Implementation Strategies section consists of 12% of total score in the Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant certification exam, covering topics such as implementation rollout plans, sales deployment, measure of Sales Cloud success and etc. Without further ado, let's get into it!
实施策略部分包含了 Salesforce 销售云顾问认证考试总分的12% ,内容包括实施推广计划、销售部署、销售云成功度量等。闲话少说,让我们开始吧!
NOTE: This post is written in April 2020 and content might be changed/updated overtime. The content is inspired by
注意: 这篇文章写于2020年4月,内容可能会随着时间的推移而改变或更新,其灵感来自。
Guideline for Implementation Strategies
- Given a scenario, determine how to 给定一个场景,确定如何facilitate a successful consulting engagement 促进一次成功的咨询活动 (plan, gather requirements, design, build, test, and document). (计划、收集需求、设计、构建、测试和文档)
- Given a scenario, determine appropriate 给定一个场景,确定适当的sales deployment 销售部署 considerations. 考虑
- Given a scenario, measure the 给定一个场景,测量success of a Sales Cloud implementation project销售云实现项目的成功.
Implementation Process
Rollout Plan
- Plan Phase 计划阶段
- identify reasons for change and high-level requirements, and start mapping out possible solutions
- 确定变更和高级需求的原因,并开始制定可能的解决方案
- consulting team kickoff 咨询队开球
- ex: a company would like implement Sales Cloud for the first time
- Discovery 发现
- Discovery step helps to 发现步骤有助于prepare for the Analyze Phase准备分析阶段, including conversations with key stakeholders to understand their current system and processes ,包括与主要利益相关者的对话,以了解他们当前的系统和流程
- Key activities are: 主要活动包括:
- questionnaire to gather information from the customer
- 调查问卷,以收集客户的信息
- discovery interviews with key stakeholders to understand pain points
- 发现访谈的关键利益相关者,以了解痛点
- understand as-is processes 理解现状过程
- observe interactions with current systems 观察与当前系统的相互作用
- Key information to gather: 要收集的关键信息:
- organizational charts 组织结构图
- process maps 过程图
- report samples 报告样品
- requirement docs from previous system implementations
- 需求文档来自以前的系统实现
- required objects and fields 必需的对象和字段
- stakeholders and roles 利益相关者和角色
- key fields, validation rules, and business rules
- 关键字段、验证规则和业务规则
- Key activities are: 主要活动包括:
- Discovery step helps to 发现步骤有助于prepare for the Analyze Phase准备分析阶段, including conversations with key stakeholders to understand their current system and processes ,包括与主要利益相关者的对话,以了解他们当前的系统和流程
- Scope Creep 范围潜移默化
- happens when new requirements are added to project after the original requirements have been documented
- 当项目中添加了新的需求,而原来的需求已经形成文档时,就会发生这种情况
- cause project to be delayed 导致项目延期
- ways to prevent Scope Creep: 防止范围蠕变的方法:
- implement a change control process to review and approve all additional requirements before they are added to project
- 实现变更控制流程,在将所有额外需求添加到项目之前对其进行审查和批准
- prioritize the requirements and avoid low priority requirements
- 对需求进行优先级排序,避免低优先级需求
- verify the scope with each stakeholder of the project
- 与项目的每个利益相关者核实项目的范围
- define written contract clearly to set expectations at the beginning of project
- 明确书面合同的定义,以便在项目开始时设定期望
- project plan sign-off 项目计划签字
- Analyze Phase 分析阶段
- gather and prioritize requirements, identify gaps and create requirement documents
- 收集和优先化需求,识别差距并创建需求文档
- requirements document sign-off 需求文件签字
- ex: certain stakeholders of a company require a new application with custom functionality and objects
- Design Phase 设计阶段
- transform requirements into solutions, and prepare solution design documents
- 将需求转化为解决方案,并准备解决方案设计文档
- implement solution design 实施方案设计
- use cases and a prototype application to give the client a clear vision of how the system will look like and how it will be used based on use cases
- 用例和原型应用程序,让客户清楚地了解系统的外观和基于用例的使用方式
- implement technical design 实施技术设计
- includes any customizations that require code development (if not, just use out-of-the-box features)
- 包括任何需要代码开发的自定义(如果不需要,就使用开箱即用的特性)
- solution design sign-off 解决方案设计批准
- ex: a detailed prototype of the Sales application need to be presented to the stakeholders
- Build Phase 构建阶段
- develop and configure application in sandbox
- 开发和配置沙盒应用程序
- conduct alpha and beta reviews to confirm on configuration and demonstrate how it works
- 进行 alpha 和 beta 测试,以确认配置并演示其工作原理
- build and review data migration 构建和检查数据迁移
- develop training material 编写培训材料
- ex: client has provided sign-off on the solution design document, and the application is ready to be developed/configured in Salesforce.
