I'm relatively new to the python-pptx package but I'm finding it very useful.
I've added a slide with the "title and picture and caption" layout.
prs = Presentation(output_pptx_fp)
slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[SLD_LAYOUT_TITLE_AND_PICTURE_AND_CAPTION]
slide = prs.slides.add_slide(slide_layout)
shapes = slide.shapes
placeholder_pict = slide.placeholders[1] # idx key, not position
I'm trying to figure out how to reposition the picture placeholder.
By analogy to how I position the title placeholder on the slide, I've tried using:
placeholder_pict.left = Inches(1.96)
placeholder_pict.top = Inches(0.0)
However, this generated an AttributeError.
I've also tried using "left" and "top" arguments to the "insert_picture()" method:
left = Inches(1.96)
top = Inches(0.0)
placeholder_pict.insert_picture(img_path, left, top)
This generated a "TypeError: insert_picture() takes 2 positional arguments but 4 were given"
How do I reposition the picture placeholder on this slide? Did I miss something in the documentation?
When I try (which is something scanny didn't suggest but I was curious):
picture_left = Inches(1.96)
picture_top = Inches(0.0)
picture = placeholder_pict.insert_picture(img_path, picture_left, picture_top)
I get: "TypeError: insert_picture() takes 2 positional arguments but 4 were given"
When I try (which I believe was scanny's first suggestion):
picture_left = Inches(1.96)
picture_top = Inches(0.0)
shapes.add_picture(img_path, picture_left, picture_top)
the picture is positioned where I want it but it's not in the picture container (which I can live with) and so it's not sized to fit in the picture container (which I can deal with by adding code)
When I try (which I believe was scanny's second suggestion):
picture_left = Inches(0.0)
picture_top = Inches(0.0)
placeholder_pict.left = picture_left
placeholder_pict.top = picture_top
picture = placeholder_pict.insert_picture(img_path)
I get no change. The picture appears on the slide but it's in the same position as when I don't try setting placeholder_pict.left and placeholder_pict.top at all.
When I try (which I believe was scanny's third suggestion):
picture = placeholder_pict.insert_picture(img_path)
picture.left = Inches(0)
picture.top = Inches(0)
I get no picture at all. I've tried zooming out, to see if the picture might have been placed "off the slide" but still no sign of a picture. As far as I can tell, I no longer even have the picture container.
When I try (per scanny's request):
placeholder_pict = slide.placeholders[1] # idx key, not position
print("placeholder_pict.placeholder_format.type =", placeholder_pict.placeholder_format.type)
print("placeholder_pict.left", placeholder_pict.left, "placeholder_pict.top =", placeholder_pict.top)
I get:
placeholder_pict.placeholder_format.type = PICTURE (18)
placeholder_pict.left 1792288 placeholder_pict.top = 612775
This makes me very puzzled about why I apparently can't successfuly set the placeholder_pict.left and placeholder_pict.top values.
In light of some additional observations, it appears this case exposes some "quirks" in how PowerPoint works.
The short answer is that you need to set width and height explicitly if you want to change left and top, otherwise they default to 0, which causes the shape to "disappear".
This code should illuminate the situation a bit:
prs = Presentation()
slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[PICTURE_LAYOUT_IDX]
slide = prs.slides.add_slide(slide_layout)
shapes = slide.shapes
placeholder = slide.placeholders[1]
print(placeholder.left.inches, placeholder.top.inches)
# ---note that all these actions are *before* the image is inserted---
placeholder.left = Inches(3)
placeholder.width = Inches(3)
placeholder.height = Inches(3)
Basically what this indicates is that a shape's inheritance of position-and-size from its layout placeholder is all-or-nothing. As soon as you set one of those explicitly, you need to set all of them.
以上就是高挑钢笔最近收集整理的关于python pptx 替换图片,python-pptx:如何重新定位图片占位符?的全部内容,更多相关python内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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