我是靠谱客的博主 认真雨,这篇文章主要介绍linux系统编程之管道(二):管道读写规则和Pipe Capacity、PIPE_BUF,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


O_NONBLOCK disable:read调用阻塞,即进程暂停执行,一直等到有数据来到为止。

O_NONBLOCK enable:read调用返回-1,errno值为EAGAIN。


    > File Name: process_.c
    > Author: Simba
    > Mail: dameng34@163.com
    > Created Time: Sat 23 Feb 2013 02:34:02 PM CST
#define ERR_EXIT(m) 
    do { 
    } while(0)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int pipefd[2];
    if (pipe(pipefd) == -1)
        ERR_EXIT("pipe error");
    pid_t pid;
    pid = fork();
    if (pid == -1)
        ERR_EXIT("fork error");
    if (pid == 0)
        write(pipefd[1], "hello", 5);
    char buf[10] = {0};
    int flags = fcntl(pipefd[0], F_GETFL);
    fcntl(pipefd[0], F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); //enable fd的O_NONBLOCK
    int ret = read(pipefd[0], buf, 10); //默认是disable fd的O_NONBLOCK
    if (ret == -1) // 父进程不会阻塞,出错返回
        ERR_EXIT("read error");
    printf("buf=%sn", buf);
    return 0;


simba@ubuntu:~/Documents/code/linux_programming/APUE/pipe$ ./pipe_block 
read error: Resource temporarily unavailable

O_NONBLOCK disable: write调用阻塞,直到有进程读走数据
O_NONBLOCK enable:调用返回-1,errno值为EAGAIN

管道是一块内存缓冲区,可以写个小程序测试一下管道的容量Pipe Capacity:

    > File Name: process_.c
    > Author: Simba
    > Mail: dameng34@163.com
    > Created Time: Sat 23 Feb 2013 02:34:02 PM CST
#define ERR_EXIT(m) 
    do { 
    } while(0)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int pipefd[2];
    if (pipe(pipefd) == -1)
        ERR_EXIT("pipe error");
    int ret;
    int count = 0;
    int flags = fcntl(pipefd[1], F_GETFL);
    fcntl(pipefd[1], F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); // 设置为非阻塞
    while (1)
        ret = write(pipefd[1], "A", 1);
        if (ret == -1)
            printf("err=%sn", strerror(errno));
    printf("count=%dn", count); //管道容量
    return 0;

simba@ubuntu:~/Documents/code/linux_programming/APUE/pipe$ ./pipe_capacity 
err=Resource temporarily unavailable

打印了错误码,可以看到管道的容量是64kB,man 7 pipe中也有提到在2.6.11内核以前是4096,现在是65536。



    > File Name: process_.c
    > Author: Simba
    > Mail: dameng34@163.com
    > Created Time: Sat 23 Feb 2013 02:34:02 PM CST
#define ERR_EXIT(m) 
    do { 
    } while(0)
void handler(int sig)
    printf("recv sig=%dn", sig);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    signal(SIGPIPE, handler);
    int pipefd[2];
    if (pipe(pipefd) == -1)
        ERR_EXIT("pipe error");
    pid_t pid;
    pid = fork();
    if (pid == -1)
        ERR_EXIT("fork error");
    if (pid == 0)
    int ret = write(pipefd[1], "hello", 5);
    if (ret == -1)
        printf("err=%sn", strerror(errno));
    return 0;


simba@ubuntu:~/Documents/code/linux_programming/APUE/pipe$ ./close_fd_read 
recv sig=13
err=Broken pipe

父进程睡眠1s确保所有读端文件描述符都已经关闭,如果没有安装SIGPIPE信号的处理函数,则默认终止当前进程,即write函数不会返回,现在write错误返回-1,并置errno=EPIPE,对应的出错信息是Broken pipe。



    > File Name: process_.c
    > Author: Simba
    > Mail: dameng34@163.com
    > Created Time: Sat 23 Feb 2013 02:34:02 PM CST
#define ERR_EXIT(m) 
    do { 
    } while(0)
void handler(int sig)
    printf("recv sig=%dn", sig);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    signal(SIGPIPE, handler);
    int pipefd[2];
    if (pipe(pipefd) == -1)
        ERR_EXIT("pipe error");
    pid_t pid;
    pid = fork();
    if (pid == -1)
        ERR_EXIT("fork error");
    if (pid == 0)
    char buf[10] = {0};
    int ret = read(pipefd[0], buf, 10);
    printf("ret = %dn", ret);
    return 0;


simba@ubuntu:~/Documents/code/linux_programming/APUE/pipe$ ./close_fd_write 
ret = 0



