我是靠谱客的博主 自觉未来,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍只需3天即可启动应用发布营销核对清单 3天之内的应用启动营销清单 (App Launch Marketing Checklist in just 3 Days),觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


by Gabriel Machuret

加布里埃尔·马库雷特(Gabriel Machuret)

3天之内的应用启动营销清单 (App Launch Marketing Checklist in just 3 Days)

I’ve broken down the launch marketing tactics according to the day. Some of these tactics require preparation in advance. if you want to check more info about App Marketing or need any help, check my humble, but awesome app store optimization blog.

我已经按照日期细分了启动营销策略。 其中一些策略需要事先准备。 如果您想查看有关App Marketing的更多信息或需要任何帮助,请查看我谦虚但很棒的App Store优化博客。

Testing — Did you test the app for bugs on multiple devices with different versions of iOS? Did you test the app with Wi-fi and 3G or 4G? Did someone in another country test the app for you?

测试 -您是否在不同版本的iOS的多个设备上测试了该应用程序的错误? 您是否使用Wi-Fi和3G或4G测试了该应用程序? 是否有其他国家的人为您测试了该应用?

Quality Assurance — Do the graphics look right on different devices with different aspect ratios? Do the layouts and individual buttons and icons look distorted, pinched, or stretched? Does the app load quickly?

质量保证 -图形在不同宽高比的不同设备上看起来正确吗? 布局以及各个按钮和图标是否看起来变形,挤压或拉长? 应用程序加载Swift吗?

User Interface — Does your app have “mystery meat” buttons or icons that will not make sense immediately to new users? Does each screen offer a way to go back home or to navigate to a different screen? Are there any design dead ends?

用户界面 -您的应用程序是否具有“神秘肉”按钮或图标,这些按钮或图标对新用户而言立即没有意义? 每个屏幕都提供一种回家或导航到其他屏幕的方式吗? 有设计死角吗?

Interstitial & Banner Ads — Create custom interstitial and banner ads for cross-promotion within your existing apps. For example, you will need two sizes for a Playhaven internal cross promotion: 320x480px (Regular) and 640x960px (Retina/iPad). For Chartboost, you’ll need 240x350px Portrait interstitials and 390x200px Landscape interstitials.

非页内广告和横幅广告 -创建自定义非页内广告和横幅广告,以便在现有应用中进行交叉促销。 例如,Playhaven内部交叉促销需要两种尺寸:320x480px(常规)和640x960px(Retina / iPad)。 对于Chartboost,您需要240x350px纵向插页式广告和390x200px横向插页式广告。

Internal Cross Promotions — Ad services, such as Chartboost, Playhaven, and Flurry enable you to upload custom ads for your apps and promote them in your other apps. I recommend creating the ads and setting up the campaigns well in advance so that on Launch Day all you have to do is turn them on.

内部交叉促销 – Chartboost,Playhaven和Flurry等广告服务可让您上传应用的自定义广告,并在其他应用中进行促销。 我建议您提前制作广告并设置广告系列,以便在发布会当天打开广告。

Other Cross Promotions — Negotiate and coordinate cross promotions with your developer friends in advance, and send them ad creative before the app goes live. Be sure to follow up to ensure that they have already set up their campaigns and can easily press “Play” on Launch Day.

其他交叉促销 -预先与开发者朋友协商和协调交叉促销,并在应用上线之前向他们发送广告素材。 请务必跟进,以确保他们已经设置了广告系列,并可以在发布日轻松按下“播放”。

ASO — Do your ASO, be sure you are using a proper App store optimization tool. Mobile Action can help you better than any other tool out there.

ASO-做您的ASO,请确保您使用的是正确的App Store优化工具。 与现有的任何其他工具相比, Mobile Action可以为您提供更好的帮助。

Press Release — Remember to write and distribute a press release. For $22.95, PRmac.com will distribute your press release to Apple- and Mac-related websites. PRLog.com is free. I typically send out press release through PRMac the morning of the launch, and the same press release with a different headline, using PRLog.com, the following day.

