appium运行报错Could not parse activity from dumpsys
appium运行报错:Could not parse activity from dumpsysSessionNotCreatedException: A new session could not be created. (Original error: Could not parse activity from dumpsys)原因是appim没有使用最新版本1.7.1或这
Enhancements of V2X Communication in Support of Cooperative Autonomous Driving (支持协同自动驾驶场景的V2X通信增强) Enhancements of V2X Communication in Support of Cooperative Autonomous Driving
Enhancements of V2X Communication in Support of Cooperative Autonomous DrivingLaurens Hobert, Andreas Festag, Ignacio Llatser, Luciano Altomare, Filippo Visintainer,and Andras Kovacs摘要...