@ConfigurationProperties与@Value区别@ConfigurationProperties与@Value区别总结 区别@Value位置类名上属性上功能批量注入属性文件中的属性一个个的指定松散绑定(松散语法)支持不支持SpEL不支持支持JSR303数据校验支持不支持复制类型封装支持不支持。 Spring Boot 2024-08-26 39 点赞 0 评论 59 浏览
hand-crafeted features hand-crafted featuresare manually engineered by data scientists.Sometimes, we may see “learned features”, so what are learned features, and what are the differences between them.Learned are features that are extracted from images by various algorith 学习笔记 2024-08-23 35 点赞 0 评论 53 浏览
泛型 package com.xatu.集合;import java.util.HashSet;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.Set;import org.junit.Test;public class GenericTest { @Test public void testGenneric() { Set<Str... java 2023-12-23 50 点赞 0 评论 75 浏览
Python3 入门教程 简单但比较不错 本文适合有Java编程经验的程序员快速熟悉Python 本文程序在windows xp+python3 1a1 测试通过 本文提到的idl python编程 2022-04-23 91 点赞 1 评论 137 浏览