我是靠谱客的博主 迷你爆米花,这篇文章主要介绍Node.js Modules 模块模块Accessing the main moduleAddenda: Package Manager TipsAll Together…CachingModule Caching CaveatsCore ModulesCyclesFile ModulesFolders as ModulesLoading from node_modules FoldersLoading from the global foldersThe module wrapperThe ,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


Node.js has a simple module loading system. In Node.js, files and modules are in one-to-one correspondence (each file is treated as a separate module).
Node.js 有一个简单的模块加载系统,在Node.js,文件和模块是一个一对一的。(每个文件被当做一个独立的模块来处理)

As an example, consider a file named foo.js:

const circle = require('./circle.js');
console.log(`The area of a circle of radius 4 is ${circle.area(4)}`);

On the first line, foo.js loads the module circle.js that is in the same directory as foo.js.
在第一行,foo.js 加载了circls.js。和foo.js在一个文件夹内。

const { PI } = Math;
exports.area = (r) => PI * r ** 2;
exports.circumference = (r) => 2 * PI * r;

The module circle.js has exported the functions area() and circumference(). Functions and objects are added to the root of a module by specifying additional properties on the special exports object.

模块circls.js 有一个导出的函数 area()和circumference(). 函数和对象被加到了一个模块的根部,特别导出了这个对象。
Variables local to the module will be private, because the module is wrapped in a function by Node.js (see module wrapper). In this example, the variable PI is private to circle.js.

The module.exports property can be assigned a new value (such as a function or object).

Below, bar.js makes use of the square module, which exports a constructor:


const square = require('./square.js');
const mySquare = square(2);
console.log(`The area of my square is ${mySquare.area()}`);

The square module is defined in square.js:

// assigning to exports will not modify module, use //module.exports
module.exports = (width) => {
  return {
    area: () => width ** 2

The module system is implemented in the require(‘module’) module.

Accessing the main module

When a file is run directly from Node.js, require.main is set to its module. That means that it is possible to determine whether a file has been run directly by testing require.main === module.
当一个文件直接从Node.js运行时,require.main 是一个他自己模块的集合。这个含义是这个可能是检测require.ain === module 来判断是否直接执行。

For a file foo.js, this will be true if run via node foo.js, but false if run by require(‘./foo’).
对于文件foo.js.这个将返回true,如果运行通过node foo.js 。如果从require(‘./foo’)返回false

Because module provides a filename property (normally equivalent to __filename), the entry point of the current application can be obtained by checking require.main.filename.
因为模块提供了一个文件属性(一般的指向__filename),这个是一个实体指向当前的应用程序,能够绑定为检查 require.main.filename

Addenda: Package Manager Tips


The semantics of Node.js’s require() function were designed to be general enough to support a number of reasonable directory structures. Package manager programs such as dpkg, rpm, and npm will hopefully find it possible to build native packages from Node.js modules without modification.
Node.js的require函数设计的目的是支持目录结构。包管理程序比如dpkg,rpm和npm将希望能编译原生态包从node.js 模块中不需要修改。

Below we give a suggested directory structure that could work:

Let’s say that we wanted to have the folder at /usr/lib/node// hold the contents of a specific version of a package.
我们希望文件夹在 /usr/lib/node/包/版本 来保存一些特别的package

Packages can depend on one another. In order to install package foo, it may be necessary to install a specific version of package bar. The bar package may itself have dependencies, and in some cases, these may even collide or form cyclic dependencies.

Since Node.js looks up the realpath of any modules it loads (that is, resolves symlinks), and then looks for their dependencies in the node_modules folders as described here, this situation is very simple to resolve with the following architecture:
当Node.js查找 realpaht 在任何模块在他加载的时候。看上去独立关系在node_modules文件夹中被描述在之类,这个简单的结构是下面这个

  • /usr/lib/node/foo/1.2.3/ - Contents of the foo package, version 1.2.3.
  • /usr/lib/node/bar/4.3.2/ - Contents of the bar package that foo depends on.
  • /usr/lib/node/foo/1.2.3/node_modules/bar - Symbolic link to - /usr/lib/node/bar/4.3.2/.
  • /usr/lib/node/bar/4.3.2/node_modules/* - Symbolic links to the packages that bar depends on.

Thus, even if a cycle is encountered, or if there are dependency conflicts, every module will be able to get a version of its dependency that it can use.

