我是靠谱客的博主 曾经便当,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍几年前写的小玩意儿: 黑苹果引导工具tboot,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



    tpu不甘心啊,找来各种资料研究。darwin本身是开放源代码的,关于引导的文件,都可以找得到。比如chain0, boot0 boot1 boot2等。有了这些原始的资料帮助,再加上tpu很久之前就研究过MBR这些东西,于是就拼凑出了tboot这个东西(tpu's bootloader)。




; tboot.s
; Load HFS volume on any partition(main or ext)
; writen by tpu, base on boot0 source from Darwin

; Set to 1 to enable obscure debug messages.
DEBUG                EQU  0

; Various constants.
kBoot0Segment        EQU  0x0000
kBoot0Stack          EQU  0xFFF0        ; boot0 stack pointer
kBoot0LoadAddr       EQU  0x7C00        ; boot0 load address
kBoot0RelocAddr      EQU  0xE000        ; boot0 relocated address

kBoot2Sectors        EQU  126           ; sectors to load for boot2
kBoot2Address        EQU  0x0000        ; boot2 load address
kBoot2Segment        EQU  0x2000        ; boot2 load segment

kMBRBuffer           EQU  0x1000        ; MBR buffer address
kExtBuffer           EQU  0x1200        ; MBR buffer address

kPartTableOffset     EQU  0x1be
kMBRPartTable        EQU  kMBRBuffer + kPartTableOffset
kExtPartTable        EQU  kExtBuffer + kPartTableOffset

kSectorBytes         EQU  512           ; sector size in bytes
kBootSignature       EQU  0xAA55        ; boot sector signature

kPartCount           EQU  4             ; number of paritions per table

kPartTypeBoot        EQU  0xab          ; boot2 partition type
kPartTypeUFS         EQU  0xa8          ; UFS partition type
kPartTypeHFS         EQU  0xaf          ; HFS partition type

kPartTypeExtDOS      EQU  0x05          ; DOS extended partition type
kPartTypeExtWin      EQU  0x0f          ; Windows extended partition type
kPartTypeExtLinux    EQU  0x85          ; Linux extended partition type
kPartActive	         EQU  0x80
kDriveNumber         EQU  0x80

; Format of fdisk partition entry.
; The symbol 'part_size' is automatically defined as an `EQU'
; giving the size of the structure.
           struc part
.bootid:   resb 1      ; bootable or not 
.head:     resb 1      ; starting head, sector, cylinder
.sect:     resb 1      ;
.cyl:      resb 1      ;
.type:     resb 1      ; partition type
.endhead   resb 1      ; ending head, sector, cylinder
.endsect:  resb 1      ;
.endcyl:   resb 1      ;
.lba:      resd 1      ; starting lba
.sectors   resd 1      ; size in sectors

; Macros.
%macro DebugCharMacro 1
	mov   al, %1
	call  _putc

%define putc(x)		DebugCharMacro x
%define putc(x)

%macro puts 1
	mov   si, %1
	call  put_string
; Start of text segment.

	SEGMENT .text

	ORG     0xe000                  ; must match kBoot0RelocAddr

; Boot code is loaded at 0:7C00h.
	; Set up the stack to grow down from kBoot0Segment:kBoot0Stack.
	; Interrupts should be off while the stack is being manipulated.
	cli                             ; interrupts off
	xor     ax, ax                  ; zero ax
	mov     ss, ax                  ; ss <- 0
	mov     sp, kBoot0Stack         ; sp <- top of stack
	sti                             ; reenable interrupts

	mov     es, ax                  ; es <- 0
	mov     ds, ax                  ; ds <- 0

	; Relocate boot0 code.
	mov     si, kBoot0LoadAddr      ; si <- source
	mov     di, kBoot0RelocAddr     ; di <- destination
	cld                             ; auto-increment SI and/or DI registers
	mov     cx, kSectorBytes/2      ; copy 256 words
	repnz   movsw                   ; repeat string move (word) operation

	; Code relocated, jump to start_reloc in relocated location.
	jmp     0:start_reloc

; Start execution from the relocated location.


	; Clear drive flags.
	xor     eax, eax
	mov     [first_part], eax        ; clear EBIOS LBA offset
	mov     [this_part], eax

	mov     al, dl
	call    putb
	putc(' ')
	; Read MBR sector to memory.
	mov     al, 1                   ; load one sector
	mov     bx, kMBRBuffer          ; MBR load address
	xor     ecx, ecx
	call    load
	jc      .next_drive

	mov     di, kMBRBuffer
	mov     si, kMBRBuffer+kPartTableOffset
	cmp     WORD [si + part_size * kPartCount], kBootSignature
	jne     .next_drive             ; Signature error

