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美国国会预算办公室(Congressional Budget Office)周一更新了美国人的实际所得税率估算值,纳入了2006年的数据,这是可获得的最新数据。这项分析涵盖了所有形式的联邦税项,并概要地展示了位于不同收入区间的美国人实际上支付的联邦税费是多少。以下为部分重点内容:2006年整体实际联邦税率(即联邦税费占家庭收入的百分比)为20.7%。其中比重最大的个人所得税占家庭收入的9.1%。第二大税收来源工资税的实际税率为7.5%。公司所得税和消费税所占比重较小,实际税率分别为3.4%和0.7%。整体联邦税收系统实行累进制:实际税率通常都随收入增长而提高。全美收入最低的五分之一家庭支付的联邦税费占收入的4.3%,收入居中的五分之一家庭税负为收入的14.2%,而收入最高的五分之一家庭税负为25.8%。最高收入阶层的平均税率继续上涨,1%的最高收入家庭的实际税率为31.2%。高收入人群所支付的联邦税负不成比例,原因是他们的税前收入不成比例,而实际税率会随收入增长。2006年,收入最高的五分之一阶层的税前收入占全国的55.7%,支付的联邦税费为全国的69.3%,而收入最高的1%家庭收入占全国18.8%,却支付了28.3%的税费。其他所有阶层支付的联邦税费比例都低于其收入所占比例。收入最低的五分之一家庭收入占总收入的3.9%,支付的税费仅占0.8%,收入中等的五分之一家庭收入与税费所占比例分别为13.2%和9.1%。2006年的实际税率仅比2005年的水平有所变化。这两年的税法并无重大变化,收入分配的变化也不足以导致实际税率出现重大波动。David Wessel

The Congressional Budget Office Monday released an update to its estimates of the effective tax rate that Americans pay, incorporating date for calendar year 2006, the most current available. The analysis covers all forms of federal taxes and provides a snapshot of how much Americans in different income brackets actually pay in federal taxes.Among the highlights:The overall effective federal tax rate - federal taxes as a percentage of household income - was 20.7 percent in 2006. Individual income taxes, the largest component, were 9.1 percent of household income. Payroll taxes were the next largest source, with an effective tax rate of 7.5 percent. Corporate income taxes and excise taxes were smaller, with effective tax rates of 3.4 percent and 0.7 percent.The overall federal tax system is progressive: Effective tax rates generally rise with income. Households in the bottom fifth of the income distribution paid 4.3 percent of their income in federal taxes, while the middle quintile paid 14.2 percent, and the highest quintile paid 25.8 percent. Average rates continued to rise within the top quintile, with the top 1 percent facing an effective rate of 31.2 percent.Higher-income groups pay a disproportionate share of federal taxes because they earn a disproportionate share of pretax income and because effective tax rates rise with income. In 2006, the highest quintile earned 55.7 percent of pretax income and paid 69.3 percent of federal taxes, while the top 1 percent of households earned 18.8 percent of income and paid 28.3 percent of taxes. In all other quintiles, the share of federal taxes was less than the income share. The bottom quintile earned 3.9 percent of income and paid 0.8 percent of taxes, while the middle quintile earned 13.2 percent of income and paid 9.1 percent of taxes.Effective tax rates in 2006 changed only from 2005 levels. There were no significant changes in the tax law between those years, and changes in the income distribution were not enough to cause large movements in effective rates.David Wessel


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