【区块链论文整理】SIGMOD篇(一)1 SharPer: Sharding Permissioned Blockchains Over Network Clusters 2 Permissioned Blockchains: Properties, Techniques and Applications3 Why Do My Blockchain Transactions Fail?: A Study of Hyperledger Fabric. 4 Do the Rich Get Riche
SIGMOD(Special Interest Group On Management Of Data)是数据库三大顶会之一,近几年也发表了不少水平很高的文章。本文主要针对SIGMOD会议中区块链相关的论文进行简单整理。ACM SIGMOD Conference 2021: Virtual Event, ChinaSharPer: Sharding Permissioned Blockchains Over Network Clusters. Permissioned Blockchains..