我是靠谱客的博主 烂漫麦片,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍Color Manipulation——颜色操作,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


A raster source allows arbitrary manipulation of pixel values. In this example, RGB values on the input tile source are adjusted in a pixel-wise operation before being rendered with a second raster source. The raster operation takes pixels in in RGB space, converts them to HCL color space, adjusts the values based on the controls above, and then converts them back to RGB space for rendering.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Color Manipulation</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://openlayers.org/en/v4.2.0/css/ol.css" type="text/css">
<!-- The line below is only needed for old environments like Internet Explorer and Android 4.x -->
<script src="https://cdn.polyfill.io/v2/polyfill.min.js?features=requestAnimationFrame,Element.prototype.classList,URL"></script>
<script src="https://openlayers.org/en/v4.2.0/build/ol.js"></script>
table.controls td {
text-align: center;
padding: 2px 5px;
min-width: 60px;
<div id="map" class="map"></div>
<table class="controls">
<td><span id="hueOut"></span>°</td>
<td><input id="hue" type="range" min="-180" max="180" value="0"/></td>
<td><span id="chromaOut"></span> %</td>
<td><input id="chroma" type="range" min="0" max="100" value="100"/></td>
<td><span id="lightnessOut"></span> %</td>
<td><input id="lightness" type="range" min="0" max="100" value="100"/></td>
* Color manipulation functions below are adapted from
* https://github.com/d3/d3-color.
* 下面的颜色操作函数源自https://github.com/d3/d3-color
var Xn = 0.950470;
var Yn = 1;
var Zn = 1.088830;
var t0 = 4 / 29;
var t1 = 6 / 29;
var t2 = 3 * t1 * t1;
var t3 = t1 * t1 * t1;
var twoPi = 2 * Math.PI;
* Convert an RGB pixel into an HCL pixel.
* 转换RGB像素为HCL像素
  * @param {Array.<number>} pixel A pixel in RGB space.
* @return {Array.<number>} A pixel in HCL space.
function rgb2hcl(pixel) {
var red = rgb2xyz(pixel[0]);
var green = rgb2xyz(pixel[1]);
var blue = rgb2xyz(pixel[2]);
var x = xyz2lab(
(0.4124564 * red + 0.3575761 * green + 0.1804375 * blue) / Xn);
var y = xyz2lab(
(0.2126729 * red + 0.7151522 * green + 0.0721750 * blue) / Yn);
var z = xyz2lab(
(0.0193339 * red + 0.1191920 * green + 0.9503041 * blue) / Zn);
var l = 116 * y - 16;
var a = 500 * (x - y);
var b = 200 * (y - z);
var c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
var h = Math.atan2(b, a);
if (h < 0) {
h += twoPi;
pixel[0] = h;
pixel[1] = c;
pixel[2] = l;
return pixel;
* Convert an HCL pixel into an RGB pixel.
* 转换HCL像素为RGB像素
* @param {Array.<number>} pixel A pixel in HCL space.
* @return {Array.<number>} A pixel in RGB space.
function hcl2rgb(pixel) {
var h = pixel[0];
var c = pixel[1];
var l = pixel[2];
var a = Math.cos(h) * c;
var b = Math.sin(h) * c;
var y = (l + 16) / 116;
var x = isNaN(a) ? y : y + a / 500;
var z = isNaN(b) ? y : y - b / 200;
y = Yn * lab2xyz(y);
x = Xn * lab2xyz(x);
z = Zn * lab2xyz(z);
pixel[0] = xyz2rgb(3.2404542 * x - 1.5371385 * y - 0.4985314 * z);
pixel[1] = xyz2rgb(-0.9692660 * x + 1.8760108 * y + 0.0415560 * z);
pixel[2] = xyz2rgb(0.0556434 * x - 0.2040259 * y + 1.0572252 * z);
return pixel;
function xyz2lab(t) {
return t > t3 ? Math.pow(t, 1 / 3) : t / t2 + t0;
function lab2xyz(t) {
return t > t1 ? t * t * t : t2 * (t - t0);
function rgb2xyz(x) {
return (x /= 255) <= 0.04045 ? x / 12.92 : Math.pow((x + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4);
function xyz2rgb(x) {
return 255 * (x <= 0.0031308 ?
12.92 * x : 1.055 * Math.pow(x, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055);
var raster = new ol.source.Raster({
sources: [new ol.source.Stamen({
layer: 'watercolor'
operation: function(pixels, data) {
var hcl = rgb2hcl(pixels[0]);
var h = hcl[0] + Math.PI * data.hue / 180;
if (h < 0) {
h += twoPi;
} else if (h > twoPi) {
h -= twoPi;
hcl[0] = h;
hcl[1] *= (data.chroma / 100);
hcl[2] *= (data.lightness / 100);
return hcl2rgb(hcl);
lib: {
rgb2hcl: rgb2hcl,
hcl2rgb: hcl2rgb,
rgb2xyz: rgb2xyz,
lab2xyz: lab2xyz,
xyz2lab: xyz2lab,
xyz2rgb: xyz2rgb,
Xn: Xn,
Yn: Yn,
Zn: Zn,
t0: t0,
t1: t1,
t2: t2,
t3: t3,
twoPi: twoPi
var controls = {};
raster.on('beforeoperations', function(event) {
var data = event.data;
for (var id in controls) {
data[id] = Number(controls[id].value);
var map = new ol.Map({
layers: [
new ol.layer.Image({
source: raster
target: 'map',
view: new ol.View({
center: [0, 2500000],
zoom: 2,
maxZoom: 18
var controlIds = ['hue', 'chroma', 'lightness'];
controlIds.forEach(function(id) {
var control = document.getElementById(id);
var output = document.getElementById(id + 'Out');
control.addEventListener('input', function() {
output.innerText = control.value;
output.innerText = control.value;
controls[id] = control;


以上就是烂漫麦片为你收集整理的Color Manipulation——颜色操作的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决Color Manipulation——颜色操作所遇到的程序开发问题。



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