4.PHP Demo
我采用了Google code中的一个项目,代码写的比较严谨,但是第一次用,有许多不明白的地方,所以研究后做下说明,告诉大家,如下:
$push = new ApnsPHP_Push(
* @file
* ApnsPHP_Abstract class definition.
* This source file is subject to the new BSD license that is bundled
* with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
* It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
* http://code.google.com/p/apns-php/wiki/License
* If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
* obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
* to aldo.armiento@gmail.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
* @author (C) 2010 Aldo Armiento (aldo.armiento@gmail.com)
* @version $Id: Abstract.php 102 2011-11-15 09:56:47Z aldo.armiento $
* @mainpage
* @li ApnsPHP on Google Code: http://apns-php.googlecode.com/
* @defgroup ApplePushNotificationService ApnsPHP
* Abstract class: this is the superclass for all Apple Push Notification Service
* classes.
* This class is responsible for the connection to the Apple Push Notification Service
* and Feedback.
* @ingroup ApplePushNotificationService
* @see http://tinyurl.com/ApplePushNotificationService
abstract class ApnsPHP_Abstract
const ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION = 0; /**< @type integer Production environment. */
const ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX = 1; /**< @type integer Sandbox environment. */
const DEVICE_BINARY_SIZE = 32; /**< @type integer Device token length. */
const CONNECT_RETRY_INTERVAL = 1000000; /**< @type integer Default connect retry interval in micro seconds. */
const SOCKET_SELECT_TIMEOUT = 1000000; /**< @type integer Default socket select timeout in micro seconds. */
protected $_aServiceURLs = array(); /**< @type array Container for service URLs environments. */
protected $_nEnvironment; /**< @type integer Active environment. */
protected $_nConnectTimeout; /**< @type integer Connect timeout in seconds. */
protected $_nConnectRetryTimes = 3; /**< @type integer Connect retry times. */
protected $_sProviderCertificateFile; /**< @type string Provider certificate file with key (Bundled PEM). */
protected $_sProviderPass;
protected $_sRootCertificationAuthorityFile; /**< @type string Root certification authority file. */
protected $_nConnectRetryInterval; /**< @type integer Connect retry interval in micro seconds. */
protected $_nSocketSelectTimeout; /**< @type integer Socket select timeout in micro seconds. */
protected $_logger; /**< @type ApnsPHP_Log_Interface Logger. */
protected $_hSocket; /**< @type resource SSL Socket. */
* Constructor.
* @param $nEnvironment @type integer Environment.
* @param $sProviderCertificateFile @type string Provider certificate file
* with key (Bundled PEM).
* @throws ApnsPHP_Exception if the environment is not
* sandbox or production or the provider certificate file is not readable.
public function __construct($nEnvironment, $sProviderCertificateFile, $sProviderPass)
if ($nEnvironment != self::ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION && $nEnvironment != self::ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX) {
throw new ApnsPHP_Exception(
"Invalid environment '{$nEnvironment}'"
$this->_nEnvironment = $nEnvironment;
if (!is_readable($sProviderCertificateFile)) {
throw new ApnsPHP_Exception(
"Unable to read certificate file '{$sProviderCertificateFile}'"
$this->_sProviderCertificateFile = $sProviderCertificateFile;
$this->_sProviderPass = $sProviderPass;
$this->_nConnectTimeout = ini_get("default_socket_timeout");
$this->_nConnectRetryInterval = self::CONNECT_RETRY_INTERVAL;
$this->_nSocketSelectTimeout = self::SOCKET_SELECT_TIMEOUT;
* Set the Logger instance to use for logging purpose.
* The default logger is ApnsPHP_Log_Embedded, an instance
* of ApnsPHP_Log_Interface that simply print to standard
* output log messages.
* To set a custom logger you have to implement ApnsPHP_Log_Interface
* and use setLogger, otherwise standard logger will be used.
* @see ApnsPHP_Log_Interface
* @see ApnsPHP_Log_Embedded
* @param $logger @type ApnsPHP_Log_Interface Logger instance.
* @throws ApnsPHP_Exception if Logger is not an instance
* of ApnsPHP_Log_Interface.
public function setLogger(ApnsPHP_Log_Interface $logger)
if (!is_object($logger)) {
throw new ApnsPHP_Exception(
"The logger should be an instance of 'ApnsPHP_Log_Interface'"
if (!($logger instanceof ApnsPHP_Log_Interface)) {
throw new ApnsPHP_Exception(
"Unable to use an instance of '" . get_class($logger) . "' as logger: " .
"a logger must implements ApnsPHP_Log_Interface."
$this->_logger = $logger;
* Get the Logger instance.
* @return @type ApnsPHP_Log_Interface Current Logger instance.
public function getLogger()
return $this->_logger;
* Set the Root Certification Authority file.
* Setting the Root Certification Authority file automatically set peer verification
* on connect.
* @see http://tinyurl.com/GeneralProviderRequirements
* @see http://www.entrust.net/
* @see https://www.entrust.net/downloads/root_index.cfm
* @param $sRootCertificationAuthorityFile @type string Root Certification
* Authority file.