新闻稿 —记住编写和分发新闻稿。 PRmac.com将以22.95美元的价格将您的新闻稿发布到与Apple和Mac相关的网站。 PRLog.com是免费的。 通常,我通常在发布当天早上通过PRMac发送新闻稿,第二天通过PRLog.com发送具有不同标题的同一新闻稿。

Reviewers — Make list of friends and family whom you can ask for reviews. In the rating/review pop-up section, I explained how important positive reviews are for ranking. The sooner you get at least 5 reviews or ratings, the sooner your app will gain credibility and rank for keywords. If your app is a paid app, you should gift the app to friends and family within iTunes Connect. People who download your app using a promo code CANNOT leave a review.

审阅者 —列出可以要求其发表评论的朋友和家人。 在“评分/评论”弹出部分中,我解释了正面评论对排名的重要性。 您越早获得至少5条评论或评分,您的应用就会越早获得信誉和关键字排名。 如果您的应用程序是付费应用程序,则应在iTunes Connect中将该应用程序赠送给亲朋好友。 使用促销代码下载您的应用的人无法发表评论。

App Page on Your Website — Set up web page with your app icon, description, and

网站上的“应用程序页面” -使用您的应用程序图标,描述和

a purchase link. Once your app is live in the App Store, publish a dedicated page for

购买链接。 您的应用程序在App Store中上线后,请为

your app on your website. If you already created a Coming Soon page, then be sure

您在网站上的应用。 如果您已经创建了“即将推出”页面,请确保

to edit the language and embed the working link several places on the page.


Press Kit Page on Your Website — Write and set up a Press Kit web page that includes the following: “vanilla” Facebook post, Tweet, and press release for your app, as well as the iTunes link, short link, app icon, and screenshots. Be sure to compress everything in a .zip and make that available as well. Add the Press Kit link in the appropriate metadata field in iTunes Connect.

网站上的新闻资料页 —编写并设置一个新闻资料网页,其中包括以下内容:“ vanilla” Facebook帖子,Tweet和应用程序的新闻发布,以及iTunes链接,短链接,应用程序图标和屏幕截图。 确保压缩.zip文件中的所有内容并使其可用。 在iTunes Connect的相应元数据字段中添加新闻资料包链接。

Email Newsletter — If you’ve got an email list, then you should use it. Write a short email, describing your app’s best features. Embed the iTunes link in at least two to three places, usually at the beginning, middle, and end. Tell people what you’ve got, why it matters to them, and what you want them to do next. Make the ask.

电子邮件时事通讯 —如果您有电子邮件列表,则应该使用它。 写一封简短的电子邮件,描述您应用程序的最佳功能。 将iTunes链接嵌入至少两到三个位置,通常在开头,中间和结尾。 告诉人们您所拥有的东西,这对他们为什么重要以及您希望他们下一步做什么。 提出要求。

Promo Video — You can use the simulator in Xcode and a nifty piece of software called Screenflow to record a screen capture video of your app in action. You can also use Reflector App to tether your device, mirror your device’s screen on your computer, and record a video.

宣传视频 -您可以使用Xcode中的模拟器和一个名为Screenflow的精美软件来记录正在运行的应用程序的屏幕截图视频。 您还可以使用Reflector App绑定设备,在计算机上镜像设备的屏幕并录制视频。

Facebook Fan Page — Create a Facebook fan page for each app or for your app

Facebook粉丝页面 -为每个应用程序或您的应用程序创建一个Facebook粉丝页面



Twitter Account — Create a Twitter account for your app company.

Twitter帐户 -为您的应用程序公司创建一个Twitter帐户。

Updates & Tweets — Use Buffer App to schedule morning and afternoon tweets for Launch Day, Day 2, Day 3, and beyond. Include a short link to your app. Post as often as you can without spamming your fans and followers. Be creative and change up how you talk about the app. Draw attention to special features.

更新和推文 -使用Buffer App安排发射日,第2天,第3天及以后的上午和下午推文。 包括指向您应用的简短链接。 尽可能多地发布信息,而不会向粉丝和关注者发送垃圾邮件。 发挥创意,改变您对应用的评价。 提请注意特殊功能。

Facebook Ad Campaigns — Turn on your Facebook ad campaigns. Tapjoy Incentivized Install Campaigns — If you chose to integrate the Tapjoy Advertising SDK, be sure to turn update your app as soon as it is live and to submit your incentivized installs campaign for review. Also, be sure to email Tapjoy support to ask for expedited review of your campaign.