When the code in the foo package does require(‘bar’), it will get the version that is symlinked into /usr/lib/node/foo/1.2.3/node_modules/bar. Then, when the code in the bar package calls require(‘quux’), it’ll get the version that is symlinked into /usr/lib/node/bar/4.3.2/node_modules/quux.

当在foo包中的代码 require(‘bar’) 这个将连接到/usr/lib/foo/1.2.3/node_modules/bar.当这个代码在bar package调用require(‘quux’)的时候,这个将临街到/usr/lib/node/bar/4.3.2/node_modules/quux


Furthermore, to make the module lookup process even more optimal, rather than putting packages directly in /usr/lib/node, we could put them in /usr/lib/node_modules//. Then Node.js will not bother looking for missing dependencies in /usr/node_modules or /node_modules.

In order to make modules available to the Node.js REPL, it might be useful to also add the /usr/lib/node_modules folder to the NODEPATHenvironmentvariable.Sincethemodulelookupsusingnodemodulesfoldersareallrelative,andbasedontherealpathofthefilesmakingthecallstorequire(),thepackagesthemselvescanbeanywhere.Node.js/usr/lib/nodemodules NODE_PATH环境变量。让模块查找的时候,使用node_modules文件夹即可。

All Together…

To get the exact filename that will be loaded when require() is called, use the require.resolve() function.
Putting together all of the above, here is the high-level algorithm in pseudocode of what require.resolve() does:

require(X) from module at path Y
从路径Y require(X)
1. If X is a core module,
   a. return the core module
   b. STOP
2. If X begins with '/'
   如果X开始 /
   a. set Y to be the filesystem root
3. If X begins with './' or '/' or '../'
   如果X开始是./ / ../
   a. LOAD_AS_FILE(Y + X)
4. LOAD_NODE_MODULES(X, dirname(Y))
5. THROW "not found"
1. If X is a file, load X as JavaScript text.  STOP
2. If X.js is a file, load X.js as JavaScript text.  STOP
3. If X.json is a file, parse X.json to a JavaScript Object.  STOP
4. If X.node is a file, load X.node as binary addon.  STOP

1. If X/index.js is a file, load X/index.js as JavaScript text.  STOP
2. If X/index.json is a file, parse X/index.json to a JavaScript object. STOP
3. If X/index.node is a file, load X/index.node as binary addon.  STOP

顺序  package.json

1. If X/package.json is a file,
   a. Parse X/package.json, and look for "main" field.
   b. let M = X + (json main field)

2. for each DIR in DIRS:

1. let PARTS = path split(START)
2. let I = count of PARTS - 1
3. let DIRS = []
4. while I >= 0,
   a. if PARTS[I] = "node_modules" CONTINUE
   b. DIR = path join(PARTS[0 .. I] + "node_modules")
   c. DIRS = DIRS + DIR
   d. let I = I - 1
5. return DIRS


Modules are cached after the first time they are loaded. This means (among other things) that every call to require(‘foo’) will get exactly the same object returned, if it would resolve to the same file.

Multiple calls to require(‘foo’) may not cause the module code to be executed multiple times. This is an important feature. With it, “partially done” objects can be returned, thus allowing transitive dependencies to be loaded even when they would cause cycles.

To have a module execute code multiple times, export a function, and call that function.

Module Caching Caveats


Modules are cached based on their resolved filename. Since modules may resolve to a different filename based on the location of the calling module (loading from node_modules folders), it is not a guarantee that require(‘foo’) will always return the exact same object, if it would resolve to different files.
模块被缓存通过他们的文件名。当模块被解析道不同的文件,在不同的位置模块(从node_modules 文件夹),整个不是保障,reuire(‘foo’)将总是返回这个相同的对象,如果这个解析为不同的文件。

Additionally, on case-insensitive file systems or operating systems, different resolved filenames can point to the same file, but the cache will still treat them as different modules and will reload the file multiple times. For example, require(‘./foo’) and require(‘./FOO’) return two different objects, irrespective of whether or not ./foo and ./FOO are the same file.

Core Modules

Node.js has several modules compiled into the binary. These modules are described in greater detail elsewhere in this documentation.

The core modules are defined within Node.js’s source and are located in the lib/ folder.

Core modules are always preferentially loaded if their identifier is passed to require(). For instance, require(‘http’) will always return the built in HTTP module, even if there is a file by that name.



When there are circular require() calls, a module might not have finished executing when it is returned.