* @throws ApnsPHP_Exception if Root Certification Authority
* file is not readable.
public function setRootCertificationAuthority($sRootCertificationAuthorityFile)
if (!is_readable($sRootCertificationAuthorityFile)) {
throw new ApnsPHP_Exception(
"Unable to read Certificate Authority file '{$sRootCertificationAuthorityFile}'"
$this->_sRootCertificationAuthorityFile = $sRootCertificationAuthorityFile;
* Get the Root Certification Authority file path.
* @return @type string Current Root Certification Authority file path.
public function getCertificateAuthority()
return $this->_sRootCertificationAuthorityFile;
* Set the connection timeout.
* The default connection timeout is the PHP internal value "default_socket_timeout".
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/filesystem.configuration.php
* @param $nTimeout @type integer Connection timeout in seconds.
public function setConnectTimeout($nTimeout)
$this->_nConnectTimeout = (int)$nTimeout;
* Get the connection timeout.
* @return @type integer Connection timeout in seconds.
public function getConnectTimeout()
return $this->_nConnectTimeout;
* Set the connect retry times value.
* If the client is unable to connect to the server retries at least for this
* value. The default connect retry times is 3.
* @param $nRetryTimes @type integer Connect retry times.
public function setConnectRetryTimes($nRetryTimes)
$this->_nConnectRetryTimes = (int)$nRetryTimes;
* Get the connect retry time value.
* @return @type integer Connect retry times.
public function getConnectRetryTimes()
return $this->_nConnectRetryTimes;
* Set the connect retry interval.
* If the client is unable to connect to the server retries at least for ConnectRetryTimes
* and waits for this value between each attempts.
* @see setConnectRetryTimes
* @param $nRetryInterval @type integer Connect retry interval in micro seconds.
public function setConnectRetryInterval($nRetryInterval)
$this->_nConnectRetryInterval = (int)$nRetryInterval;
* Get the connect retry interval.
* @return @type integer Connect retry interval in micro seconds.
public function getConnectRetryInterval()
return $this->_nConnectRetryInterval;
* Set the TCP socket select timeout.
* After writing to socket waits for at least this value for read stream to
* change status.
* In Apple Push Notification protocol there isn't a real-time
* feedback about the correctness of notifications pushed to the server; so after
* each write to server waits at least SocketSelectTimeout. If, during this
* time, the read stream change its status and socket received an end-of-file
* from the server the notification pushed to server was broken, the server
* has closed the connection and the client needs to reconnect.
* @see http://php.net/stream_select
* @param $nSelectTimeout @type integer Socket select timeout in micro seconds.
public function setSocketSelectTimeout($nSelectTimeout)
$this->_nSocketSelectTimeout = (int)$nSelectTimeout;
* Get the TCP socket select timeout.
* @return @type integer Socket select timeout in micro seconds.
public function getSocketSelectTimeout()
return $this->_nSocketSelectTimeout;
* Connects to Apple Push Notification service server.
* Retries ConnectRetryTimes if unable to connect and waits setConnectRetryInterval
* between each attempts.
* @see setConnectRetryTimes
* @see setConnectRetryInterval
* @throws ApnsPHP_Exception if is unable to connect after
* ConnectRetryTimes.
public function connect()
$bConnected = false;
$nRetry = 0;
while (!$bConnected) {
try {
$bConnected = $this->_connect();
} catch (ApnsPHP_Exception $e) {
$this->_log('ERROR: ' . $e->getMessage());
if ($nRetry >= $this->_nConnectRetryTimes) {
throw $e;
} else {
"INFO: Retry to connect (" . ($nRetry+1) .
* Disconnects from Apple Push Notifications service server.
* @return @type boolean True if successful disconnected.
public function disconnect()
if (is_resource($this->_hSocket)) {
$this->_log('INFO: Disconnected.');
return fclose($this->_hSocket);
return false;
* Connects to Apple Push Notification service server.
* @throws ApnsPHP_Exception if is unable to connect.
* @return @type boolean True if successful connected.
protected function _connect()
$sURL = $this->_aServiceURLs[$this->_nEnvironment];
$this->_log("INFO: Trying {$sURL}...");
* @see http://php.net/manual/en/context.ssl.php
$streamContext = stream_context_create(array('ssl' => array(
//'verify_peer' => isset($this->_sRootCertificationAuthorityFile),
//'cafile' => $this->_sRootCertificationAuthorityFile,
'local_cert' => $this->_sProviderCertificateFile,
'passphrase'=> $this->_sProviderPass//modify by paul
$this->_hSocket = @stream_socket_client($sURL, $nError, $sError,
$this->_nConnectTimeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT, $streamContext);
if (!$this->_hSocket) {
throw new ApnsPHP_Exception(
"Unable to connect to '{$sURL}': {$sError} ({$nError})"
stream_set_blocking($this->_hSocket, 0);
stream_set_write_buffer($this->_hSocket, 0);
$this->_log("INFO: Connected to {$sURL}.");
return true;
* Logs a message through the Logger.
* @param $sMessage @type string The message.
protected function _log($sMessage)
if (!isset($this->_logger)) {
$this->_logger = new ApnsPHP_Log_Embedded();
5.Pythoh Demo
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