我是靠谱客的博主 暴躁棒球,这篇文章主要介绍IBM PC兼容机上的I/O地址分配,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

Common I/O Base Address Device Assignments in IBM PC compatible computers

Base AddressDevice
00 - 1fFirst DMA Controller 8237 A-5
20 - 3fFirst Interrupt Controller 8259A, Master
40 - 5f8254-2 System Timer
60 - 6f8042, Keyboard
70 - 7fReal Time Clock, NMI mask
80 - 9fDMA Page Register, 74LS612
87DMA Channel 0
83DMA Channel 1
81DMA Channel 2
82DMA Channel 3
8bDMA Channel 5
89DMA Channel 6
8aDMA Channel 7
a0 - bfSecond Interrupt Controller 8259A, Slave
c0 - dfSecond DMA Controller 8237 A-5
f0Clear 80287 Busy
f1Reset 80287
f8 - ff80287 Math coprocessor
0f0 - 0f5PCjr Disk Controller
0f8 - 0ffReserved for future microprocessor extensions
100 - 10fPOS Programmable Option Select (PS/2)
110 - 1efSystem I/O channel
140 - 15fSecondary SCSI host adapter
170 - 177Secondary Parallel ATA Disk Controller
1f0 - 1f7Primary Parallel ATA Hard Disk Controller
200 - 20fGame port
210 - 217Expansion Unit
220 - 233Sound Blaster and most other sound cards
278 - 27fLPT2 parallel port
280 - 29fLCD on Wyse 2108 PC SMC Elite default factory setting
2b0 - 2dfAlternate Enhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA) display control
2e8 - 2efCOM4 serial port
2e1GPIB/IEEE-488 Adapter 0
2f8 - 2ffCOM2 serial port
2e2 - 2e3Data acquisition
300 - 31fPrototype Card
300 - 31fNovell NE1000 compatible Ethernet network interfaces
320 - 323ST-506 and compatible hard disk drive interface
330 - 331MPU-401 UART on most sound cards
340 - 35fPrimary SCSI host adapter
370 - 377Secondary floppy disk drive controller
378 - 37fLPT1 parallel port
380 - 38cSecondary Binary Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) adapter
388 - 389AdLib Music Synthesizer Card
3a0 - 3a9Primary Binary Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC) adapter
3b0 - 3bbMonochrome Display Adapter (MDA) display control
3bc - 3bfMDA LPT parallel port
3c0 - 3cfEnhanced Graphics Adapter (EGA) display control
3d0 - 3dfColor Graphics Adapter (CGA)
3e8 - 3efCOM3 serial port
3f0 - 3f7Primary floppy disk drive controller
3f8 - 3ffCOM1 serial port


以上就是暴躁棒球最近收集整理的关于IBM PC兼容机上的I/O地址分配的全部内容,更多相关IBM内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。


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