structural view: similar to creating a schematic
behavior view: could be a simple boolean equation model, a register transfer level (RTL) model or an algorithm
Verilog包含了26组预先定义好的组合逻辑门(no sequential primitive),称为primitive,包括:
and, nand, or, nor, xor, xnor, buf, not...
利用primitive写half adder为例(structural view):
module add_half (output c_out, sum, input a,b);
xor(sum,a,b); //output port of a primitive must be first in the list of ports!
attention: verilog is a case sensitive language
data type wire: used to establish connectivity in design, just as a physical wire establishes connectivity between gates
Actual ports and formal port: can be associated by position in port lists
这个方法在书上的example 4.2里用到,但是显然非常不方便,要将其一一对齐来写,所以在port lists的写法上有所改进,且不需要注意位置关系:
.formal_name(actual name)
formal_name: given in the declaration of the instantiated module
actual_name: used in the instantiation of the module
例如在写full adder时需要用到half adder:
Add_half M1 (.b(b),
以上就是痴情铅笔最近收集整理的关于Verilog学习札记(1):Structural models of combinational logic的全部内容,更多相关Verilog学习札记(1):Structural内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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