- C is a low-level language. low-level is also known as machine
level language. - gdb on MAC M1 gdb is not support, but you can use lldb.
- strings stored as character array
- null-terminated (last character in array is ‘ ’ null) not writen explicitly in string
Problem 1.1
a. What do curly braces denote in C? Why does it make sense to use curly braces to surround the body of a function?
- curly brances define the region of code block.
b. Describe the difference between the literal values 7, “7”, and ’7’.
- 7 is a int type.
- “7” is a string. it is ‘7’ plus ‘ ’
- ‘7’ is a char.
c. Consider the statement
double ans = 10.0+2.0/3.0−2.0∗2.0;
Rewrite this statement, inserting parentheses to ensure that ans = 11.0 upon evaluation of
this statement.
- double ans = 10.0+2.0/((3.0−2.0)∗2.0);
Problem 1.2
Consider the statement
double ans = 18.0/squared(2+1);
For each of the four versions of the function macro squared() below, write the corresponding value of ans.
- #define squared(x) x*x
- #define squared(x) (x*x)
- #define squared(x) (x)*(x)
- #define squared(x) ((x)*(x))
ans1 = 18.0/2+1*2+1 = 9.0+3 = 12.0
ans2 = 18.0/(2+1*2+1) = 18.0/5 = 3.6
ans3 = 18.0/(2+1)*(2+1) = 18.0
ans4 = 18.0/((2+1)*(2+1)) = 18.0/9 = 2.0
Problem 1.3
Write the “Hello, 6.087 students” program described in lecture in your favorite text editor and compile and execute it. Turn in a printout or screen shot showing
• the command used to compile your program
• the command used to execute your program (using gdb) • the output of your program
~/D/C/M/lecture1 [2]> lldb p1-3.o
(lldb) target create "p1-3.o"
Current executable set to '/Users/dudu/Documents/C_Programming/MIT_6087/lecture1/p1-3.o' (arm64).
(lldb) r
Process 869 launched: '/Users/dudu/Documents/C_Programming/MIT_6087/lecture1/p1-3.o' (arm64)
Hello, 6.087 studentsProcess 869 exited with status = 0 (0x00000000)
Problem 1.4
The following lines of code, when arranged in the proper sequence, output the simple message “All your base are belong to us.”
- return 0;
- const char msg[] = MSG1;
- }
- #define MSG1 “All your base are belong to us!”
- int main(void) {
- #include <stdio.h>
- puts(msg);
Write out the proper arrangement (line numbers are sufficient) of this code.
Problem 1.5
For each of the following statements, explain why it is not correct, and fix it.
(a) #include <stdio.h>;
(b) int function(void arg1) {
return arg1-1;
© #define MESSAGE = “Happy new year!” puts(MESSAGE);
-a no ‘;’
-b the return type of function shall be int but not viod
-c no ‘=’
以上就是传统板凳最近收集整理的关于Lecture 1 - Introduction. Writing, compiling, and debugging C programs. Hello world.的全部内容,更多相关Lecture内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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