- Validate Phase 验证阶段
- validate application functionality through types of testing: 通过测试类型验证应用程序功能:
- User Acceptance Testing (UAT) - allow system users to validate the process and usability of the system through test scripts consisting of use cases
- 用户验收测试(User Acceptance Testing,UAT)——允许系统用户通过由用例组成的测试脚本验证系统的过程和可用性
- System Integration Testing (SIT) - validate data flowing into or out of Salesforce from or to external systems
- 系统集成测试(SIT)——验证从外部系统进出 Salesforce 的数据
- Performance Testing - test and validate speed and response time
- 性能测试-测试和验证速度和响应时间
- End-to-End Testing - validate the functionality of a system from start to end
- 端到端测试——从头到尾验证系统的功能
- validate configuration and code, fix bugs and more testing
- 验证配置和代码,修复错误和更多的测试
- develop training material 编写培训材料
- project ready to sign-off and go live
- 项目已经准备好了,可以结束了,现场直播
- ex: client needs to very that the application functions according to the requirements, make sure the application is error-free
- validate application functionality through types of testing: 通过测试类型验证应用程序功能:
- Deploy Phase 部署阶段
- conduct training sessions 进行培训
- migrate data, configuration and code into production
- 将数据、配置和代码移植到生产环境中
- transfer knowledge to support 将知识转化为支持
- project sign-off 项目结束
- gather project feedback via customer satisfaction survey
- 通过客户满意度调查收集项目反馈
- ex: application can be rolled out with training for certain group of users on a specific date
Rollout Plan (table view)
Project plan 工程计划 | Requirements workshops 需求研讨会 | Solution Design 解决方案设计 | Config and coding 配置和编码 | SIT, UAT 坐下,UAT | Training 培训 |
Identify key resources 识别关键资源 | Prioritization and documentation 优先次序和文件编制 | Technical Design 技术设计 | Data migration build and preparation 建立和准备数据迁移 | Data migration validation 数据迁移验证 | Deploy config and code 部署 config 和 code |
Training material development 培训材料的开发 | Performance testing, end-to-end testing性能测试,端到端测试 | Production data migration 生产数据迁移 | |||
Go live support plan 实施现场支持计划 | Go live 直播吧 | ||||
Post deployment support 部署后支持 |
Implementation Strategy
- Crawl, Walk, Fall, Run Strategy 爬,走,跌,跑策略
- Crawl 爬行
- focus on implementation of minimum viable product (MVP) with "must-have" features only
- 专注于实现具有“必备”特性的最小可行产品(MVP)
- ex: customization of accounts, contacts and opportunities
- Walk 步行
- focus on adding "nice-to-have" and any additional "must-have" features
- 专注于添加“好的拥有”和任何额外的“必须拥有”功能
- ex: sales process can be defined, products can be customized
- Fall 秋天
- certain common failure points resulting in failure
- 导致失败的某些常见故障点
- ex: no proactive plan, process map unclear, no clear vision or end goals, no success metrics defined, no clear expectations or communication plan, no proper roles and responsibilities
- Run 快跑 (last phase) (最后阶段)
- can implement "great-to-have" features if still have time
- 如果还有时间的话,可以实现“非常有用”的特性
- ex: integration with other system and automation of business process
- Crawl 爬行
Project Rollout Challenges
- undefined or unclear process map 未定义或不清楚的过程图
- unclear or incomplete requirements 要求不明确或不完整
- lack of communication 缺乏沟通
- canceled or delayed meetings 取消或推迟会议
- lack of availability 缺乏可用性
- complicated requirements 复杂的要求
- and etc. 等等
Sales Deployment
- Deployment (last phase) refers to migration of all configuration, code and data from test environment to production.
- 部署(最后阶段)是指将所有配置、代码和数据从测试环境迁移到生产环境。
- Success is measured at the end of deployment through reports as well as user feedback.
- 在部署结束时,通过报告和用户反馈来衡量成功与否。
- Deployment Plan specifies deployment activities as well as release date of the deployment.
- 部署计划指定部署活动以及部署的发布日期。
- Deployment should be performed when users will not be making changes in production.
- 当用户不会在生产中进行更改时,应该执行部署。
- A full-copy sandbox can be used as a staging environment for test deployment完整副本沙盒可用作测试部署的临时环境.
- NOTE: tests should be run in staging environment to avoid any issues before deploying to production.
