本文整理匯總了Java中javax.swing.JTable.getSelectedRow方法的典型用法代碼示例。如果您正苦於以下問題:Java JTable.getSelectedRow方法的具體用法?Java JTable.getSelectedRow怎麽用?Java JTable.getSelectedRow使用的例子?那麽恭喜您, 這裏精選的方法代碼示例或許可以為您提供幫助。您也可以進一步了解該方法所在類javax.swing.JTable的用法示例。
示例1: actionPerformed
點讚 5
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
JTable jt = (JTable) ae.getSource();
int row = jt.getSelectedRow();
int col = jt.getSelectedColumn();
if ((row != -1) && (col != -1)) {
if (PropUtils.isLoggable(BaseTable.class)) {
PropUtils.log(BaseTable.class, "Starting edit due to key event for row " + row); //NOI18N
jt.editCellAt(row, 1, null);
//Focus will be rerouted to the editor via this call:
示例2: RTable
點讚 3
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
public RTable(Component source, JSONOMapConfig omapConfig, Point point, IJSONRecorder recorder) {
super(source, omapConfig, point, recorder);
JTable table = (JTable) source;
if (table.isEditing()) {
column = table.getEditingColumn();
row = table.getEditingRow();
} else {
if (point != null) {
row = table.rowAtPoint(point);
column = table.columnAtPoint(point);
} else {
row = table.getSelectedRow();
column = table.getSelectedColumn();
if (row == -1 || column == -1) {
row = column = -1;
示例3: rightClick
點讚 3
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
public void rightClick(JTable jtable, java.awt.event.MouseEvent evt ){
try {
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(GuiPrincipale.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
int[] coordinate = coordinateMouse(jtable);
jMenuPrincipale.show(this, coordinate[0]+evt.getX(), coordinate[1]+evt.getY());
int i = jtable.getSelectedRow();
id = Integer.parseInt(jtable.getValueAt(i, 2).toString());
nomePrenotazione = (String) jtable.getValueAt(i, 0);
}catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException s){}
示例4: getEncryptAction
點讚 3
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
private static AbstractAction getEncryptAction(final JTable table) {
return new AbstractAction() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent me) {
try {
int col = table.getSelectedColumn();
int row = table.getSelectedRow();
if (col > -1 && row > -1) {
String data = table.getValueAt(row, col).toString();
table.setValueAt(TMIntegration.encrypt(data), row, col);
} catch (HeadlessException ex) {
.log(Level.SEVERE, ex.getMessage(), ex);
示例5: keyPressed
點讚 2
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
/** Handle the key pressed event and change the focus if a particular
* key combination is pressed. */
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) {
if( e.isShiftDown() ) {
int code = e.getKeyCode();
switch(code) {
// diagram pane
case KeyEvent.VK_F10:
JTable source = (JTable)(e.getSource());
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println( "QBIT : keyPressed called Shift+F10 Down source.isEnabled() returns : " + source.isEnabled() + "n" );
if ( ! source.isEnabled () ) return;
// _inputTablePopupRow = source.getEditingRow();
_inputTablePopupRow = source.getSelectedRow();
_inputTablePopupColumn = source.getEditingColumn();
if (_inputTablePopupColumn == (Criteria_COLUMN-1)) {
if (DEBUG)
System.out.println( "QBIT : keyPressed calledn"
+ " inputTablePopupRow = " + _inputTablePopupRow // NOI18N
+ " inputTablePopupColumn == Criteria_COLUMN " + (_inputTablePopupRow == Criteria_COLUMN ) // NOI18N
+ " inputTablePopupColumn = " + _inputTablePopupColumn ); // NOI18N
// Make sure the row where click occurred is selected.
