我是靠谱客的博主 鲤鱼水壶,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍xbox360 corona hacked, RGH3成功破解corona,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


*** mr_evil joined #RGH3
Topic set by k3rn3l!nxe@is.your.master.vg on Thu Jul 05 2012 09:29:51 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)
09:27mr_evilwhen coolrunner 3 will release?
09:29Dangonice q
09:33*** _ohcHIT joined #RGH3
09:42JPizzleafter yesterday
09:42Evil0newhen its done
09:45mr_evili got a video update
09:45*** mr_evil is now known as eric4h
09:45eric4hat yesterday
09:51Dangour video aint english
09:59*** Dango quit ()
10:15*** BL4K3Y is now known as bl4k3y
10:15*** komodus quit ()
11:16*** |Edge| joined #RGH3
11:44eric4hwhere is QuickMythril
11:45eric4hhi quickMythril , why i got the message "You are banned from the channel #fw"
11:45eric4hcould you help me ?
11:47eric4hyou can help me?
11:47jsinger47i don't understand why you think that quickmythril could help you
11:49eric4hhe is the member of the #fw,
11:49eric4hi think he can know the reason
11:51BioHazardis that like a fraternity? yel22.png
11:52MrWatsoneric4h, i'd figure you got caught up in bans trying to keep a spammer out
11:52MrWatsonyou wouldn't be able to join at the moment anyway, its invite only
11:54jsinger47are you a member of the #fw MrWatson? how do you know these things?
11:54jsinger47i heard its a rather secret society
11:55eric4hok, i'm unfortunately
11:55BioHazardwhere only the elite trade secret scene info yel54.png
11:57eric4hi have a question, if i using coolrunner3 to hack my xbox, whether i could set my xbox back to before( it doesn't be hacked) ?
11:57BioHazardcoolrunner rev 3 isn't out yet
11:57BioHazardand you can always undo what you do as long as you have the original nand and you aren't a idiot and try to take it on live.
11:58BioHazardAlso I guess CoolRunner 3 works for the name. I remember something about rev C and rev 3 being confusing yel40.png
12:00eric4hBioHazard, if i undo the hack, whether i can't play game on live?
12:01BioHazardI did not understand what you just said.
12:01eric4hyes, there are ver a and ver B.
12:01BioHazardI know what revisions there are. A, B, C and a CoolRunner 3
12:02eric4hi hack the xbox, then undo the hack using saved original nand, my question whether i could on live to play game?
12:03BioHazardas long as your xbox is not banned prior to the hack and you do not act like a idiot and try to take it online while it is hacked.
12:03eric4heven if i upgrade xbox version?
12:04eric4hi unstand
12:04eric4hi understand
12:05eric4hwhat is the coolrunner C?
12:05eric4has you said revision A, B, C
12:06BioHazardthe Coolrunner revc's main changes are that it is designed for both RGH1 & 2 and it incorporates a pad for the demon to turn it on/off
12:08eric4hanother question, if coolrunner3 release, whether i can buy it at china? coolrunner3 will release all over the world?
12:09BioHazardwell xconsoles ships internationally I know each country has different troubles so your best bet will be to contact them and ask if they have shipped to China before.
12:11eric4hgood idea
12:11jsinger47Where to Buy TX: http://team-xecuter.com/where-to-buy/
12:12eric4hhaha, i google the web site
12:12eric4hi can't open the site, error message, Network Error (dns_server_failure)



以上就是鲤鱼水壶为你收集整理的xbox360 corona hacked, RGH3成功破解corona的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决xbox360 corona hacked, RGH3成功破解corona所遇到的程序开发问题。



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