	; Look for the HFS partition in the MBR partition table
	call    find_boot               ; will not return on success

	inc     dl                      ; next drive number
	test    dl, 0x4                 ; went through all 4 drives?
	jz      .loop_next_drive        ; not yet, loop again

	puts    part_error_str
	jmp     SHORT .hang

; Find the HFS partition and load the booter from the partition.
	mov     cx, 4                   ; number of partition entries per table

	push    cx
	push    si

	mov     al, [si + part.type]
	call    putb
	putc(' ')
	mov     eax, [si + part.lba]
	call    putd

	mov     eax, [si + part.lba]
	mov     bl, [si + part.type]    ; print partition type

	cmp     bl, kPartTypeExtLinux   ; Extended Linux
	je		.ext_check
	cmp     bl, kPartTypeExtDOS     ; Extended DOS
	je		.ext_check
	cmp     bl, kPartTypeExtWin     ; Extended Windows(95)
	jne		.nonext

	cmp     di, kMBRBuffer
	jnz     .ext_not_mbr

	mov     [first_part], eax
	xor     eax, eax
	mov     [this_part], eax

	; Read extended partition table
	mov     ecx, eax
	mov     al, 1                   ; load one sector
	mov     bx, kExtBuffer          ; extended load address
	call    load
	jc      .next_part

	mov     si, kExtBuffer+kPartTableOffset
	cmp     WORD [si + part_size * kPartCount], kBootSignature
	jne     .next_part              ; Signature error

	push    di
	mov     di, kExtBuffer
	call    find_boot
	pop		di

	cmp     di, kMBRBuffer
	jnz     .next_part
	xor     eax, eax
	mov     [this_part], eax
	mov     [first_part], eax

	pop     si
	pop     cx
	add     si, part_size           ; advance SI to next partition entry
	loop    .loop_part              ; loop through all partition entries


	cmp     bl, 0
	je      .next_part

	cmp     bl, kPartTypeHFS
	je     .found_part
	cmp     bl, kPartTypeUFS
	je     .found_part
	cmp     bl, kPartTypeBoot
	jne     .next_part

	add     eax, [this_part]
	mov     ecx, eax
	add     eax, [first_part]
	mov     [si+part.lba], eax

	; Found boot partition, read boot sector to memory.
	mov     bx, kBoot0LoadAddr
	mov     al, 1
	call    load
	jc      .next_part               ; load error, keep looking?


	cmp     WORD [bx + 510], kBootSignature
	jnz     .next_part

	; patch boot1h
	mov     eax, [0x7cbb]
	cmp     eax, 0x20000200
	jnz     .no_patch

	mov     eax, 0x00007d40
	mov     [0x7cbb], eax

	push    si
	mov     si, patch_code_start
	mov     di, 0x7d40
	mov     cx, (patch_code_end-patch_code_start)
	pop     si

	; Jump to partition booter. The drive number is already in register DL.
	; SI is pointing to the modified partition entry.
	jmp     kBoot0Segment:kBoot0LoadAddr

; load - Read sectors from a partition using LBA addressing.
	pushad                          ; save all registers
	mov     bp, sp                  ; save current SP

	;push    DWORD 0               ; offset 12, upper 32-bit LBA
	push    ds                      ; For sake of saving memory,
	push    ds                      ; push DS register, which is 0.

	add     ecx, [first_part]        ; offset 8, lower 32-bit LBA
	push    ecx
	push    es                      ; offset 6, memory segment
	push    bx                      ; offset 4, memory offset
	xor     ah, ah                  ; offset 3, must be 0
	push    ax                      ; offset 2, number of sectors
	push    WORD 16                 ; offset 0-1, packet size

	mov     eax, ecx
	call    putd

	mov     si, sp
	mov     ah, 0x42
	int     0x13

	mov     sp, bp                  ; restore SP

; Write a string to the console.
; Arguments:
;   DS:SI   pointer to a NULL terminated string.
; Clobber list:
;   AX, BX, SI
	mov     bx, 1                   ; BH=0, BL=1 (blue)
	cld                             ; increment SI after each lodsb call
	lodsb                           ; load a byte from DS:SI into AL
	cmp     al, 0                   ; Is it a NULL?
	je      .exit                   ; yes, all done
	mov     ah, 0xE                 ; INT10 Func 0xE
	int     0x10                    ; display byte in tty mode
	jmp     short .loop


; Show a DWORD value.
	ror eax, 16
	call putw
	ror eax, 16
; Show a WORD value.
	ror ax, 8
	call putb
	ror ax, 8
; Show a BYTE value.
	ror al, 4
	call put_nibble
	ror al, 4
; Show 4 bit value.
	push eax
	and al, 0x0f
	add al, 0x30
	cmp al, 0x39
	jna .pascii
	add al, 0x07
	call _putc
	pop eax

; Show a ASCII character to the console.
	mov bx, 1
	mov ah, 0x0e
	int 0x10

%endif ;DEBUG

	; patch boot2: SelectBootVolume
	mov     di, 0x39ac
	mov     eax, [es:di]
	cmp     eax, 0x01a8da45
	jne     .no_patch

	mov     al, 2
	mov     [es:di+3], al

	; Jump to boot2. The drive number is already in register DL.
	jmp     kBoot2Segment:kBoot2Address + kSectorBytes

; NULL terminated strings.
part_error_str:   db  'No HFS partition found', 10, 13, 0

; Pad the rest of the 512 byte sized booter with zeroes. The last
; two bytes is the mandatory boot sector signature.

	times 510-($-$$) db 0
	dw    kBootSignature


; In memory variables.
first_part      resd   1   ; starting LBA of the intial extended partition.
this_part       resd   1   ; starting LBA of the current extended partition. 
part_base       resd   1


以上就是曾经便当为你收集整理的几年前写的小玩意儿: 黑苹果引导工具tboot的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决几年前写的小玩意儿: 黑苹果引导工具tboot所遇到的程序开发问题。



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