本文主要介绍如何构建新浪微博客户端。以网上流传weiboSina源码为例介绍,其下载地址为: http://download.csdn.net/detail/ryzhanglu/3453875。
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- <!-- 注册 授权登录Activity -->
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说说关于OAuth授权认证的事情,新浪开放api都必须在这个基础上才能调用,所以有必要专门来讲讲,前面的文章中已经提到过关于新浪微博提供了OAuth和Base OAuth两种认证方式,并且本项目采用OAuth认证方式,至于为什么采用这个OAuth认证而不采用Base OAuth认证原因很简单,自从Twitter只支持OAuth认证方式以来,各大应用都纷纷转向OAuth认证方式,而新浪微博的开放平台也将在近日停止Base OAuth的认证方式。
第一组:(App Key和App Secret),这组参数就是本系列文本第一篇提到的建一个新的应用获取App Key和App Secret。
第二组:(Request Token和Request Secret)
第四组:(user_id、Access Token和Access Secret)
新浪微博的OAuth认证过程,当用户第一次使用本客户端软件时,客户端程序用第一组作为参数向新浪微博发起请求,然后新浪微博经过验证后返回第二组参数给客户端软件同时表示新浪微博信任本客户端软件,当客户端软件获取第二组参数时作为参数引导用户浏览器跳至新浪微博的授权页面,然后用户在新浪的这个授权页面里输入自己的微博账号和密码进行授权,完成授权后根据客户端设定的回调地址把第三组参数返回给客户端软件并表示用户也信任本客户端软件,接下客户端软件把第二组参数和第三组参数作为参数再次向新浪微博发起请求,然后新浪微博返回第四组参数给客户端软件,第四组参数需要好好的保存起来这个就是用来代替用户的新浪账号和密码用的,在后面调用api时都需要。从这个过程来看用户只是在新浪微博的认证网页输入过账户和密码并没有在客户端软件里输入过账户和密码,客户端软件只保存了第四组数据并没有保存用户的账户和密码,这样有效的避免了账户和密码透露给新浪微博之外的第三方应用程序,保证 了安全性。
- public class OAuth {
- private CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer httpOauthConsumer;
- private OAuthProvider httpOauthprovider;
- public String consumerKey;
- public String consumerSecret;
- public OAuth()
- {
- // 第一组:(App Key和App Secret)
- // 这组参数就是本系列文本第一篇提到的建一个新的应用获取App Key和App Secret。
- this("3315495489","e2731e7grf592c0fd7fea32406f86e1b");
- }
- public OAuth(String consumerKey,String consumerSecret)
- {
- this.consumerKey=consumerKey;
- this.consumerSecret=consumerSecret;
- }
- public Boolean RequestAccessToken(Activity activity,String callBackUrl){
- Boolean ret=false;
- try{
- httpOauthConsumer = new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer(consumerKey,consumerSecret);
- httpOauthprovider = new DefaultOAuthProvider("http://api.t.sina.com.cn/oauth/request_token","http://api.t.sina.com.cn/oauth/access_token","http://api.t.sina.com.cn/oauth/authorize");
- String authUrl = httpOauthprovider.retrieveRequestToken(httpOauthConsumer, callBackUrl);
- activity.startActivity(new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(authUrl)));
- ret=true;
- }catch(Exception e){
- }
- return ret;
- }
- public UserInfo GetAccessToken(Intent intent){
- UserInfo user=null;
- Uri uri = intent.getData();
- String verifier = uri.getQueryParameter(oauth.signpost.OAuth.OAUTH_VERIFIER);
- try {
- httpOauthprovider.setOAuth10a(true);
- httpOauthprovider.retrieveAccessToken(httpOauthConsumer,verifier);
- } catch (OAuthMessageSignerException ex) {
- ex.printStackTrace();
- } catch (OAuthNotAuthorizedException ex) {
- ex.printStackTrace();
- } catch (OAuthExpectationFailedException ex) {
- ex.printStackTrace();
- } catch (OAuthCommunicationException ex) {
- ex.printStackTrace();
- }
- SortedSet<String> user_id= httpOauthprovider.getResponseParameters().get("user_id");
- String userId=user_id.first();
- String userKey = httpOauthConsumer.getToken();
- String userSecret = httpOauthConsumer.getTokenSecret();
- user=new UserInfo();
- user.setUserId(userId);
- user.setToken(userKey);
- user.setTokenSecret(userSecret);
- return user;
- }
- public HttpResponse SignRequest(String token,String tokenSecret,String url,List params)
- {
- HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
- //HttpClient httpClient = null;
- try{
- post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params,HTTP.UTF_8));
- } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- //关闭Expect:100-Continue握手
- //100-Continue握手需谨慎使用,因为遇到不支持HTTP/1.1协议的服务器或者代理时会引起问题
- post.getParams().setBooleanParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE, false);
