sudo apt-get -y install libsqlite3-dev genisoimage gem install bosh_deployer gem install bosh_cli
4.下载微 BOSH Stemcell
% mkdir -p ~/stemcells % cd stemcells % bosh public stemcells ...... To download use 'bosh download public stemcell <stemcell_name>'. % bosh download public stemcell micro-bosh-stemcell-vsphere-0.6.4.tgz
mkdir ~/deployments cd ~/deployments mkdir micro01
--- name: micro01 network: ip: netmask: gateway: dns: - - cloud_properties: name: VM Network resources: persistent_disk: 16384 cloud_properties: ram: 4096 disk: 16384 cpu: 2 cloud: plugin: vsphere properties: agent: ntp: - time.bnu.edu.cn - ntp02.las01.emcatmos.com vcenters: - host: user: administrator password: QWEqwe123@ datacenters: - name: vDataCenter vm_folder: vm_folder template_folder: template_folder disk_path: boshdeployer datastore_pattern: NFSDataStore persistent_datastore_pattern: NFSDataStore allow_mixed_datastores: true clusters: - vCluster
bosh micro deployment micro_bosh.yml
6.部署一个新的micro BOSH 实例并创建一个新的持久磁盘
bosh micro deploy ~/stemcells/micro-bosh-stemcell-vsphere-0.6.4.tgz
查看微 BOSH 部署的状态 bosh status
列出部署 bosh micro deployments
删除微 BOSH 部署 bosh micro delete
git clone git@github.com:cloudfoundry/bosh-release.git cd bosh-release git checkout 9e0b649da80a563ba64229069299c57f72ab54ad
bosh upload stemcell bosh-stemcell-vsphere-0.6.7.tgz
bosh upload release releases/bosh-11.yml
bosh deployment bosh.yml bosh deploy
8.安装cloud foundry(即cf)
bosh target #target到你的director
git clone git@github.com:cloudfoundry/cf-release.git cd cf-release bosh upload release releases/appcloud-129.yml # use the highest number available - inspecting the files in this directory
bosh deployment ~/deployments/cloudfoundry.yml
--- name: cf-dev director_uuid: df1194df-6753-46f8-b05f-ef8d29381801 release: name: appcloud version: 127 compilation: workers: 8 network: default cloud_properties: ram: 2048 disk: 8096 cpu: 4 update: canaries: 1 canary_watch_time: 3000-90000 update_watch_time: 3000-90000 max_in_flight: 4 max_errors: 4 networks: - name: default subnets: - range: reserved: - - static: - - gateway: dns: - - cloud_properties: name: VM Network resource_pools: - name: infrastructure network: default size: 28 stemcell: name: bosh-stemcell version: 0.8.0 cloud_properties: ram: 2048 disk: 8192 cpu: 1 env: bosh: # password generated using mkpasswd -m sha-512 password: $6$leYJSesP$fPm2lwx4Pw/5ZmafFH3h0sMjnMhdH02uC4K7Te0Bu48YhS7o3PFxfsv.V/is.Ty29Ol1j2lvWLcMiE99AvoMy/ - name: deas network: default size: 2 stemcell: name: bosh-stemcell version: 0.8.0 cloud_properties: ram: 8192 disk: 16384 cpu: 4 env: bosh: # password generated using mkpasswd -m sha-512 password: $6$leYJSesP$fPm2lwx4Pw/5ZmafFH3h0sMjnMhdH02uC4K7Te0Bu48YhS7o3PFxfsv.V/is.Ty29Ol1j2lvWLcMiE99AvoMy/ - name: services_3gb network: default size: 2 stemcell: name: bosh-stemcell version: 0.8.0 cloud_properties: ram: 3072 disk: 8192 cpu: 8 env: bosh: # password generated using mkpasswd -m sha-512 password: $6$leYJSesP$fPm2lwx4Pw/5ZmafFH3h0sMjnMhdH02uC4K7Te0Bu48YhS7o3PFxfsv.V/is.Ty29Ol1j2lvWLcMiE99AvoMy/ - name: services_13gb network: default size: 1 stemcell: name: bosh-stemcell version: 0.8.0 cloud_properties: ram: 13312 disk: 8192 cpu: 8 env: bosh: # password generated using mkpasswd -m sha-512 password: $6$leYJSesP$fPm2lwx4Pw/5ZmafFH3h0sMjnMhdH02uC4K7Te0Bu48YhS7o3PFxfsv.V/is.Ty29Ol1j2lvWLcMiE99AvoMy/ - name: services_21gb network: default size: 2 stemcell: name: bosh-stemcell version: 0.8.0 cloud_properties: ram: 21504 disk: 8192 cpu: 8 env: bosh: # password generated using mkpasswd -m sha-512 password: $6$leYJSesP$fPm2lwx4Pw/5ZmafFH3h0sMjnMhdH02uC4K7Te0Bu48YhS7o3PFxfsv.V/is.Ty29Ol1j2lvWLcMiE99AvoMy/ jobs: - name: debian_nfs_server release: appcloud template: debian_nfs_server instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure persistent_disk: 8192 networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: services_nfs release: appcloud template: debian_nfs_server instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure persistent_disk: 10240 properties: debian_nfs_server: no_root_squash: true networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: syslog_aggregator release: appcloud template: syslog_aggregator instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure persistent_disk: 100000 networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: nats release: appcloud template: nats instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: hbase_slave release: appcloud template: hbase_slave instances: 3 resource_pool: infrastructure persistent_disk: 2048 networks: - name: default static_ips: - - - - name: hbase_master release: appcloud template: hbase_master instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure persistent_disk: 2048 networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: opentsdb release: appcloud template: opentsdb instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: collector release: appcloud template: collector instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: dashboard release: appcloud template: dashboard instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default - name: ccdb_ng release: appcloud template: postgres instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure persistent_disk: 2048 networks: - name: default static_ips: - properties: db: ccdb_ng - name: uaadb release: appcloud template: postgres instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure persistent_disk: 2048 networks: - name: default static_ips: - properties: db: uaadb - name: vcap_redis release: appcloud template: vcap_redis instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: services_redis release: appcloud template: vcap_redis instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure persistent_disk: 2048 networks: - name: default static_ips: - properties: vcap_redis: port: 3456 password: fksaefblsdf9 maxmemory: 2000000000 persistence: dir: /var/vcap/store/vcap_redis - name: uaa release: appcloud template: uaa instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default - name: login release: appcloud template: login instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default - name: cloud_controller_ng release: appcloud template: cloud_controller_ng instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default - name: router release: appcloud template: gorouter instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default default: [dns, gateway] - name: health_manager_next release: appcloud template: health_manager_next instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default static_ips: - properties: cc_props: ccng hm_props: health_manager_ccng - name: dea_next release: appcloud template: dea_next instances: 1 resource_pool: deas update: max_in_flight: 8 networks: - name: default - name: mysql_node_100 release: appcloud template: mysql_node_ng instances: 1 resource_pool: services_3gb persistent_disk: 12058 properties: plan: "100" networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: mysql_gateway release: appcloud template: mysql_gateway instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default properties: uaa_client_id: "vmc" uaa_endpoint: https://uaa.your.domain.org uaa_client_auth_credentials: username: your-admin@your-org.com password: your-admin-password - name: mongodb_node_100 release: appcloud template: mongodb_node_ng instances: 1 resource_pool: services_21gb persistent_disk: 63729 properties: plan: "100" networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: mongodb_gateway release: appcloud template: mongodb_gateway instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default properties: uaa_client_id: "vmc" uaa_endpoint: https://uaa.your.domain.org uaa_client_auth_credentials: username: your-admin@your-org.com password: your-admin-password - name: redis_node_100 release: appcloud template: redis_node_ng instances: 1 resource_pool: services_13gb persistent_disk: 