我是靠谱客的博主 跳跃洋葱,这篇文章主要介绍Slicer/DCVS simulation - metastability 动态比较器的亚稳态仿真,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


1, Dynamic latch comparator (slicer), rather than the traditional continuous time comparator, uses the "metastability" instead of "gain" or "bandwidth" to characterize the circuit design. [1]


2, To simulate the metastability, apply a small voltage (~10uV) to the slicer input, then toggle the clk to let the slicer sense. Then the output voltage waveform is monitored and the time for the waveform to change from latching node Vx=V1=1x to Vx=V2=2.718x(the constant 'e') is measured. (Vx=1x, e.g., Vx=10uV as an arbitrary small voltage, any small voltage is OK)


3, The time from Vx=1x to Vx=2.718x is labeled as tm. tm is a method to characterize the regeneration time constant of the slicer.


From the time constant, the error probability (bit error rate) of the slicer can be figured out by following formula:


Perror = (2 * VL) * exp(-T / tm) / ( AUL * Q)  ["Comparator Metastability Analysis", William Evans, Eric Naviasky, Hao Tang...]

of which,

VL is the minimum valid logic level the comparator must generate in Volts, e.g: 0.8vdd = 0.96V for vdd=1.2V (doubts...??minimum CMOS voltage?) VL是电路工作所需要的最小逻辑电平

AUL is the comparator's unlatched gain in V/V, for a strong arm latch without pre-amp, AUL=1

对于strong arm的slicer,认为AUL=1

Q is the quantum size at the slicer input in Volts. For a 10bit ADC, Q=(vrefp-vrefn)/1024 = 0.8V/1024 = 780uV Q是ADC一个code step对应的电压大小,寓意slicer所能看到的最小输入电压;对于NRZ的rx,我觉得应该可以类比为1bit的ADC,Q应该是评估出的slicer输入端看到的最小眼高,如果带eye monitor,那么应该是eye monitor的最小step;Q的绝对值应该不是那么重要,主要看相对值

T is the max time for slicer to make a decision in seconds. -> half tck used to trigger slicer.


4, Use pss (periodic steady state) analysis to simulate mestability of slicer. The Spectre RF shooting newton (pss) engine is the primary analysis  used to characterize the dynamic comparator by obtain the periodic steady-state operating points (就类似连续电路里的DC分析).  In addition from the periodic steady state, the circuit can be linearized and small signal analysis performed. The periodic steady state small-signal analysis is used for other comparator measurements, for example, noise. Shooting Newton analysis for the dynamic comparator uses the frequencies defined in the sources in the test bench. Transient noise can also be used for simulating comparator metastability.

Metastability is more like a  parameter of bandwidth -> gain vs frequency. So, spec gives a metastability, calculation/simulation yields a curve of metastabiliby vs. design size(gain, speed) and parasitic cap.

[1] Cadence 2014 ADC Verification Workshop


以上就是跳跃洋葱最近收集整理的关于Slicer/DCVS simulation - metastability 动态比较器的亚稳态仿真的全部内容,更多相关Slicer/DCVS内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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