我是靠谱客的博主 笑点低白云,这篇文章主要介绍ffmpeg结构体(3)之AVIOContext及其相关函数一、AVIOContext的定义二、AVIOContext相关函数三、典型用法,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

      虽然AVIOContext时avio操作的核心,但AVIOContext中的所有函数指针都不应该直接调用,它们只应在实现自定义I / O时由客户端应用程序设置。 通常这些设置为avio_alloc_context()中指定的函数指针(下一节中的read_packet函数指针)。



 * Bytestream IO Context.
 * New fields can be added to the end with minor version bumps.
 * Removal, reordering and changes to existing fields require a major
 * version bump.
 * sizeof(AVIOContext) must not be used outside libav*.
 * @note None of the function pointers in AVIOContext should be called
 *       directly, they should only be set by the client application
 *       when implementing custom I/O. Normally these are set to the
 *       function pointers specified in avio_alloc_context()
typedef struct AVIOContext {
     * A class for private options.
     * If this AVIOContext is created by avio_open2(), av_class is set and
     * passes the options down to protocols.
     * If this AVIOContext is manually allocated, then av_class may be set by
     * the caller.
     * warning -- this field can be NULL, be sure to not pass this AVIOContext
     * to any av_opt_* functions in that case.
    const AVClass *av_class;

     * The following shows the relationship between buffer, buf_ptr,
     * buf_ptr_max, buf_end, buf_size, and pos, when reading and when writing
     * (since AVIOContext is used for both):
     *                                   READING
     *                            |              buffer_size              |
     *                            |---------------------------------------|
     *                            |                                       |
     *                         buffer          buf_ptr       buf_end
     *                            +---------------+-----------------------+
     *                            |/ / / / / / / /|/ / / / / / /|         |
     *  read buffer:              |/ / consumed / | to be read /|         |
     *                            |/ / / / / / / /|/ / / / / / /|         |
     *                            +---------------+-----------------------+
     *                                                         pos
     *              +-------------------------------------------+-----------------+
     *  input file: |                                           |                 |
     *              +-------------------------------------------+-----------------+
     *                                   WRITING
     *                             |          buffer_size                 |
     *                             |--------------------------------------|
     *                             |                                      |
     *                                                buf_ptr_max
     *                          buffer                 (buf_ptr)       buf_end
     *                             +-----------------------+--------------+
     *                             |/ / / / / / / / / / / /|              |
     *  write buffer:              | / / to be flushed / / |              |
     *                             |/ / / / / / / / / / / /|              |
     *                             +-----------------------+--------------+
     *                               buf_ptr can be in this
     *                               due to a backward seek
     *                            pos
     *               +-------------+----------------------------------------------+
     *  output file: |             |                                              |
     *               +-------------+----------------------------------------------+
    unsigned char *buffer;  /**< Start of the buffer. */
    int buffer_size;        /**< Maximum buffer size */
    unsigned char *buf_ptr; /**< Current position in the buffer */
    unsigned char *buf_end; /**< End of the data, may be less than
                                 buffer+buffer_size if the read function returned
                                 less data than requested, e.g. for streams where
                                 no more data has been received yet. */
    void *opaque;           /**< A private pointer, passed to the read/write/seek/...
                                 functions. */
    int (*read_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size);
    int (*write_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size);
    int64_t (*seek)(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence);
    int64_t pos;            /**< position in the file of the current buffer */
    int eof_reached;        /**< true if was unable to read due to error or eof */
    int write_flag;         /**< true if open for writing */
    int max_packet_size;
    unsigned long checksum;
    unsigned char *checksum_ptr;
    unsigned long (*update_checksum)(unsigned long checksum, const uint8_t *buf, unsigned int size);
    int error;              /**< contains the error code or 0 if no error happened */
     * Pause or resume playback for network streaming protocols - e.g. MMS.
    int (*read_pause)(void *opaque, int pause);
     * Seek to a given timestamp in stream with the specified stream_index.
     * Needed for some network streaming protocols which don't support seeking
     * to byte position.
    int64_t (*read_seek)(void *opaque, int stream_index,
                         int64_t timestamp, int flags);
     * A combination of AVIO_SEEKABLE_ flags or 0 when the stream is not seekable.
    int seekable;

     * max filesize, used to limit allocations
     * This field is internal to libavformat and access from outside is not allowed.
    int64_t maxsize;

     * avio_read and avio_write should if possible be satisfied directly
     * instead of going through a buffer, and avio_seek will always
     * call the underlying seek function directly.
    int direct;

     * Bytes read statistic
     * This field is internal to libavformat and access from outside is not allowed.
    int64_t bytes_read;

     * seek statistic
     * This field is internal to libavformat and access from outside is not allowed.
    int seek_count;

     * writeout statistic
     * This field is internal to libavformat and access from outside is not allowed.
    int writeout_count;

     * Original buffer size
     * used internally after probing and ensure seekback to reset the buffer size
     * This field is internal to libavformat and access from outside is not allowed.
    int orig_buffer_size;

     * Threshold to favor readahead over seek.
     * This is current internal only, do not use from outside.
    int short_seek_threshold;

     * ',' separated list of allowed protocols.
    const char *protocol_whitelist;

     * ',' separated list of disallowed protocols.
    const char *protocol_blacklist;

