Intent intent = new Intent("/");
ComponentName cm = new ComponentName("com.android.settings","com.android.settings.WirelessSettings");
activity.startActivityForResult( intent , 0);
com.android.settings.AccessibilitySettings 辅助功能设置
com.android.settings.ActivityPicker 选择活动
com.android.settings.ApnSettings APN设置
com.android.settings.ApplicationSettings 应用程序设置
com.android.settings.BandMode 设置GSM/UMTS波段
com.android.settings.BatteryInfo 电池信息
com.android.settings.DateTimeSettings 日期和坝上旅游网时间设置
com.android.settings.DateTimeSettingsSetupWizard 日期和时间设置
com.android.settings.DevelopmentSettings 应用程序设置=》开发设置
com.android.settings.DeviceAdminSettings 设备管理器
com.android.settings.DeviceInfoSettings 关于手机
com.android.settings.Display 显示——设置显示字体大小及预览
com.android.settings.DisplaySettings 显示设置
com.android.settings.DockSettings 底座设置
com.android.settings.IccLockSettings SIM卡锁定设置
com.android.settings.InstalledAppDetails 语言和键盘设置
com.android.settings.LanguageSettings 语言和键盘设置
com.android.settings.LocalePicker 选择手机语言
com.android.settings.LocalePickerInSetupWizard 选择手机语言
com.android.settings.ManageApplications 已下载(安装)软件列表
com.android.settings.MasterClear 恢复出厂设置
com.android.settings.MediaFormat 格式化手机闪存
com.android.settings.PhysicalKeyboardSettings 设置键盘
com.android.settings.PrivacySettings 隐私设置
com.android.settings.ProxySelector 代理设置
com.android.settings.RadioInfo 手机信息
com.android.settings.RunningServices 正在运行的程序(服务)
com.android.settings.SecuritySettings 位置和安全设置
com.android.settings.Settings 系统设置
com.android.settings.SettingsSafetyLegalActivity 安全信息
com.android.settings.SoundSettings 声音设置
com.android.settings.TestingSettings 测试——显示手机信息、电池信息、使用情况统计、Wifi information、服务信息
com.android.settings.TetherSettings 绑定与便携式热点
com.android.settings.TextToSpeechSettings 文字转语音设置
com.android.settings.UsageStats 使用情况统计
com.android.settings.UserDictionarySettings 用户词典
com.android.settings.VoiceInputOutputSettings 语音输入与输出设置
com.android.settings.WirelessSettings 无线和网络设置
在android SDK文档中有这样一个类,android.provider.Settings类提供android系统各个页面的跳转常量:
使用实例例:startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_WIRELESS_SETTINGS)),即可跳到android手机网络设置页面。
如果要launch Mobile Networks Setting页面按如下方法:
Intent intent=new Intent(Settings.ACTION_DATA_ROAMING_SETTINGS);
ComponentName cName = new ComponentName(“com.android.phone”,”com.android.phone.Settings”);
如果要进入Networks Operators页面按如下方法:
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
intent.setClassName(“com.android.phone”, “com.android.phone.NetworkSetting”);
String | ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_SETTINGS 辅助功能模块的显示设置。 | Activity Action: Show settings for accessibility modules. |
String | ACTION_ADD_ACCOUNT 显示屏幕上创建一个新帐户添加帐户。 | Activity Action: Show add account screen for creating a new account. |
String | ACTION_AIRPLANE_MODE_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许进入/退出飞行模式。 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow entering/exiting airplane mode. |
String | ACTION_APN_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许配置的APN。 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of APNs. |
String | ACTION_APPLICATION_DETAILS_SETTINGS 有关特定应用程序的详细信息的显示屏幕。 | Activity Action: Show screen of details about a particular application. |
String | ACTION_APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许应用程序开发相关的设置配置 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of application development-related settings. |
String | ACTION_APPLICATION_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许应用程序相关的设置配置 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of application-related settings. |
String | ACTION_BLUETOOTH_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许蓝牙配置 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of Bluetooth. |
String | ACTION_DATA_ROAMING_SETTINGS 选择of2G/3G显示设置 | Activity Action: Show settings for selection of2G/3G. |
String | ACTION_DATE_SETTINGS 显示日期和时间设置,以允许配置 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of date and time. |
String | ACTION_DEVICE_INFO_SETTINGS 显示一般的设备信息设置(序列号,软件版本,电话号码,等) | Activity Action: Show general device information settings (serial number, software version, phone number, etc.). |
String | ACTION_DISPLAY_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许配置显示 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of display. |
String | ACTION_INPUT_METHOD_SETTINGS 特别配置的输入方法,允许用户启用输入法的显示设置 | Activity Action: Show settings to configure input methods, in particular allowing the user to enable input methods. |
String | ACTION_INPUT_METHOD_SUBTYPE_SETTINGS 显示设置来启用/禁用输入法亚型 | Activity Action: Show settings to enable/disable input method subtypes. |
String | ACTION_INTERNAL_STORAGE_SETTINGS 内部存储的显示设置 | Activity Action: Show settings for internal storage. |
String | ACTION_LOCALE_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许配置的语言环境 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of locale. |
String | ACTION_LOCATION_SOURCE_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许当前位置源的配置 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of current location sources. |
String | ACTION_MANAGE_ALL_APPLICATIONS_SETTINGS 显示设置来管理所有的应用程序 | Activity Action: Show settings to manage all applications. |
String | ACTION_MANAGE_APPLICATIONS_SETTINGS 显示设置来管理安装的应用程序 | Activity Action: Show settings to manage installed applications. |
String | ACTION_MEMORY_CARD_SETTINGS 显示设置为存储卡存储 | Activity Action: Show settings for memory card storage. |
String | ACTION_NETWORK_OPERATOR_SETTINGS 选择网络运营商的显示设置 | Activity Action: Show settings for selecting the network operator. |
String | ACTION_PRIVACY_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许配置隐私选项 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of privacy options. |
String | ACTION_QUICK_LAUNCH_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许快速启动快捷键的配置 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of quick launch shortcuts. |
String | ACTION_SEARCH_SETTINGS 全局搜索显示设置 | Activity Action: Show settings for global search. |
String | ACTION_SECURITY_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许配置的安全性和位置隐私 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of security and location privacy. |
String | ACTION_SETTINGS 显示系统设置 | Activity Action: Show system settings. |
String | ACTION_SOUND_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许配置声音和音量 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of sound and volume. |
String | ACTION_SYNC_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许配置同步设置 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of sync settings. |
String | ACTION_USER_DICTIONARY_SETTINGS 显示设置来管理用户输入字典 | Activity Action: Show settings to manage the user input dictionary. |
String | ACTION_WIFI_IP_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许配置一个静态IP地址的Wi – Fi | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of a static IP address for Wi-Fi. |
String | ACTION_WIFI_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许Wi – Fi配置 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of Wi-Fi. |
String | ACTION_WIRELESS_SETTINGS 显示设置,以允许配置,如Wi – Fi,蓝牙和移动网络的无线控制 | Activity Action: Show settings to allow configuration of wireless controls such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Mobile networks. |
String | AUTHORITY | |
String | EXTRA_AUTHORITIES 在推出活动的基础上给予的权力限制可选项。 | Activity Extra: Limit available options in launched activity based on the given authority. |
以上就是顺利棒棒糖为你收集整理的android开发 打开系统设置信息页面的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决android开发 打开系统设置信息页面所遇到的程序开发问题。
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