- return SignRequest(token,tokenSecret,post);
- }
- public HttpResponse SignRequest(String token,String tokenSecret,HttpPost post){
- httpOauthConsumer = new CommonsHttpOAuthConsumer(consumerKey,consumerSecret);
- httpOauthConsumer.setTokenWithSecret(token,tokenSecret);
- HttpResponse response = null;
- try {
- httpOauthConsumer.sign(post);
- } catch (OAuthMessageSignerException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (OAuthExpectationFailedException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (OAuthCommunicationException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- //取得HTTP response
- try {
- response = new DefaultHttpClient().execute(post);
- } catch (ClientProtocolException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- return response;
- }
- }
- public class AuthorizeActivity extends Activity {
- private Dialog dialog;
- private OAuth auth;
- private static final String CallBackUrl = "myapp://AuthorizeActivity";
- @Override
- protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
- super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
- setContentView(R.layout.authorize);
- View diaView=View.inflate(this, R.layout.dialog, null);
- dialog = new Dialog(AuthorizeActivity.this,R.style.dialog);
- dialog.setContentView(diaView);
- dialog.show();
- ImageButton stratBtn=(ImageButton)diaView.findViewById(R.id.btn_start);
- stratBtn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener(){
- public void onClick(View arg0) {
- auth=new OAuth("30632531","f539cb169860ed99cf8c1861c5da34f6");
- auth.RequestAccessToken(AuthorizeActivity.this, CallBackUrl);
- }
- });
- }
- @Override
- protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
- super.onNewIntent(intent);
- //在这里处理获取返回的oauth_verifier参数
- UserInfo user= auth.GetAccessToken(intent);
- if(user!=null){
- DataHelper helper=new DataHelper(this);
- String uid=user.getUserId();
- if(helper.HaveUserInfo(uid))
- {
- helper.UpdateUserInfo(user);
- Log.e("UserInfo", "update");
- }else
- {
- helper.SaveUserInfo(user);
- Log.e("UserInfo", "add");
- }
- }
- }
- }
在IntentActivity中重写下列方法:onCreate onStart onRestart onResume onPause onStop onDestroy onNewIntent
I/@@@philn(12410): onCreate
I/@@@philn(12410): onStart
I/@@@philn(12410): onResume
Uri uri = Uri.parse("philn://blog.163.com");
Intent it = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, uri);
- <activity android:name="cn.com.hh.view.AuthorizeActivity" android:launchMode="singleTask">
- <intent-filter>
- <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
- <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
- <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
- <data android:scheme="myapp" android:host="AuthorizeActivity" />
- </intent-filter>
- </activity>
I/@@@philn(12410): onPause
I/@@@philn(12410): onStop 状态的话
I/@@@philn(12410): onNewIntent
I/@@@philn(12410): onRestart
I/@@@philn(12410): onStart
I/@@@philn(12410): onResume
- <activity android:label="@string/app_name" android:launchmode="singleTask"android:name="Activity1">
- </activity>
- protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
- super.onNewIntent(intent);
- setIntent(intent);//must store the new intent unless getIntent() will return the old one
- processExtraData();
- }
- public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
- super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
- setContentView(R.layout.main);
- processExtraData();
- }
- protected void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
- super.onNewIntent(intent);