if (_inputTablePopupRow != -1) {
source.setRowSelectionInterval (_inputTablePopupRow,
_inputTablePopup.show ( source, source.getWidth() / 2,
source.getHeight() / 2 );
示例6: addEmptyRow
點讚 2
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
public void addEmptyRow(JTable jTable){
// --- Get current position in the table model ----
Vector rowSelected = null;
Vector newRow = null;
long currKey = 0L;
long newKey = 0L;
float newValue = 0f;
// --- Get the current or the last row ------------
int modelLineSelected = 0;
int modelLineSelectedNew = 0;
int tableRowSelected = 0;
int tableRowSelectedNew = 0;
tableRowSelected = jTable.getSelectedRow();
if (tableRowSelected==-1 || tableRowSelected>=jTable.getRowCount()) {
tableRowSelected = jTable.getRowCount()-1;
if (tableModelDataVector.size()==0) {
// --- Create new data series -------
DataSeries newSeries = parentDataModel.createNewDataSeries(parentDataModel.getDefaultSeriesLabel());
ValuePair initialValuePair = parentDataModel.createNewValuePair(0L, newValue);
} else {
// --- Get current selection --------
modelLineSelected = jTable.convertRowIndexToModel(tableRowSelected);
rowSelected = tableModelDataVector.get(modelLineSelected);
currKey = (Long) rowSelected.get(tableModelDataVector.getKeyColumnIndex());
// --- Find a new key value ---------
newKey = currKey + 1L;
while (tableModelDataVector.getKeyRowVectorTreeMap().get(newKey)!=null) {
newKey = newKey + 1L;
// --- Find new index position ------
modelLineSelectedNew = tableModelDataVector.size();
for (int i=0; i < tableModelDataVector.size(); i++) {
Vector row = tableModelDataVector.get(i);
long key = (Long) row.get(0);
if (key>newKey) {
modelLineSelectedNew = i;
// --- Add new row data -------------
newRow = new Vector();
for(int i=1; i
try {
this.getChartModel().addOrUpdateValuePair(i-1, newKey, newValue);
this.getOntologyModel().addOrUpdateValuePair(i-1, newKey, newValue);
} catch (NoSuchSeriesException e) {
// --- Add new row to table model ---
tableModelDataVector.add(modelLineSelectedNew, newRow);
fireTableRowsInserted(0, getRowCount()-1);
// --- Set new selection ----------------
tableRowSelectedNew = jTable.convertRowIndexToView(modelLineSelectedNew);
if(tableRowSelectedNew >= 0){
jTable.setRowSelectionInterval(tableRowSelectedNew, tableRowSelectedNew);
jTable.changeSelection(tableRowSelectedNew, 0, false, false);
示例7: move
點讚 2
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
* Moves the current selection according to the direction.
* @param direction the direction to move
public void move(JTable jTable, int direction) {
if (jTable.getSelectedRow()!=-1 && direction!=0) {
int selectedRowTableNew;
int selectedRowModelNew;
int selectedRowTable = jTable.getSelectedRow();
int selectedRowModel = jTable.convertRowIndexToModel(selectedRowTable);
if (!((selectedRowModel==0 && direction<0) || (selectedRowModel==this.tableModelDataVector.size()-1 && direction>0))) {
Vector rowSelected = this.tableModelDataVector.remove(selectedRowModel);
XyValuePair xyValuePair = (XyValuePair) this.getOntologyModel().removeXyValuePair(this.getFocusedSeriesIndex(), selectedRowModel);
if (direction>0) {
// --- move down ------------
selectedRowModelNew = selectedRowTable+1;
this.tableModelDataVector.add(selectedRowModelNew, rowSelected);
this.getOntologyModel().addXyValuePair(this.getFocusedSeriesIndex(), selectedRowModelNew, xyValuePair);
fireTableRowsInserted(selectedRowModel, selectedRowModelNew);
} else {
// --- move up --------------
selectedRowModelNew = selectedRowTable-1;
this.tableModelDataVector.add(selectedRowModelNew, rowSelected);
this.getOntologyModel().addXyValuePair(this.getFocusedSeriesIndex(), selectedRowModelNew, xyValuePair);
fireTableRowsInserted(selectedRowModelNew, selectedRowModel);
selectedRowTableNew = jTable.convertRowIndexToView(selectedRowModelNew);
if(selectedRowTableNew >= 0){
jTable.setRowSelectionInterval(selectedRowTableNew, selectedRowTableNew);
jTable.changeSelection(selectedRowTableNew, 0, false, false);
示例8: updateCellRangeByTableSelection
點讚 2
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
* Uses the current table selection to update the cell range selection.
