我是靠谱客的博主 冷艳故事,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Validate Mysql Database BackupBackgroundValidation After Migrationinformation_schema table12Reference,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



  • Background
  • Validation After Migration
  • `information_schema table`[^1][^2]
  • Reference

中文摘要:2017年11月的事情。一开始的风险预警系统在从某部委事业单位借来的破电脑 thinkcenter M8500t-N000上。硬盘快满了,导入数据的时候硬盘数据溢出,崩溃,只好把所有数据(不到200G)都备份到新服务器上。备份完成后,发现破电脑DB1上的数据条数与新服务器DB2上的数据条数不一致,于是开始定位哪些表备份出现了错误。
关键词:INFORMATION_SCHEMA, concat, source


It’s always troublesome when starting from scratch, especially when you plan to build some projects that involve some technological requirements. When I took this risk alert system 1.0, I can hardly believe how messy it is, including the machine this system is running on, which is lenovo thinkcenter M8500t-N000, a very crude PC as the server. I can vaguely recall that it has a RAM about 2G, with 3 other 2G RAM sticks overall as suppliments. There’s also a problem in the connection between the monitor and housing, causing the computer screen color being wierd.
The most awkward situation is that the hard disk is soon being full, it has 1 TB space, 30-50G left spare. Usually my monthly routine is that I extract one month data package (in the form of sql), output their file names into another sql file, then import all the data into the server.

First, output all the sql file names in the zipped package into one sql file so that you can source them into the serer as a whole. Use dir command( ref the DOS doc to figure out its usage), choose the appropriate path as you want,

dir >E:MarDataexport.sql

Open export.sql, add key words “source + directory(where you store all the data file that is in the form of sql)” at the beginning of each line, then add command suffix at the end (which is ; in the case of mysql, ultraedit and notepad++ are recommended),then start up the Microsoft terminal services client, log onto the server, and execute codes below, to load the item-by-item data into the server:

mysql -uroot -p*****
use <the database name>;
tee E:/MarLog.txt;
source E:/MarData/import.sql;

Note that <> stands for a place holder.
You’d better be able to tell the difference between and /, or there would be errors like:

unknown command ‘M’、unknown command ‘b’

The process lasts about 5 hours to 2 days, depending on the data size. Errors may step into the process, like:

Error 1062 <23000> duplicate entry ‘20117321for keyPRIMARY’
Error 1064 <20000> row column doesn’t match

I omit them due to lacking time to deal with it.
When it’s done, check to ensure if the latest data in the month has been inserted successfully:

from <table name>
order by BID_TIME_DATE desc
limit 10;
from <table name>
order by SUCCESS_TIME_DATE desc
limit 10;

One way is to see the consecutivity of BID_TIME_DATE and SUCCESS_TIME_DATE.
When I insert data in April 2017, error occurs:

Error1114 08171016 bid_record_*** is full.

And only 700 KB space was left. Definitely it’s time to migrate data to a real server. For space limitation, I skip backup and restore process.

Validation After Migration

A natural way is to check whether the number of records corresponds to the original database (we’ll call it DB1).

DBNum of records

So this means we have to inspect into every table to see specifically which table has problems when being backed up. And I tried these:

use information_schema;
select table_name,table_rows
from tables
where TABLE_SCHEMA = '<DB name>'
order by table_rows desc
into outfile '/comparison.xls';

In comparison.xls, there are foughly 11000 tables, 7000 of which is the same in DB1 and DB2 regarding number of rows. I sampled a table in the rest of the 4000 tables, use

select count(*) from DB1.table1;
select count(*) from DB2.table1;

and wierd things happen, these two tables have the same number of records! Apparently there’s some difference in the operating mechanism between select count(*) and select……from information_schema. The reason is that information_schema.tables.table_rows is merely an approximate value for InnoDB tables. See MySQL获取数据库每个表的行数 for more information.
So I’m gonna use count(*) to check in a more accurate manner. But for over 10000 tables, looks like I have to write a loop in a sql Stored Routines(eg. functions and procedures) like below:

CREATE FUNCTION functionName(param1 VARCHAR(256))
/*A lot of blocks of codes*/

but the following is a more friendly path for new comers,

use information_schema;
select concat(
'select "', TABLE_name, '", count(*) from',
' union all'
from tables
where TABLE_SCHEMA=<DB name>
order by table_rows desc
into outfile/comparison_1.txt’;

Thanks to this article mysql中查看数据库中所有表的记录数. The select concat... will generate a bunch of codes looking like:

select "bid_record_***",count(*) from DB1.bid_record_*** union all
select "bid_record_***",count(*) from DB1.bid_record_*** union all
select "bid_record_***",count(*) from DB1.bid_record_***

When you try to use select concat... above, do pay very close attention to those single quotes and double quotes mixing with the commas, for it can be very confusing. select concat... generate a txt over 10000 rows, with a RAM less than 8GB, we’d better use source to execute this, and partition it into several parts then put them into execution in case the RAM is not big enough. At last, I combined these excels’ outcome, named as count_all_DB1.xls, then do the same thing on the new server, we would get count_all_DB2.xls, then combine these two excels, and we can analyze which table’s backup is in trouble.

information_schema table12

At the end of this article, I’d like to share some knowledge on information_schema table.
The SHOW commands are more common in daily sql tasks for most beginers. However, they do not conform to the SQL:2003 standard.
MySQL 5.0 comes to the rescue with INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables. Using SELECT along with INFORMATION_SCHEMA,
you can retrieve metadata from these tables about databases, tables, columns, and so on. INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables return considerably more information than SHOW commands. MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual CH24 offers detail discussion, including every table in INFORMATION_SCHEMA database.


  1. Michael Kofler, The definitive guide to MySQL 5, Apress (2005) ↩︎

  2. MySQL 5.7 Reference Manual ↩︎


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