The standard layouts for Powerpoint appear to have "Content" placeholders which appear as the type SlidePlaceholder. Is there a way to change these placeholders to another type? For example, I would really like to insert a picture into one of these placeholders, but SlidePlaceholder does not have an insert_picture method.
A previous question already addressed how to insert a picture, but the response mentioned:
You'll have to replace any "general purpose" content placeholder with one specific to what you're going to insert.
However, he didn't indicate how one would do this. And it isn't readily apparent from the documentation. Thanks for any help on this!
以上就是粗暴红牛为你收集整理的python中changeplace_你能用python-pptx改变占位符类型吗?(Can you change the Placeholder type using python-pptx?)...的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决python中changeplace_你能用python-pptx改变占位符类型吗?(Can you change the Placeholder type using python-pptx?)...所遇到的程序开发问题。
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