void updateCellRangeByTableSelection(JTable contentTable) {
int columnIndexStart = contentTable.getSelectedColumn();
int rowIndexStart = contentTable.getSelectedRow();
int columnIndexEnd = columnIndexStart + contentTable.getSelectedColumnCount() - 1;
int rowIndexEnd = rowIndexStart + contentTable.getSelectedRowCount() - 1;
setCellRangeSelection(new CellRangeSelection(columnIndexStart, rowIndexStart, columnIndexEnd, rowIndexEnd));
示例9: right
點讚 2
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
public void right()
TreePath path = directory.getSelectionPath();
if( path == null )
TreeNode2 tmp = (TreeNode2) path.getLastPathComponent();
JTable table = getSelectedTable();
int row = table.getSelectedRow();
table.getModel().setValueAt(tmp.toString(), row, 1);
示例10: actionPerformed
點讚 2
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
if( e.getSource() == left )
JTable table = getSelectedTable();
int row = table.getSelectedRow();
attributeModel.setValueAt("", row, 1);
else if( e.getSource() == right )
示例11: moverowup
點讚 2
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
* Moves the selected nullRoww one nullRoww UP., unless it the first
* nullRoww
* @param table the target tmodel
public static void moverowup(JTable table) {
int sRow = table.getSelectedRow();
if (sRow > 0) {
((DefaultTableModel) table.getModel()).moveRow(sRow, sRow, sRow - 1);
table.getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(sRow - 1, sRow - 1);
示例12: moverowdown
點讚 2
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
* Moves the selected nullRoww one nullRoww DOWN., unless it is the last
* nullRoww
* @param table the target tmodel
public static void moverowdown(JTable table) {
int sRow = table.getSelectedRow();
if (sRow < table.getRowCount() - 1 && sRow >= 0) {
((DefaultTableModel) table.getModel()).moveRow(sRow, sRow, sRow + 1);
table.getSelectionModel().setSelectionInterval(sRow + 1, sRow + 1);
示例13: deleterow
點讚 2
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
* get all selected rows and DELETE one by one from the last.
* @param table the table to DELETE rows
public static void deleterow(JTable table) {
int[] selectedrows = table.getSelectedRows();
for (int row : selectedrows) {
row = table.getSelectedRow();
if (table.getRowSorter() != null) {
row = table.getRowSorter().convertRowIndexToModel(row);
((DefaultTableModel) table.getModel()).removeRow(row);
示例14: addrow
點讚 2
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
* Inserts new row if any row is selected else adds new row at the end
* @param table
public static void addrow(JTable table) {
int rowindex = table.getRowCount();
if (table.getSelectedRow() > -1) {
((DefaultTableModel) table.getModel()).addRow(nullRow);
((DefaultTableModel) table.getModel()).moveRow(table.getRowCount() - 1, table.getRowCount() - 1, table.getSelectedRow());
rowindex = table.getSelectedRow();
} else {
((DefaultTableModel) table.getModel()).addRow(nullRow);
table.scrollRectToVisible(new Rectangle(table.getCellRect(rowindex, 0, true)));
示例15: mousePressed
點讚 2
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
Object s = e.getSource();
if (s instanceof JTable) {
JTable t = (JTable) s;
int x = t.getSelectedRow();
int y = t.getSelectedColumn();
if (x != -1 && y != -1) {
Object d = Objects.toString(t.getModel().getValueAt(x, y), "");
startLocation = new Cell(x, y, d);
示例16: importData
點讚 2
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
public boolean importData(TransferHandler.TransferSupport support)
Run newdata[][] = (Run[][])support.getTransferable().getTransferData(flavor);
JTable target = (JTable)support.getComponent();
int dr,dc;
if (!support.isDrop())
/* Set the data */
dr = target.getSelectedRow();
dc = target.getSelectedColumn();
for (int ii = 0; ii < newdata.length; ii++)
for (int jj = 0; jj < newdata[0].length; jj++)
target.setValueAt((newdata[ii][jj]).clone(), dr+ii, dc+jj);
return true;
catch (UnsupportedFlavorException ufe) { log.warning("Sorry, you pasted data I don't work with"); }
catch (IOException ioe) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "I/O Error during paste:{0}", ioe.getMessage()); }
catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "General error during paste:{0}", e.getMessage()); }
return false;
示例17: mouseClicked
點讚 2
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) {
JTableHeader h = (JTableHeader) e.getSource();
JTable table = h.getTable();
int selectedRow = table.getSelectedRow();
TableModel model = table.getModel();
//remember selection to keep after sorting
Object selectedAction=null;
int objectColumn=-1;
if(selectedRow>-1) {
for(int i=0; i
//first find colum with appropriate object
if(model.getValueAt(selectedRow, i) instanceof ActionHolder) {
//remember this object
selectedAction=model.getValueAt(selectedRow, i);
//stop edition as we click somewhere ouside of editor
TableCellEditor editor=table.getCellEditor();
if(editor!=null) {
TableColumnModel columnModel = h.getColumnModel();
int viewColumn = columnModel.getColumnIndexAtX(e.getX());
int column = columnModel.getColumn(viewColumn).getModelIndex();
if (column != -1) {
int status = getSortingStatus(column);
if (!e.isControlDown()) {
// Cycle the sorting states through {NOT_SORTED, ASCENDING, DESCENDING} or
// {NOT_SORTED, DESCENDING, ASCENDING} depending on whether shift is pressed.