Consider this situation:

console.log('a starting');
exports.done = false;
const b = require('./b.js');
console.log('in a, b.done = %j', b.done);
exports.done = true;
console.log('a done');


console.log('b starting');
exports.done = false;
const a = require('./a.js');
console.log('in b, a.done = %j', a.done);
exports.done = true;
console.log('b done');


console.log('main starting');
const a = require('./a.js');
const b = require('./b.js');
console.log('in main, a.done=%j, b.done=%j', a.done, b.done);

When main.js loads a.js, then a.js in turn loads b.js. At that point, b.js tries to load a.js. In order to prevent an infinite loop, an unfinished copy of the a.js exports object is returned to the b.js module. b.js then finishes loading, and its exports object is provided to the a.js module.
当main.js 加载a.js ,然后a.js 加载b.js。然后b.js 加载a.js。为了能预防无限制循坏,一个未完成复制的a.js 大厨对象到b.js。b.js返回加载,然后导出对象来提供给a.js

By the time main.js has loaded both modules, they’re both finished. The output of this program would thus be:

$ node main.js
main starting
a starting
b starting
in b, a.done = false
b done
in a, b.done = true
a done
in main, a.done=true, b.done=true

File Modules

If the exact filename is not found, then Node.js will attempt to load the required filename with the added extensions: .js, .json, and finally .node.
当一个文件没有找到的时候. Node.js会尝试加载这个文件后缀加上 .js .json .node

.js files are interpreted as JavaScript text files, and .json files are parsed as JSON text files. .node files are interpreted as compiled addon modules loaded with dlopen.
.js文件会被解释为js文件。.json 会被解释为json文件。.node文件会被解析为一个编译好的模块被dlopen加载。

A required module prefixed with ‘/’ is an absolute path to the file. For example, require(‘/home/marco/foo.js’) will load the file at /home/marco/foo.js.
一个被需要的模块前缀是 ‘/’ 绝对路径对这个文件,比如require(‘/home/marco/foo.js’)

A required module prefixed with ‘./’ is relative to the file calling require(). That is, circle.js must be in the same directory as foo.js for require(‘./circle’) to find it.

Without a leading ‘/’, ‘./’, or ‘../’ to indicate a file, the module must either be a core module or is loaded from a node_modules folder.
如果没有/ ./ ../ 指示,那么模块被认为是核心模块或者这个加载从node_modules文件夹

Folders as Modules


It is convenient to organize programs and libraries into self-contained directories, and then provide a single entry point to that library. There are three ways in which a folder may be passed to require() as an argument.

The first is to create a package.json file in the root of the folder, which specifies a main module. An example package.json file might look like this:

{ "name" : "some-library",
  "main" : "./lib/some-library.js" }

If this was in a folder at ./some-library, then require(‘./some-library’) would attempt to load ./some-library/lib/some-library.js.

This is the extent of Node.js’s awareness of package.json files.

Note: If the file specified by the “main” entry of package.json is missing and can not be resolved, Node.js will report the entire module
as missing with the default error:

Error: Cannot find module 'some-library'

If there is no package.json file present in the directory, then Node.js will attempt to load an index.js or index.node file out of that directory. For example, if there was no package.json file in the above example, then require(‘./some-library’) would attempt to load:
这里如果没有pakcage.json,那么node.js会尝试加载index.js index.node

- ./some-library/index.js
- ./some-library/index.node

Loading from node_modules Folders


If the module identifier passed to require() is not a core module, and does not begin with ‘/’, ‘../’, or ‘./’, then Node.js starts at the parent directory of the current module, and adds /node_modules, and attempts to load the module from that location. Node will not append node_modules to a path already ending in node_modules.
如果模块的标示被require认为不是一个核心模块。且不是通过 / ./ ../前缀,那么node.js开始查找在当前的模块的父目录。添加/node_modules,尝试加载模块从这个位置。nodes不会添加node_modules到这个路径已经在node_modules

If it is not found there, then it moves to the parent directory, and so on, until the root of the file system is reached.

For example, if the file at ‘/home/ry/projects/foo.js’ called require(‘bar.js’), then Node.js would look in the following locations, in this order:
比如,文件/home/ry/projects/foo.js调用require(‘bar.js’) node.js将按照下面这个路径来找文件

  • /home/ry/projects/node_modules/bar.js
  • /home/ry/node_modules/bar.js
  • /home/node_modules/bar.js
  • /node_modules/bar.js


This allows programs to localize their dependencies, so that they do not clash.

