Minikube is a tool that makes it easy to run Kubernetes locally. Minikube runs a single-node Kubernetes cluster inside a VM on your laptop for users looking to try out Kubernetes or develop with it day-to-day.
More details can be found at
Step 1 - Start Minikube
Minikube has been installed and configured in the environment. Check that it is properly installed, by running the minikube version command:
minikube version
Start the cluster, by running the minikube start command:
minikube start
Great! You now have a running Kubernetes cluster in your online terminal. Minikube started a virtual machine for you, and a Kubernetes cluster is now running in that VM.
Step 2 - Cluster Info
The cluster can be interacted with using the kubectl CLI. This is the main approach used for managing Kubernetes and the applications running on top of the cluster.
Details of the cluster and its health status can be discovered via
kubectl cluster-info
To view the nodes in the cluster using
kubectl get nodes
If the node is marked as NotReady then it is still starting the components.
This command shows all nodes that can be used to host our applications. Now we have only one node, and we can see that it’s status is ready (it is ready to accept applications for deployment).
Step 3 - Deploy Containers
With a running Kubernetes cluster, containers can now be deployed.
Using kubectl run
, it allows containers to be deployed onto the cluster -
kubectl run first-deployment --image=katacoda/docker-http-server --port=80
The status of the deployment can be discovered via the running Pods -
kubectl get pods
Once the container is running it can be exposed via different networking options, depending on requirements. One possible solution is NodePort, that provides a dynamic port to a container.
kubectl expose deployment first-deployment --port=80 --type=NodePort
The command below finds the allocated port and executes a HTTP request.
export PORT=$(kubectl get svc first-deployment -o go-template='{{range.spec.ports}}{{if .nodePort}}{{.nodePort}}{{"n"}}{{end}}{{end}}') echo "Accessing host01:$PORT" curl host01:$PORT
The results is the container that processed the request.
Step 4 - Dashboard
The Kubernetes dashboard allows you to view your applications in a UI. In this deployment, the dashboard has been made available on port 30000.
The URL to the dashboard is
以上就是平常啤酒最近收集整理的关于Kubernetes - Launch Single Node Kubernetes Cluster的全部内容,更多相关Kubernetes内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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