status = status + (e.isShiftDown() ? -1 : 1);
status = (status + 4) % 3 - 1; // signed mod, returning {-1, 0, 1}
setSortingStatus(column, status);
//reselect the same object
if(selectedAction!=null)setSelectedRow(table, selectedAction, objectColumn);
示例18: removeRow
點讚 2
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
public void removeRow(JTable jTable){
int colIndexTable = jTable.getSelectedColumn();
int rowIndexTable = jTable.getSelectedRow();
int rowIndexModel = 0;
int rowIndexTableNew = 0;
int rowIndexModelNew = 0;
// --- Stop editing -----------------
// ---- Last row of data series? ----
try {
} catch (NoSuchSeriesException e1) {
// This cannot happen, as there where clause prevents empty models
rowIndexModelNew = -1;
rowIndexTableNew = -1;
if ((rowIndexTable+1) > jTable.getRowCount()) {
rowIndexTable = jTable.getRowCount() - 1;
Number key = (Number) jTable.getValueAt(rowIndexTable, 0);
rowIndexModel = jTable.convertRowIndexToModel(rowIndexTable);
rowIndexModelNew = rowIndexModel;
if (rowIndexModelNew>=jTable.getRowCount()) {
rowIndexModelNew = jTable.getRowCount()-1;
rowIndexTableNew = jTable.convertRowIndexToView(rowIndexModelNew);
// --- Set new selection ------------
} else {
jTable.setRowSelectionInterval(rowIndexTableNew, rowIndexTableNew);
jTable.changeSelection(rowIndexTableNew, colIndexTable, false, false);
示例19: addEmptyRowatEnd
點讚 2
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
* if the selected row is last row then add an empty row at the end
* @param table the tmodel to add new empty row
static void addEmptyRowatEnd(JTable table) {
if ((table.getRowCount() - 1) == table.getSelectedRow()) {
((DefaultTableModel) table.getModel()).addRow(nullRow);
示例20: datosFilaSeleccionada
點讚 1
import javax.swing.JTable; //導入方法依賴的package包/類
public void datosFilaSeleccionada(JTable datostabla,DefaultTableModel modelo, String fecha, String apelDoctor)
//el "JTable" es para recibir la tabla ya con los datos
//Usando la variable que contiene LA TABLA CON LOS DATOS INTRODUCIDOS "datostabla"
int seleccion = datostabla.getSelectedRow(); //para saber si hay o no una seleccion en la tabla
String apelPaciente; //para guardar el codigo de la seleccion
int horaCita;//para guardar el nombre del curso de la seleccion
if(seleccion == -1)//si no se a seleccionado ninguna fila
//la variable "seleccion" varia en base a la fila seleccionada
//tomando cada fila con valores como un vector, iniciando desde "0"
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "ERROR: no se ha seleccionado ninguna fila para eliminar");
apelPaciente = (String) datostabla.getValueAt(seleccion, 1); //guardamos el apellido de la fila seleccionada
//en una variable string
horaCita = (int) datostabla.getValueAt(seleccion, 3); //guardamos la hora de la fila seleccionada
//en una variable string
//Usando la VARIABLE TIPO TABLA "modelo"
modelo.removeRow(seleccion); //utilizamos el modelo de la tabla para eliminar la fila SOLO VISUALMENTE
//------------------PARA REALIZAR LA ELIMINACION EN EL ARCHIVO-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
EliminarCita(apelPaciente, apelDoctor, fecha, horaCita); //enviamos el modelo que recibimos y el codigo que ya sustraimos de la selecion
以上就是鲜艳电话最近收集整理的关于java getselectedrow_Java JTable.getSelectedRow方法代碼示例的全部内容,更多相关java内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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