- setIntent(intent);//must store the new intent unless getIntent() will return the old one
- processExtraData()
- }
- private void processExtraData(){
- Intent intent = getIntent();
- //use the data received here
- }
- private void loadList(){
- if(ConfigHelper.nowUser==null)
- {
- }
- else
- {
- user=ConfigHelper.nowUser;
- //显示当前用户名称
- TextView showName=(TextView)findViewById(R.id.showName);
- showName.setText(user.getUserName());
- OAuth auth=new OAuth();
- String url = "http://api.t.sina.com.cn/statuses/friends_timeline.json";
- // String url = "http://api.t.sina.com.cn/statuses/public_timeline.json";
- List<BasicNameValuePair> params=new ArrayList<BasicNameValuePair>();
- params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("source", auth.consumerKey));
- HttpResponse response = auth.SignRequest(user.getToken(), user.getTokenSecret(), url, params);
- if (200 == response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()){
- try {
- InputStream is = response.getEntity().getContent();
- Reader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is), 4000);
- StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder((int) response.getEntity().getContentLength());
- try {
- char[] tmp = new char[1024];
- int l;
- while ((l = reader.read(tmp)) != -1) {
- buffer.append(tmp, 0, l);
- }
- } finally {
- reader.close();
- }
- String string = buffer.toString();
- //Log.e("json", "rs:" + string);
- ((org.apache.http.HttpResponse) response).getEntity().consumeContent();
- JSONArray data=new JSONArray(string);
- for(int i=0;i<data.length();i++)
- {
- JSONObject d=data.getJSONObject(i);
- //Log.e("json", "rs:" + d.getString("created_at"));
- if(d!=null){
- JSONObject u=d.getJSONObject("user");
- if(d.has("retweeted_status")){
- JSONObject r=d.getJSONObject("retweeted_status");
- }
- //微博id
- String id=d.getString("id");
- String userId=u.getString("id");
- String userName=u.getString("screen_name");
- String userIcon=u.getString("profile_image_url");
- // Log.e("userIcon", userIcon);
- String time=d.getString("created_at");
- String text=d.getString("text");
- Boolean haveImg=false;
- if(d.has("thumbnail_pic")){
- haveImg=true;
- //String thumbnail_pic=d.getString("thumbnail_pic");
- //Log.e("thumbnail_pic", thumbnail_pic);
- }
- Date startDate=new Date(time);
- Date nowDate = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
- time=new DateUtilsDef().twoDateDistance(startDate,nowDate);
- if(wbList==null){
- wbList=new ArrayList<WeiBoInfo>();
- }
- WeiBoInfo w=new WeiBoInfo();
- w.setId(id);
- w.setUserId(userId);
- w.setUserName(userName);
- w.setTime(time +" 前");
- w.setText(text);
- w.setHaveImage(haveImg);
- w.setUserIcon(userIcon);
- wbList.add(w);
- }
- }
- }catch (IllegalStateException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (JSONException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- if(wbList!=null)
- {
- WeiBoAdapater adapater = new WeiBoAdapater();
- ListView Msglist=(ListView)findViewById(R.id.Msglist);
- Msglist.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener(){
- public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> arg0, View view,int arg2, long arg3) {
- Object obj=view.getTag();
- if(obj!=null){
- String id=obj.toString();
- Intent intent = new Intent(HomeActivity.this,ViewActivity.class);
- Bundle b=new Bundle();
- b.putString("key", id);
- intent.putExtras(b);
- startActivity(intent);
- }
- }
- });
- Msglist.setAdapter(adapater);
- }
- }
- loadingLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE);
- }
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