我是靠谱客的博主 内向鲜花,这篇文章主要介绍英语学习:真题词汇听力快速阅读仔细阅读,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



1 three news reports

1、Many facilities were destroyed by a wandering cow 一头流浪的牛摧毁了许多设施

1 facilities 设施
2 destroyed 被毁坏的
3 wandering cow 流浪的牛

2、A wandering cow knocked down one of its fences 一头游荡的牛撞倒了它的一个篱笆

1 knocked down 撞倒了
2 fences 围栏

3、Some tourists were injured by a wandering cow 一些游客被一头游荡的牛弄伤了

4、A wandering cow was captured by the police 一头流浪的牛被警察逮住了

1 captured 抓获

5、It was shot to death by a police officer 它被一名警察击毙

1 shot 射击

6、It found its way back to the park’s zoo

7、It became a great attraction for tourists 它成为吸引游客的一大景点

8、It was sent to the animal control department 它被送到了动物管理部门

1、It is the largest of its kind 它是同类中最大的

1 kind 种类

2、It is going to be expanded 它会展开

1 expanded 展开的

3、It is displaying more fossil specimens 它正在展示更多的化石标本

1 fossil specimens 化石标本

4、It is starting an online exhibition 它正在举办一个在线展览

5、A collection of bird fossils from Australia 来自澳大利亚的鸟类化石收藏

1 collection 收藏品
2 Australia 澳大利亚

6、Photographs of certain rare fossil exhibits 某些稀有化石展品的照片

1 Photographs 照片
2 certain 某些、确定的、特定的
3 rare fossil exhibits 罕见化石展览

7、Some ancient wall paintings from Australia 一些来自澳大利亚的古壁画

1 ancient 古老的
2 wall paintings 壁画

8、Pictures by winners of a wildlife photo contest 野生动物摄影比赛的获胜者拍摄的照片

1 contest 比赛

1、Pick up trash 捡垃圾

1 Pick up 捡起
2 trash 垃圾

2、Amuse visitors 娱乐的游客

1 amuse 使发笑 /使愉快 /使欢乐 /逗乐

3、Deliver messages 传送消息

4、Play with children

1 Play with 和...一起玩耍

5、They are especially intelligent 他们特别聪明

6、They are children’s favorite 它们是孩子们的最爱

7、They are quite easy to tame 它们很容易驯服

1 tame 驯服的

8、They are clean and pretty

1 它们又干净又漂亮

9、Children may be harmed by the rooks 孩子们可能会被白嘴鸦伤害

1 rooks 白嘴鸦

10、Children may be tempted to drop litter

1 tempted 诱惑
2 drop litter 扔垃圾

11、Children may contract bird diseases 儿童可能会感染鸟类疾病

1 contract 感染

12、Children may overfeed the rooks 孩子们可能会喂白嘴鸦过量

1 overfeed 喂得太多


The quiet heroism of mail delivery 投递邮件的默默英雄

1、The United States Postal Service has a system to ensure its employees’ safety 美国邮政服务有一个系统来确保其员工的安全

2、One official says USPS is unique in that it has more direct reach to communities compared with other federal agencies 一位官员表示,美国邮政的独特之处在于,与其他联邦机构相比,它更直接地接触到社区

1 official 官员
2 in that 因为
3 direct 直接的
4 reach to 接触
5 federal agencies 联邦政府机构

3、Natural disasters can have a long-lasting impact on community life 自然灾害会对社区生活产生长期影响

1 Natural disasters 自然灾害
2 long-lasting 持久的、长期的

4、Mail delivery service is still responsible for the completion of almost half of payments 邮件递送服务仍然负责完成近一半的付款

1 Mail delivery 邮件的递送
2 completion 完成
3 almost half of payments 几乎一半的付款

5、The sight of a mailman on the street is a reassuring sign of life becoming normal again 在街上看到邮差是生活恢复正常的一个令人安心的迹象

1 The sight of 一看到
2 a mailman 一个邮递员
3 reassuring 使人安心的
4 sign of ...的标志
5 life becoming normal again 生活恢复正常

6、After Hurricane Katrina interrupted routine delivery, temporary mail service points were set up 在卡特里娜飓风中断了日常投递后,临时邮件服务点被设立

1 interrupted 中断的
2 routine 常规的
3 temporary 暂时的、临时的

7、Postal service in some regions in the U.S. was suspended due to extreme cold weather 由于极端寒冷天气,美国部分地区的邮政服务暂停

1 Postal service 邮政服务
2 suspended 暂停、停止
3 due to 由于

8、Private postal companies also support disaster relief efforts by distributing urgent supplies 私营邮政公司也通过分发紧急物资来支持救灾工作

1 Private postal companies 私营邮政公司
2 support disaster relief efforts 支持救灾工作
3 distributing urgent supplies 分发紧急物资

9、A dedicated USPS employee was on the job carrying out duties in spite of extreme conditions 一名敬业的美国邮政员工在极端条件下仍在工作中履行职责

1 dedicated 敬业的、有奉献精神的
2 carrying out 执行
3 duties 职责
4 conditions 条件、环境

10、Postal services work hard to identify items that require priority treatment 邮政部门努力甄别需要优先处理的邮件

1 identify 鉴别
2 items 物品
3 require priority treatment 需要优先对待



1、assistant 助手 /助理 /助教

2、Artificial Intelligence人工智能

couldn’t tell it apart from a real human being
They could not tell her from a real person

4、virtual 虚拟的

5、learn online 在线学习

6、revolutionizes 彻底变革

7、program 程序

8、dropped out of 从……当中退出

9、 turned out to 结果是

She turned out to be a great success

10、released 发布、释放

She was released online as an experiment

11、experiment 实验

They thought she was a bit too artificial 人造的、人工的

They found her not as capable as expected
capable 有能力的

They could not but admire her knowledge 佩服她的知识
could not but 不得不……

Launch diferent versions of her online

Feed her with new questions and answers

Assign her to answer more of students’ questions

18、interact with 相互沟通


1、modest targets 适度的目标

They did not raise much due to modest targets

They made use of mixed fundraising strategies

3、anticipated 预期的

4、identify 认出 / 识别 outcomes 结果

To identify reasons for their diferent outcomes

5、What trait contributes to the success of a crowdfunding campaign? 众筹活动成功的要素是什么?

1 trait 品质 /特征 /特点 /特性
2 contributes to 促成、有助于
3 a crowdfunding campaign 众筹活动

6、future generations 子孙后代

engage with potential donors,
interaction with prospective donors

1 prospective 潜在的、有希望的
2 donors 捐助者

8、Its originality in addressing financial issues

1 originality 创意、独创性
2 addressing 解决

The value of the proposed project

1 proposed 被提议的、建议的

10、motivate 促进 /促动

11、connection 关联、联系




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