被拒正文:Your app uses the “prefs:root=” non-public URL scheme, which is a private entity. The use of non-public APIs is not permitted on the App Store because it can lead to a poor user experience should these APIs change.Specifically, your app uses the
前端代码练习贡献者:游客25088906 类别:英文 时间:2017-09-19 22:36:45 收藏数:182 评分:2.2返回上页举报此文章请选择举报理由:广告/谣言/欺诈政治敏感色情/违法信息垃圾文章其他收藏到我的文章改错字www url http W3C html htm head body title br hr font font-style font-size font-famil...