It is possible to require specific files or sub modules distributed with a module by including a path suffix after the module name. For instance require(‘example-module/path/to/file’) would resolve path/to/file relative to where example-module is located. The suffixed path follows the same module resolution semantics.
这个是可能的require特别文件或者子目录。比如require(‘example-modul/path/to/file’) 也许会被解析(这种方式好么?)

Loading from the global folders

If the NODE_PATH environment variable is set to a colon-delimited list of absolute paths, then Node.js will search those paths for modules if they are not found elsewhere.

如果NODE_PATH 环境变量被设置,那么node.js 会搜索搜索这个路径寻找模块,(NODE_PATH类似于PATH的设置,unix是:分开,windowshi;分开)
Note: On Windows, NODE_PATH is delimited by semicolons instead of colons.
注意:在windows NODE_PATH 是;分开

NODE_PATH was originally created to support loading modules from varying paths before the current module resolution algorithm was frozen.

NODE_PATH is still supported, but is less necessary now that the Node.js ecosystem has settled on a convention for locating dependent modules. Sometimes deployments that rely on NODE_PATH show surprising behavior when people are unaware that NODE_PATH must be set. Sometimes a module’s dependencies change, causing a different version (or even a different module) to be loaded as the NODE_PATH is searched.
NODE_PATH 始终被支持,这个是不怎么必要的,node.js生态系统会加载依赖模块。有时候分发依赖于NODE_PATH显示一些意想不到的行为。人民没有意识到NODE_PATH必须被设置。有时候一个模块的依赖关系改变了,会导致不同的版本,或者不同的模块,加载当NODE_PATH被使用的时候

Additionally, Node.js will search in the following locations:
Node.js 会搜索如下的位置

  • 1: $HOME/.node_modules
  • 2: $HOME/.node_libraries
  • 3: $PREFIX/lib/node

Where HOMEistheusershomedirectory,and PREFIX is Node.js’s configured node_prefix.
HOMEhome PREFIX 是Node.js 的配置node_prefix
These are mostly for historic reasons.

Note: It is strongly encouraged to place dependencies in the local node_modules folder. These will be loaded faster, and more reliably.

The module wrapper

Before a module’s code is executed, Node.js will wrap it with a function wrapper that looks like the following:

(function(exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {
// Module code actually lives in here

By doing this, Node.js achieves a few things:
- It keeps top-level variables (defined with var, const or let) scoped to the module rather than the global object.
- It helps to provide some global-looking variables that are actually specific to the module, such as:
- The module and exports objects that the implementor can use to export values from the module.
- The convenience variables __filename and __dirname, containing the module’s absolute filename and directory path.

这个保证最高级别的变量(用var const let)作用范围模块高于全局对象(函数中的变量的作用域高于全局变量作用域)
这个方便变量 __filename 和__dirnames 包含模块的绝对名字和路径

The module scope



The directory name of the current module. This the same as the path.dirname() of the __filename.
当前模块的目录名字,这个相同于 __filename的path.dirname()

Example: running node example.js from /Users/mjr
比如运行example.js 从/Users/mjr

// Prints: /Users/mjr
// Prints: /Users/mjr


The file name of the current module. This is the resolved absolute path of the current module file.

For a main program this is not necessarily the same as the file name used in the command line.

See __dirname for the directory name of the current module.


Running node example.js from /Users/mjr

// Prints: /Users/mjr/example.js
// Prints: /Users/mjr

这段看一下例子,还是简单的,一个是__filename, 一个是__dirname


A reference to the module.exports that is shorter to type. See the section about the exports shortcut for details on when to use exports and when to use module.exports.
对于 module.exports的引用,具体看一下export的介绍


A reference to the current module, see the section about the module object. In particular, module.exports is used for defining what a module exports and makes available through require().


To require modules.


Modules are cached in this object when they are required. By deleting a key value from this object, the next require will reload the module. Note that this does not apply to native addons, for which reloading will result in an Error.


Instruct require on how to handle certain file extensions.
Process files with the extension .sjs as .js:

require.extensions['.sjs'] = require.extensions['.js'];


Deprecated In the past, this list has been used to load non-JavaScript modules into Node.js by compiling them on-demand. However, in practice, there are much better ways to do this, such as loading modules via some other Node.js program, or compiling them to JavaScript ahead of time.

