- #ifndef __SEM_UTIL_H__
- #define __SEM_UTIL_H__
- typedef void* SemHandl_t;
- SemHandl_t MakeSem(); ///< Initialize the semaphore.
- int SemRelease(SemHandl_t hndlSem); ///< Unlock the semaphore.
- int SemWait(SemHandl_t hndlSem); ///< Lock the semaphore.
- int DestroySem(SemHandl_t hndlSem); ///< Destory the semaphore.
- #endif
- /*
- 互斥锁用来保证一段时间内只有一个线程在执行一段代码。
- 必要性显而易见:假设各个线程向同一个文件顺序写入数据,
- 最后得到的结果一定是灾难性的。
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <pthread.h>
- #include "pthread_mutex.h"
- #define __DEBUG
- #ifdef __DEBUG
- #define DBG(fmt,args...) fprintf(stdout, fmt, ##args)
- #else
- #define DBG(fmt,args...)
- #endif
- #define ERR(fmt,args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args)
- /*线程互斥锁初始化*/
- SemHandl_t MakeSem()
- {
- SemHandl_t hndlSem = malloc(sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
- if(hndlSem == NULL){
- ERR("Not enough memory!!n");
- return NULL;
- }
- /* Initialize the mutex which protects the global data */
- if(pthread_mutex_init(hndlSem, NULL) != 0){
- ERR("Sem init faill!!n");
- free(hndlSem);
- return NULL;
- }
- return hndlSem;
- }
- /*线程互斥锁释放*/
- int SemRelease(SemHandl_t hndlSem)
- {
- if(hndlSem == NULL){
- ERR("SemRelease: Invalid Semaphore handlern");
- return -1;
- }
- return pthread_mutex_unlock(hndlSem);
- }
- /*等待*/
- int SemWait(SemHandl_t hndlSem)
- {
- if(hndlSem == NULL){
- ERR("SemWait: Invalid Semaphore handlern");
- return -1;
- }
- return pthread_mutex_lock(hndlSem);
- }
- /*删除*/
- int DestroySem(SemHandl_t hndlSem)
- {
- if(hndlSem == NULL){
- ERR("DestroySem: Invalid Semaphore handlern");
- return -1;
- }
- pthread_mutex_lock(hndlSem);
- pthread_mutex_unlock(hndlSem);
- if(pthread_mutex_destroy(hndlSem) !=0){
- ERR("Sem_kill faill!!n");
- }
- free(hndlSem);
- return 0;
- }
thread.c 源文件
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <pthread.h>
- #include "pthread_mutex.h"
- #define __DEBUG
- #ifdef __DEBUG
- #define DBG(fmt,args...) fprintf(stdout, fmt, ##args)
- #else
- #define DBG(fmt,args...)
- #endif
- #define ERR(fmt,args...) fprintf(stderr, fmt, ##args)
- static int isThreadQuit = 0;
- SemHandl_t gHndlSem = NULL;
- /*
- 某设备写操作,不同同时访问,所以所以需要线程锁保护
- 1、将函数DeviceWrite中加锁
- 2、在访问DeviceWrite的线程中加锁
- 以上两种方法跟据需要选择其一。
- 本例中在访问的线程中加锁
- */
- void DeviceWrite(char *str)
- {
- /*SemWait(gHndlSem);*/
- DBG("Device Write: %sn",str);
- /*SemRelease(gHndlSem);*/
- }
- void SetXxThreadQuit()
- {
- /*quit*/
- isThreadQuit = 1;
- }
- void *XxManageThread(void *arg)
- {
- char *cmd = (char*)arg;
- DBG("arg value=%sn",cmd);
- while(isThreadQuit==0){
- SemWait(gHndlSem);
- DeviceWrite("thread 1");
- SemRelease(gHndlSem);
- sleep(1);
- }
- /*arg是将指针带进来,cmd则相反,或者设置 NULL*/
- pthread_exit(cmd);
- //pthread_exit(NULL);
- }
- void *XxManageThreadMutex(void *arg)
- {
- char *cmd = (char*)arg;
- DBG("arg value=%sn",cmd);
- while(isThreadQuit==0){
- SemWait(gHndlSem);
- DeviceWrite("thread 2");
- SemRelease(gHndlSem);
- sleep(1);
- }
- /*arg是将指针带进来,cmd则相反,或者设置 NULL*/
- pthread_exit(cmd);
- //pthread_exit(NULL);
- }
- int XxManageThreadInit()
- {
- pthread_t tManageThread;
- pthread_t tManageThreadMutex;
- char *any="any value";
- char *retn;
- int ret;
- /*
- 第二个参数是设置线程属性,一般很少用到(设置优先级等),第四个参数为传递到线程的指针,
- 可以为任何类型
- */
- ret = pthread_create(&tManageThread,NULL,XxManageThread,"1 thread");
- if(ret == -1){
- /*成功返回0.失败返回-1*/
- ERR("Ctreate Thread ERRORn");
- return -1;
- }
- ret = pthread_create(&tManageThreadMutex,NULL,XxManageThreadMutex,"2 thread");
- if(ret == -1){
- /*成功返回0.失败返回-1*/
- ERR("Ctreate Thread ERRORn");
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- 设置线程退出时资源的清理方式,如果是detach,退出时会自动清理
- 如果是join,则要等待pthread_join调用时才会清理
- */
- pthread_detach(tManageThread);
- pthread_detach(tManageThreadMutex);
- //pthread_join(tManageThread,retn);
- //DBG("retn value=%sn",retn);
- return 0;
- }
- #define TEST_MAIN
- #ifdef TEST_MAIN
- int main()
- {
- printf("hello liuyun");
- int count=3;
- /*创建线程锁*/
- gHndlSem = MakeSem();
- if(gHndlSem == NULL){
- return -1;
- }
- if(XxManageThreadInit()==-1){
- exit(1);
- }
- while(count--){
- DBG("[0] main runningn");
- sleep(2);
- }
- SetXxThreadQuit();
- /*等待线程结束*/
- sleep(1);
- /*删除线程锁*/
- DestroySem(gHndlSem);
- DBG("waitting thread exit...n");
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
以上就是朴实黑夜最近收集整理的关于linux基础编程 多线程中的互斥锁 pthread_mutex_lock的全部内容,更多相关linux基础编程内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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