I want to read the file f in chunks to a dataframe. Here is part of a code that I used.
for i in range(0, maxline, chunksize):
df = pandas.read_csv(f,sep=',', nrows=chunksize, skiprows=i)
df.to_sql(member, engine, if_exists='append',index= False, index_label=None, chunksize=chunksize)
I get the error:
pandas.io.common.EmptyDataError: No columns to parse from file
The code works only when the chunksize >= maxline (which is total lines in file f). However, in my case, the chunksize<=maxline.
Please advise the fix.
I think it is better to use the parameter chunksize in read_csv. Also, use concat with the parameter ignore_index, because of the need to avoid duplicates in index:
chunksize = 5
TextFileReader = pd.read_csv(f, chunksize=chunksize)
df = pd.concat(TextFileReader, ignore_index=True)
See pandas docs.
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