- 注意: 测试应该在临时环境中运行,以避免在部署到生产环境之前出现任何问题。
Sales Deployment Plan
- Pre-Deployment Activities 部署前活动
- set up announcement for maintenance window
- 设置维护窗口通知
- stop changes in production 停止生产的变化
- create staging environment and migrate changes to staging environment
- 创建临时环境并将更改迁移到临时环境
- replicate changes based on production 复制基于生产的变化
- log users out of system 用户退出系统
- set up testing deployment 准备测试部署
- Deployment Activities 部署活动
- Communication 沟通
- communicate with the users of release date and maintenance windows for the update
- 与发布日期和维护窗口的用户沟通更新
- detailed release notes should be sent out to the users as well
- 详细的发布说明也应该发送给用户
- communicate with stakeholders as well as end-users to ensure adoption and successful deployment
- Training 培训
- develop training materials for instructors (trainers) as well as end-users
- 为教员(培训员)和最终用户编写培训材料
- develop different training material sets for each group of end-users if necessary (ex: cross-country org, different roles and etc.)
- 如有必要,为每一组最终用户制定不同的培训材料(例如: 跨国组织,不同的角色等等)
- conduct on-the-job training for knowledge transfer
- 进行知识转移的在职培训
- Migration 迁移
- migrate configuration and code via Change Sets, Ant Migration Tool or Visual Studio Code
- 通过变更集、 Ant 迁移工具或 Visual Studio 代码迁移配置和代码
- import data using Data Import Wizard, Data Loader or 3rd party tools
- 使用数据导入向导、数据加载器或第三方工具导入数据
- data import order: 数据导入命令:
- User 使用者
- Account 帐户
- Contact 联络方法
- Opportunity 机会
- Lead 潜在客户
- Campaign 宣传运动
- Campaign Member 宣传运动成员
- Measurement 测量
- measure adoption success with reports and dashboards
- 用报告和仪表盘来衡量收养的成功与否
- Feedback 反馈
- conduct satisfaction survey to measure level of satisfaction
- 进行满意度调查以衡量满意度
- send emails to end user to gather information regarding their issues, suggestions and requests
- 向最终用户发送电子邮件,收集有关他们的问题、建议和要求的信息
- Communication 沟通
Measure Success
Implementation Success
- Measure Implementation Success: 衡量执行成功与否:
- communicate with users to build awareness regarding the implementation
- 与用户沟通,建立对实现的认识
- gather user feedback to improve solutions related to the implementation
- 收集用户反馈以改进与实现相关的解决方案
- deliver training before launch date 在发射前进行训练
- provide on-going support and training after implementation
- 在实施后提供持续的支持和培训
- monitor usage metrics 监视器使用度量
Sales Cloud Success
- Measure Sales Cloud Success: 衡量销售云计算的成功:
- Lead Quality (lead quality score, conversion ratio, percentage of dead leads)
- 引线质量(引线质量得分,转化率,死引线百分比)
- Revenue Generation (opportunity pipeline report and stage duration)
- 创收(机会管道报告和阶段持续时间)
- Sales Productivity (opportunity related activities, number of closed won opportunities)
- 销售生产力(与机会相关的活动,赢得的闭合机会数量)
- Campaign Effectiveness (ROI, number of leads generated)
- 活动效果(ROI,产生的潜在客户数量)
- Forecast Accuracy (actual sales against quota, percentage of quota obtained)
- 预测准确度(实际销售额与定额的比例,获得定额的百分比)
- Sales & Marketing Alignment (lead conversion ratio, number of leads generated)
- 销售和市场调整(导线转换率,产生的导线数量)
- Others:
- business goals and desired outcomes that drives the measurement of implementation success
- 业务目标和期望的结果,推动实施成功的衡量
- use reports and dashboards to monitor Sales metrics and KPIs
- 使用报告和仪表板来监视销售指标和 kpi
- generate more leads and higher revenue and increase productivity
- 产生更多的客户和更高的收入,提高生产率
User Adoption
- Measure User Adoption: 措施使用者采用:
- Usage (login rates, date created, updated)
- 用法(登录速率、创建日期、更新)
- Data Quality (completing key fields)
- 数据质量(完成关键字段)
- Business Performance (analytics tracking key business metrics such as opportunity pipeline, activity types)
- 业务性能(跟踪机会管道、活动类型等关键业务指标的分析)
- Others:
- measure the user login frequency, further analyzed by department, region and role
- 测量用户的登录频率,并按部门、地区和角色进一步分析
- measure number of records created by users
- 测量用户创建的记录数量
- measure how much sales activity is being recorded
- 衡量有多少销售活动被记录
- measure if data quality is maintained
- 衡量数据质量是否得到维护
- track key business metrics with reports and dashboards
- 使用报告和仪表板跟踪关键业务指标
- measure how much users are collaborating using the system, ex: volume of Chatter post
- 测量有多少用户使用该系统进行合作,例如: 聊天工具的数量
以上就是认真水蜜桃最近收集整理的关于Salesforce入门教程(中文)-xxx Salesforce Sales Cloud Consultant Exam Preparation: Implementation Strate实施策略的全部内容,更多相关Salesforce入门教程(中文)-xxx内容请搜索靠谱客的其他文章。
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