An internal error occurred during: "Launching spanking".
1) Launch ADV Manager, verify if there is an AVD for your Android Project target else create an ADV for your Target (Click on New… button, enter a Name, select your Target then press Create ADV button)
2) Run Eclipse, right-click on your Android Project name in thePackage Explorer window
3) Select Properties or press Alt+Enter
4) Click on Run/Debug Settings then select your project name and click Edit
5) Select Target tab
6) Click on Automatic mode and press Refresh button
If you have more AVD for the same Target:
– Select the checkbox the ADV verified or created at point 1) then click on Manual mode
7) Press Apply button then OK button
以上就是碧蓝期待最近收集整理的关于An internal error occurred during: "Launching spanking". java.lang.NullPointerException 安卓eclipse出现的全部内容,更多相关An内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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