Facebook广告活动 —打开您的Facebook广告活动。 Tapjoy激励安装广告系列-如果您选择集成Tapjoy Advertising SDK,请确保在应用程序上线后立即对其进行更新,并提交激励安装广告系列以供审核。 另外,请务必通过电子邮件发送给Tapjoy支持人员,以要求对您的广告系列进行快速审核。

Mohound — Mohound makes it easy to buy mobile advertising and to track which traffic sources are monetizing the best. To use Mohound’s platform, you’ll need to integrate their SDK.

Mohound -Mohound使您可以轻松购买移动广告并跟踪哪些流量来源可以从中获利最佳。 要使用Mohound的平台,您需要集成其SDK。

Push Notifications — In the days before your app goes live, write your push notifications. iPhones will safely display 107 characters. Longer notifications will probably get truncated, so use bit.ly or georiot short links. Next, use Google Translate to localize your push notifications before scheduling them with whichever push service you use — e.g., Pushwoosh.

推送通知 -在您的应用上线之前的日子里,编写您的推送通知。 iPhone将安全显示107个字符。 较长的通知可能会被截断,因此请使用bit.ly或georiot短链接。 接下来,在使用您使用的任何推送服务(例如Pushwoosh)安排它们之前,请使用Google翻译本地化您的推送通知。

Localizations — Before you submit your app, you will need to add each localization in iTunes Connect. Services, such as icanlocalize.com and rev.com, offer affordable translations for titles, descriptions, keywords, and screenshot captions.

本地化 -提交应用程序之前,您需要在iTunes Connect中添加每个本地化。 icanlocalize.com和rev.com等服务提供标题,说明,关键字和屏幕截图标题的价格合理的翻译。

Localized Screenshots — Be sure to add translated captions to each of your screenshots and to upload them in iTunes Connect.

本地化的屏幕截图 —确保将翻译的字幕添加到每个屏幕截图中,并将其上载到iTunes Connect。

Release Day — If you set your release day for some day in the distant future before submitting it for review, be sure to set back your future release day after approval to 48 hours before your desired release day. This way, you can ensure that your app shows up in the new releases in App Stores around the world.

发布日期 -如果您将发布日期设置为遥远的将来,然后再提交审核,请确保将批准后的未来发布日期推迟到所需发布日期之前48小时。 这样,您可以确保您的应用程序出现在全球App Store的新版本中。

Strategic Partners — Identify people and organizations whose business interests and

战略合作伙伴 -确定具有商业利益和

hobbies overlap with your app’s theme or intended purpose.


Tapdaq — You can participate in Tapdaq’s community and help other indie developers by leaving reviews and sharing their apps. These activities will earn you “daq” that you can spend on reviews and social shares for your app. To use Tapdaq’s platform you will need to integrate their SDK.

Tapdaq-您可以加入Tapdaq社区并通过留下评论并共享其应用程序来帮助其他独立开发人员。 这些活动将使您获得“ daq”,您可以将其用于应用的评论和社交分享。 要使用Tapdaq的平台,您需要集成其SDK。

Launch Day


Your app is live. Now what?

您的应用程序已上线。 怎么办?

  • Turn ON any ad campaigns that you might have turned off while the app was interview.

  • Publish the app’s page on your website.

  • Publish the app’s Press Kit page on your website.

    在您的网站上发布应用程序的Press Kit页面。
  • Ask for reviews from friends and family (preferably via text message). Try to get a least 10 4- or 5-star reviews within the first two hours.

    要求朋友和家人发表评论(最好是通过短信)。 尝试在前两个小时内至少获得10颗4或5颗星评论。
  • Turn ON cross promotions inside your app network.

  • Turn ON cross promotions inside your friends’ app networks.

  • Publish press release on prMac.com.

  • Touch base with local media contacts and let them know the app is live.

  • Contact your strategic partners and let them know the app is live.

