丹尼斯·麦卡利斯泰尔·里奇(Dennis MacAlistair Ritchie,1941年9月9日-2011年10月12日),生於美國布朗克斯維爾(Bronxville),著名的美国计算机科学家,对C语言和其他编程语言、Multics和Unix等操作系统的发展做出了巨大贡献。在技术讨论中,他常被称为dmr,这是他在贝尔实验室的用戶名稱(username)。
丹尼斯里奇的父亲是阿利斯泰尔·里奇(Alistair E. Ritchie),是贝尔实验室的资深科学家。
事实上,丹尼斯·里奇与肯·汤普逊两人开发了C语言,并随后以之开发出了Unix操作系统,而C语言和Unix在电脑工业史上都占有重要的地位:C语言至今在开发软件和操作系统时依然是非常常用,且它对许多现代的编程语言(如C++、C#、Objective-C、Java和JavaScript)也有着重大影响;而在操作系统方面Unix也影响深远,今天市场上有许多操作系统是基于Unix衍生而来(如AIX与System V等),同时也有不少系统(通称类Unix系统)借鉴了Unix的设计思想(如Solaris、Mac OS X、BSD、Minix与Linux等),甚至以Microsoft Windows操作系统与Unix相竞争的微软也为他们的用户和开发者提供了与Unix相容的工具和C语言编译器。
在 2011年 10月12日 ,他在长期患病后逝世,享年70岁。
Ritchie was found dead on October 12, 2011, at the age of 70 at his home in Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, where he lived alone. First news of his death came from his former colleague, Rob Pike.The cause and exact time of death have not been disclosed. He had been in frail health for several years following treatment for prostate cancer and heart disease.His death came a week after the death of Steve Jobs but did not receive as much media coverage.Computer historian Paul E. Ceruzzi said after his death: "Ritchie was under the radar. His name was not a household name at all, but... if you had a microscope and could look in a computer, you'd see his work everywhere inside."
In an interview shortly after Ritchie's death, long time colleague Brian Kernighan said Ritchie never expected C to be so significant. Kernighan reminded readers of how important a role C and UNIX had played in the development of later high-profile projects, like the iPhone.
Other testimonials to his influence followed.
The Fedora 16 Linux distribution, which was released about a month after he died, was dedicated to his memory.FreeBSD 9.0, released January 12, 2012 was also dedicated in his memory.
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