest Algorithm to use in signature of OCSP response
 -rsigopt val            OCSP response signature parameter in n:v form
 -header val             key=value header to add
 -*                      Any supported digest algorithm (sha1,sha256, ... )
 -policy val             adds policy to the acceptable policy set
 -purpose val            certificate chain purpose
 -verify_name val        verification policy name
 -verify_depth int       chain depth limit
 -auth_level int         chain authentication security level
 -attime intmax          verification epoch time
 -verify_hostname val    expected peer hostname
 -verify_email val       expected peer email
 -verify_ip val          expected peer IP address
 -ignore_critical        permit unhandled critical extensions
 -issuer_checks          (deprecated)
 -crl_check              check leaf certificate revocation
 -crl_check_all          check full chain revocation
 -policy_check           perform rfc5280 policy checks
 -explicit_policy        set policy variable require-explicit-policy
 -inhibit_any            set policy variable inhibit-any-policy
 -inhibit_map            set policy variable inhibit-policy-mapping
 -x509_strict            disable certificate compatibility work-arounds
 -extended_crl           enable extended CRL features
 -use_deltas             use delta CRLs
 -policy_print           print policy processing diagnostics
 -check_ss_sig           check root CA self-signatures
 -trusted_first          search trust store first (default)
 -suiteB_128_only        Suite B 128-bit-only mode
 -suiteB_128             Suite B 128-bit mode allowing 192-bit algorithms
 -suiteB_192             Suite B 192-bit-only mode
 -partial_chain          accept chains anchored by intermediate trust-store CAs
 -no_alt_chains          (deprecated)
 -no_check_time          ignore certificate validity time
 -allow_proxy_certs      allow the use of proxy certificates


# 创建一个 ocsp 请求,并把它写入文件
OpenSSL> ocsp -issure issure.pem -cert c1.pem -cert c2.pem -reqout req.der
# 发送一个查询到 OCSP 响应器,保存返回响应到文件中,并以文本格式打印
OpenSSL> ocsp -issure issure.pem -cert c1.pem -cert c2.pem -url http://ocsp.host.com/ -resp_text -respout resp.der
# 读一个 ocsp 响应,并以文本格式打印出来
penSSL> ocsp -respin resp.der -text
# OCSP 服务使用 8888 端口,安装标准 CA 配置并使用独立响应者证书,所有的响应和请求以文本格式写入指定输出文件
OpenSSL> ocsp index index.txt -port 888 -resigner rcert.pem -CA cacert.pem -text -out log.txt
# OCSP 服务使用 8888 端口,安装标准 CA 配置并使用独立响应者证书,但处理一个 OCSP 请求后立即退出
OpenSSL> ocsp index index.txt -port 888 -resigner rcert.pem -CA cacert.pem -nrequest 1
# 从指令行产生一个 OCSP 请求,并实时到 OCSP 服务查询其状态信息
OpenSSL> ocsp index index.txt -resigner rcert.pem -CA cacert.pem -issuer cacert.pem -serial 1


以上就是淡定故事最近收集整理的关于OpenSSL之十三:证书和CA指令证书生命周期证书封装类型证书使用OpenSSL支持的CA指令申请证书建立CACA 操作使用证书验证证书的全部内容,更多相关OpenSSL之十三:证书和CA指令证书生命周期证书封装类型证书使用OpenSSL支持的CA指令申请证书建立CACA内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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