  • Make posts in relevant forums about why the app is fun, helpful, or valuable, and include your app’s iTunes link (or GeoRiot affiliate link).

  • Tell your Facebook groups that the app was approved and is now live.

  • Tell your Twitter groups that the app was approved and is now live.

  • Contact editors of app review sites via Twitter, email, or contact form.

  • Test the app links on your website.

  • Send out a newsletter to your email list.

  • Post your promo video on YouTube.

  • Spread the news on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

  • Post screenshots of your app on Instagram and Pinterest.

  • Notify media contacts that your new app is live.

  • Publish a blog post about the app’s value proposition and best features.

  • Email Apple’s review team (appreview@apple.com) and ask them politely to choose your app to be featured.

  • Use the Review Sites & Services spreadsheet to submit your app to the best app review websites.

  • Put a short link to your app in your email signature.


Day 2


  • Continue to spread the news, using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

  • Consider buying 25 unbiased reviews from a service like MyAppAware.com, or give reviews to receive reviews with https://appreview.me or Tapdaq.com. You can only use Tapdaq if you have integrated Tapdaq’s SDK before publishing your app. Note: Buying biased reviews is a violation of Apple’s Terms & Conditions, but unbiased reviews are fair game. A word to the wise: only pay for reviews if your app is going to make a positive impression!

    考虑从MyAppAware.com之类的服务购买25条无偏见的评论,或者通过https://appreview.me或Tapdaq.com给出评论以接收评论。 如果在发布应用程序之前集成了Tapdaq的SDK,则只能使用Tapdaq。 注意:购买有偏见的评论违反了Apple的条款和条件,但无偏见的评论是公平的游戏。 明智的一句话:只有在您的应用将给人留下深刻印象的情况下,才为评论付费!

  • Consider buying incentivized downloads through Tapjoy or another service.

  • Roll out other advertising, such as Facebook ads or an Appoday promotion.

  • Solicit reviews from friends and family.

  • Notify top-tier bloggers that your new app is live.

  • Notify Facebook and Twitter groups that your new app is live.

  • Reach out to thought leaders and industry experts on Twitter.

  • Publish press release on PRLog.com.

  • Use the Review Sites & Services spreadsheet to submit your app to the best app review websites.


Day 3


  • Continue to spread the news, using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

  • Consider buying incentivized downloads through Tapjoy or another service.

  • Solicit reviews from friends and family.

  • Begin planning an update to your app.

  • Respond to any customer support emails.

  • Take a look at your app’s activity in Flurry Analytics. Can you gain insight into your users’ preferences and behavior by observing Flurry events? Can you benchmark your metrics and identify trends?

    在Flurry Analytics中查看您的应用活动。 您是否可以通过观察Flurry事件来了解用户的偏好和行为? 您可以基准化指标并确定趋势吗?
  • Figure out your revenue per install (RPI) by dividing the total amount of money made on in-app purchases and ad revenue by the total number of installs.

  • Do regular Google search for your app to see if any review sites have mentioned your app or done a write-up. Save the best blurbs and links to the original posts in a separate text document.

    定期在Google上搜索您的应用,以查看是否有评论网站提到您的应用或撰写了评论。 将最佳的简介和链接保存到单独的文本文档中。
  • Use the Review Sites & Services spreadsheet to submit your app to the best app review websites.

  • Notify Facebook and Twitter groups that your new app is live.

  • Submit your application to various app directories such as Appolocious.

  • Go back to MobileAction and check your ranking….




Well it never stops


Rinse and Repeat


Rinse and repeat…. but at least if you start like this… things will start in the right track

冲洗并重复…。 但是至少如果您这样开始……事情就会在正确的轨道上开始



翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/app-launch-marketing-checklist-in-just-3-days-367d1ae3c3b/


以上就是自觉未来为你收集整理的只需3天即可启动应用发布营销核对清单 3天之内的应用启动营销清单 (App Launch Marketing Checklist in just 3 Days)的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决只需3天即可启动应用发布营销核对清单 3天之内的应用启动营销清单 (App Launch Marketing Checklist in just 3 Days)所遇到的程序开发问题。



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