On  Linux, PIPE_BUF is 4096 bytes。

The precise semantics depend on whether the file descriptor is nonblocking (O_NONBLOCK), whether there are multiple writers to the pipe, and on n, the number of bytes to be written。即由文件描述符的标志,是否有多个进程向管道写入以及写入的字节数所决定准确的语义,总共分4种情况,具体可man一下。

下面的程序演示O_NONBLOCK disabled ,size > PIPE_BUF(4K)的情况 :

    > File Name: process_.c
    > Author: Simba
    > Mail: dameng34@163.com
    > Created Time: Sat 23 Feb 2013 02:34:02 PM CST
#define ERR_EXIT(m) 
    do { 
    } while(0)
#define TEST_SIZE 68*1024 // 68KB
/* 默认O_NONBLOCK disabled ,这里验证 size > PIPE_BUF(4K)的情况 */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    char a[TEST_SIZE];
    char b[TEST_SIZE];
    memset(a, 'A', sizeof(a));
    memset(b, 'B', sizeof(b));
    int pipefd[2];
    int ret = pipe(pipefd);
    if (ret == -1)
        ERR_EXIT("pipe error");
    int pid = fork();
    if (pid == 0)
        ret = write(pipefd[1], a, sizeof(a)); // 全部写完才返回
        printf("apid=%d write %d bytes to pipen", getpid(), ret);
    pid = fork();
    if (pid == 0)
        ret = write(pipefd[1], b, sizeof(b));
        printf("bpid=%d write %d bytes to pipen", getpid(), ret);
    int fd = open("test.txt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0664);
    char buf[1024 * 4] = {0};
    int n = 1;
    while (1)
        ret = read(pipefd[0], buf, sizeof(buf)); //当管道被写入数据,就已经可以开始读了,每次读取4k
        if (ret == 0) // 管道写端全部关闭,即读到了结尾
        printf("n=%02d pid=%d read %d bytes from pipe buf[4095]=%cn",
               n++, getpid(), ret, buf[4095]);
        write(fd, buf, ret);
    return 0;


simba@ubuntu:~/Documents/code/linux_programming/APUE/pipe$ ./pipe_buf 
n=01 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=02 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=03 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=04 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=05 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=06 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=07 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=08 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=09 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=10 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=11 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=12 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=13 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=14 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=15 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=16 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
n=17 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=18 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=19 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=20 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=21 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=22 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=23 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=24 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=25 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=26 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
apid=7138 write 69632 bytes to pipe
n=27 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=28 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=29 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=30 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=31 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=32 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=33 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=A
n=34 pid=7137 read 4096 bytes from pipe buf[4095]=B
bpid=7139 write 69632 bytes to pipe

分析一下:现在的情况是有两个子进程在对管道进行阻塞写入各68k,即每个子进程完全写入68k才返回,而父进程对管道进行阻塞读取,每次读取4k,打印每4k中的最后一个字符。需要注意的是是边写边读,因为前面说过管道的容量只有64k,当管道被写满时子进程就阻塞等待父进程读取后再写入。由上面输出可以看出B进程先写入64k的B,然后A进程写入68k的A之后B进程接着写完最后4K的B,然后write返回。由A进程write完毕输出的提示可知此时A进程已经写完成了,但父进程还没读取A完毕,当两个子进程全部写完退出时关闭写端文件描述符,则父进程read就会返回0,退出while循环。可以得出结论:当多个进程对管道进行写入,且一次性写入数据量大于PIPE_BUF时,则不能保证写入的原子性,即可能数据是穿插着的。man 手册的解释如下:

      O_NONBLOCK disabled, n > PIPE_BUF
The write is nonatomic: the data given to write(2) may be interleaved with write(2)s by other process;  the write(2) blocks until n bytes have been written.


管道的前4种读写规则具有普遍意义,Tcp socket 也具有管道的这些特性。


以上就是认真雨最近收集整理的关于linux系统编程之管道(二):管道读写规则和Pipe Capacity、PIPE_BUF的全部内容,更多相关linux系统编程之管道(二):管道读写规则和Pipe内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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