     * A callback that is used instead of write_packet.
    int (*write_data_type)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size,
                           enum AVIODataMarkerType type, int64_t time);
     * If set, don't call write_data_type separately for AVIO_DATA_MARKER_BOUNDARY_POINT,
     * but ignore them and treat them as AVIO_DATA_MARKER_UNKNOWN (to avoid needlessly
     * small chunks of data returned from the callback).
    int ignore_boundary_point;

     * Internal, not meant to be used from outside of AVIOContext.
    enum AVIODataMarkerType current_type;
    int64_t last_time;

     * A callback that is used instead of short_seek_threshold.
     * This is current internal only, do not use from outside.
    int (*short_seek_get)(void *opaque);

    int64_t written;

     * Maximum reached position before a backward seek in the write buffer,
     * used keeping track of already written data for a later flush.
    unsigned char *buf_ptr_max;

     * Try to buffer at least this amount of data before flushing it
    int min_packet_size;
} AVIOContext;

      @ (*read_packet):读取音视频数据的函数。
      @ (*write_packet):写入音视频数据的函数。
      @ (*read_pause):暂停或恢复网络流媒体协议的播放 。


2.1 avio_alloc_context()


 * Allocate and initialize an AVIOContext for buffered I/O. It must be later
 * freed with avio_context_free().
 * @param buffer Memory block for input/output operations via AVIOContext.
 *        The buffer must be allocated with av_malloc() and friends.
 *        It may be freed and replaced with a new buffer by libavformat.
 *        AVIOContext.buffer holds the buffer currently in use,
 *        which must be later freed with av_free().
 * @param buffer_size The buffer size is very important for performance.
 *        For protocols with fixed blocksize it should be set to this blocksize.
 *        For others a typical size is a cache page, e.g. 4kb.
 * @param write_flag Set to 1 if the buffer should be writable, 0 otherwise.
 * @param opaque An opaque pointer to user-specific data.
 * @param read_packet  A function for refilling the buffer, may be NULL.
 *                     For stream protocols, must never return 0 but rather
 *                     a proper AVERROR code.
 * @param write_packet A function for writing the buffer contents, may be NULL.
 *        The function may not change the input buffers content.
 * @param seek A function for seeking to specified byte position, may be NULL.
 * @return Allocated AVIOContext or NULL on failure.
AVIOContext *avio_alloc_context(
                  unsigned char *buffer,
                  int buffer_size,
                  int write_flag,
                  void *opaque,
                  int (*read_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size),
                  int (*write_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size),
                  int64_t (*seek)(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence));


AVIOContext *avio_alloc_context(
                  unsigned char *buffer,
                  int buffer_size,
                  int write_flag,
                  void *opaque,
                  int (*read_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size),
                  int (*write_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size),
                  int64_t (*seek)(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence))
    AVIOContext *s = av_malloc(sizeof(AVIOContext));
    if (!s)
        return NULL;
    ffio_init_context(s, buffer, buffer_size, write_flag, opaque,
                  read_packet, write_packet, seek);
    return s;


int ffio_init_context(AVIOContext *s,
                  unsigned char *buffer,
                  int buffer_size,
                  int write_flag,
                  void *opaque,
                  int (*read_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size),
                  int (*write_packet)(void *opaque, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size),
                  int64_t (*seek)(void *opaque, int64_t offset, int whence))
    memset(s, 0, sizeof(AVIOContext));

    s->buffer      = buffer;
    s->orig_buffer_size =
    s->buffer_size = buffer_size;
    s->buf_ptr     = buffer;
    s->buf_ptr_max = buffer;
    s->opaque      = opaque;
    s->direct      = 0;

    url_resetbuf(s, write_flag ? AVIO_FLAG_WRITE : AVIO_FLAG_READ);

    s->write_packet    = write_packet;
    s->read_packet     = read_packet;
    s->seek            = seek;
    s->pos             = 0;
    s->eof_reached     = 0;
    s->error           = 0;
    s->seekable        = seek ? AVIO_SEEKABLE_NORMAL : 0;
    s->min_packet_size = 0;
    s->max_packet_size = 0;
    s->update_checksum = NULL;
    s->short_seek_threshold = SHORT_SEEK_THRESHOLD;

    if (!read_packet && !write_flag) {
        s->pos     = buffer_size;
        s->buf_end = s->buffer + buffer_size;
    s->read_pause = NULL;
    s->read_seek  = NULL;

    s->write_data_type       = NULL;
    s->ignore_boundary_point = 0;
    s->current_type          = AVIO_DATA_MARKER_UNKNOWN;
    s->last_time             = AV_NOPTS_VALUE;
    s->short_seek_get        = NULL;
    s->written               = 0;

    return 0;


2.2 avio_context_free()


 * Free the supplied IO context and everything associated with it.
 * @param s Double pointer to the IO context. This function will write NULL
 * into s.
void avio_context_free(AVIOContext **s);

void avio_context_free(AVIOContext **ps)


size_t buffer_size, avio_ctx_buffer_size = 4096;
struct buffer_data bd = { 0 };
AVFormatContext *fmt_ctx = avformat_alloc_context();
unsigned char *avio_ctx_buffer = (unsigned char *) av_malloc(avio_ctx_buffer_size);
AVIOContext *avio_ctx = avio_alloc_context(avio_ctx_buffer, avio_ctx_buffer_size, 0, &bd, &read_packet, NULL, NULL);
fmt_ctx->pb = avio_ctx;
// 清理





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