谓词下推 Predicate Pushdown(PPD)
PPD 配置
- Default Value: true
- Added In: Hive 0.4.0
- Preserved Row table
The table in an Outer Join that must return all rows.
For left outer joins this is the Left table, for right outer joins it is the Right table, and for full outer joins both tables are Preserved Row tables.
- Null Supplying table
This is the table that has nulls filled in for its columns in unmatched rows.
In the non-full outer join case, this is the other table in the Join. For full outer joins both tables are also Null Supplying tables.
- During Join predicate
A predicate that is in the JOIN ON clause.
For example, in ‘R1 join R2 on R1.x = 5’ the predicate ‘R1.x = 5’ is a During Join predicate.
- After Join predicate
A predicate that is in the WHERE clause.
- During Join predicates cannot be pushed past Preserved Row tables.
- After Join predicates cannot be pushed past Null Supplying tables.
- | Preserved Row tables | Null Supplying tables |
Join Predicate | Case J1: Not Pushed | Case J2: Pushed |
Where Predicate | Case W1: Pushed | Case W2: Not Pushed |
Not Push
Pushed or Not | SQL |
Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E join D on ( E.dept_id = D.dept_id and E.eid='HZ001') ; |
Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E join D on E.dept_id = D.dept_id where E.eid='HZ001' ; |
Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E join D on ( E.dept_id = D.dept_id and D.dept_id='D001') ; |
Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E join D on E.dept_id = D.dept_id where D.dept_id='D001' ; |
Not Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E left outer join D on ( E.dept_id = D.dept_id and E.eid='HZ001') ; |
Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E left outer join D on E.dept_id = D.dept_id where E.eid='HZ001' ; |
Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E left outer join D on ( E.dept_id = D.dept_id and D.dept_id='D001') ; |
Not Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E left outer join D on E.dept_id = D.dept_id where D.dept_id='D001' ; |
Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E right outer join D on ( E.dept_id = D.dept_id and E.eid='HZ001') ; |
Not Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E right outer join D on E.dept_id = D.dept_id where E.eid='HZ001' ; |
Not Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E right outer join D on ( E.dept_id = D.dept_id and D.dept_id='D001') ; |
Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E right outer join D on E.dept_id = D.dept_id where D.dept_id='D001' ; |
Not Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E full outer join D on ( E.dept_id = D.dept_id and E.eid='HZ001') ; |
Not Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E full outer join D on E.dept_id = D.dept_id where E.eid='HZ001' ; |
Not Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E full outer join D on ( E.dept_id = D.dept_id and D.dept_id='D001') ; |
Not Pushed | select ename,dept_name from E full outer join D on E.dept_id = D.dept_id where D.dept_id='D001' ; |
Join(inner join) | Left Outer Join | Right Outer Join | Full Outer Join | |||||
Left Table | Right Table | Left Table | Right Table | Left Table | Right Table | Left Table | Right Table | |
Join Predicate | Pushed | Pushed | Not Pushed | Pushed | Pushed | Not Pushed | Not Pushed | Not Pushed |
Where Predicate | Pushed | Pushed | Pushed | Not Pushed | Not Pushed | Pushed | Not Pushed | Not Pushed |
1、对于Join(Inner Join)、Full outer Join,条件写在on后面,还是where后面,性能上面没有区别;
2、对于Left outer Join ,右侧的表写在on后面、左侧的表写在where后面,性能上有提高;
3、对于Right outer Join,左侧的表写在on后面、右侧的表写在where后面,性能上有提高;
SQL | 过滤时机 |
select ename,dept_name from E left outer join D on ( E.dept_id = D.dept_id and E.eid='HZ001' and D.dept_id = 'D001'); | dept_id在map端过滤,eid在reduce端过滤 |
select ename,dept_name from E left outer join D on ( E.dept_id = D.dept_id and D.dept_id = 'D001') where E.eid='HZ001'; | dept_id,eid都在map端过滤 |
select ename,dept_name from E left outer join D on ( E.dept_id = D.dept_id and E.eid='HZ001') where D.dept_id = 'D001'; | dept_id,eid都在reduce端过滤 |
select ename,dept_name from E left outer join D on ( E.dept_id = D.dept_id ) where E.eid='HZ001' and D.dept_id = 'D001'; | dept_id在reduce端过滤,eid在map端过滤 |
select a.*
from a join b on a.id = b.id
where a.ds = '2019-10-09' and a.create_time = unix_timestamp();
[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/OuterJoinBehavior
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