Since the module system is locked, this feature will probably never go away. However, it may have subtle bugs and complexities that are best left untouched.

Note that the number of file system operations that the module system has to perform in order to resolve a require(…) statement to a filename scales linearly with the number of registered extensions.

In other words, adding extensions slows down the module loader and should be discouraged.

require.resolve(request[, options])

request The module path to resolve.
paths Paths to resolve module location from. If present, these paths are used instead of the default resolution paths. Note that each of these paths is used as a starting point for the module resolution algorithm, meaning that the node_modules hierarchy is checked from this location.
路径 路径类定位模块的位置,这个路径被使用在默认的解析路径。注意每个路径被使用指向解析算法,意味着node_modules 继承被勾选了
Use the internal require() machinery to look up the location of a module, but rather than loading the module, just return the resolved filename.


Returns an array containing the paths searched during resolution of request.

The module Object

In each module, the module free variable is a reference to the object representing the current module. For convenience, module.exports is also accessible via the exports module-global. module is not actually a global but rather local to each module.
在每个模块中,模块自由的变量指向对象在当前模块中,为了方便,module.exports 是一个访问通过导出模块-全局。模块不是一个全局,只是本地使用。


The module objects required by this one.


The module.exports object is created by the Module system. Sometimes this is not acceptable; many want their module to be an instance of some class. To do this, assign the desired export object to module.exports. Note that assigning the desired object to exports will simply rebind the local exports variable, which is probably not what is desired.
modules.exports 对象是一个创建被模块系统。有时候这个是不被接受的,很多希望他们模块是一些class的实例。为了达到这个目的,设计一个渴望的对象来导出简单的绑定到本地导出变量,这个是也许被期望的。

For example suppose we were making a module called a.js

const EventEmitter = require('events');

module.exports = new EventEmitter();

// Do some work, and after some time emit
// the 'ready' event from the module itself.
// 在时间到期之后做一些事情
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);

Then in another file we could do

const a = require('./a');
a.on('ready', () => {
  console.log('module a is ready');

Note that assignment to module.exports must be done immediately. It cannot be done in any callbacks. This does not work:
注意module.exports 被立刻执行,这个不能被任何调用结束,下面不能运行


setTimeout(() => {
  module.exports = { a: 'hello' };
}, 0);


const x = require('./x');

exprots shortcut

The exports variable is available within a module’s file-level scope, and is assigned the value of module.exports before the module is evaluated.
It allows a shortcut, so that module.exports.f = … can be written more succinctly as exports.f = …. However, be aware that like any variable, if a new value is assigned to exports, it is no longer bound to module.exports:
export 变量是可以的,在模块文件级的作用域内。并且这个是被关联到module.exports的变量。这个允许做一个快捷键,module.exports.f= 能给被谢伟 exports.f 然而这个要注意这个类似于任何变量,如果一个新的指指向export,那么这个不能用module.exports.

module.exports.hello = true; // Exported from require of module
exports = { hello: false };  // Not exported, only available in the module
//exports 变成了一个变量

To illustrate the behavior, imagine this hypothetical implementation of require(), which is quite similar to what is actually done by require():

function require(/* ... */) {
  const module = { exports: {} };
  ((module, exports) => {
    // Module code here. In this example, define a function.
    function someFunc() {}
    exports = someFunc;
    // At this point, exports is no longer a shortcut to module.exports, and
    // this module will still export an empty default object.
    module.exports = someFunc;
    // At this point, the module will now export someFunc, instead of the
    // default object.
  })(module, module.exports);
  return module.exports;


The fully resolved filename to the module.


The identifier for the module. Typically this is the fully resolved filename.


Whether or not the module is done loading, or is in the process of loading.


Module object
The module that first required this one.


The module.require method provides a way to load a module as if require() was called from the original module.

Note: In order to do this, it is necessary to get a reference to the module object. Since require() returns the module.exports, and the module is typically only available within a specific module’s code, it must be explicitly exported in order to be used.


以上就是迷你爆米花最近收集整理的关于Node.js Modules 模块模块Accessing the main moduleAddenda: Package Manager TipsAll Together…CachingModule Caching CaveatsCore ModulesCyclesFile ModulesFolders as ModulesLoading from node_modules FoldersLoading from the global foldersThe module wrapperThe 的全部内容,更多相关Node.js内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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