7168 properties: plan: "100" networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: redis_gateway release: appcloud template: redis_gateway instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default properties: uaa_client_id: "vmc" uaa_endpoint: https://uaa.your.domain.org uaa_client_auth_credentials: username: your-admin@your-org.com password: your-admin-password - name: rabbit_node_100 release: appcloud template: rabbit_node_ng instances: 1 resource_pool: services_21gb persistent_disk: 3072 properties: plan: "100" networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: rabbit_gateway release: appcloud template: rabbit_gateway instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default properties: uaa_client_id: "vmc" uaa_endpoint: https://uaa.your.domain.org uaa_client_auth_credentials: username: your-admin@your-org.com password: the_admin_pw - name: postgresql_node_100 release: appcloud template: postgresql_node_ng instances: 1 resource_pool: services_3gb persistent_disk: 15861 properties: plan: "100" networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: postgresql_gateway release: appcloud template: postgresql_gateway instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default properties: uaa_client_id: "vmc" uaa_endpoint: https://uaa.your.domain.org uaa_client_auth_credentials: username: your-admin@your-org.com password: the_admin_pw - name: backup_manager release: appcloud template: backup_manager instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: service_utilities release: appcloud template: service_utilities instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default static_ips: - - name: serialization_data_server release: appcloud template: serialization_data_server instances: 1 resource_pool: infrastructure networks: - name: default static_ips: - properties: domain: cf.local networks: apps: default management: default nats: user: nats password: asdfasdfasdf address: port: 4222 #required for uaa batch until it is removed ccdb: address: port: 12345 roles: - tag: admin name: a-ccdb-user-name password: a-ccdb-password databases: - tag: cc name: foobar ccdb_ng: address: port: 5524 pool_size: 10 roles: - tag: admin name: ccadmin password: asdfasdf80456 databases: - tag: cc name: appcloud citext: true health_manager_ccng: shadow_mode: disable cc_partition: ng uaadb: address: port: 2544 roles: - tag: admin name: root password: asdfsadf9089089345 databases: - tag: uaa name: uaa cc: srv_api_uri: http://ccng.local ccng: srv_api_uri: http://ccng.local external_host: ccng logging_level: debug bulk_api_password: asdfjklhsadfhljkfas uaa_resource_id: cloud_controller staging_upload_user: jkfgjkfg staging_upload_password: lfgklfgfg vcap_redis: address: port: 5454 password: jkfgkjfgjkfgjkfgjk maxmemory: 2000000000 # 2GB router: status: port: 8080 user: 0dfg0dfg0dfg password: kdfgkdfgkdfgdfg4 dashboard: uaa: client_id: dashboard client_secret: 0dfgmsfgngrioger users: - [dash-user, dash-password] dea: max_memory: 8192 dea_next: memory_mb: 8192 memory_overcommit_factor: 4 disk_mb: 16384 disk_overcommit_factor: 4 num_instances: 256 nfs_server: address: network: hbase_master: address: hbase_master: port: 60000 webui_port: 60010 heap_size: 1024 hbase_zookeeper: heap_size: 1024 hadoop_namenode: port: 9000 opentsdb: address: port: 4242 hbase_slave: hbase_regionserver: port: 60020 heap_size: 1024 addresses: - - - service_plans: mysql: "100": description: "Shared server, shared VM, 1MB memory, 10MB storage, 10 connections" free: true job_management: high_water: 900 low_water: 100 configuration: capacity: 500 max_db_size: 10 key_buffer: 512 innodb_buffer_pool_size: 512 max_allowed_packet: 16 thread_cache_size: 128 query_cache_size: 128 max_long_query: 3 max_long_tx: 30 max_clients: 10 max_connections: 1000 table_open_cache: 2000 innodb_tables_per_database: 50 connection_pool_size: min: 5 max: 10 backup: enable: true lifecycle: enable: true serialization: enable snapshot: quota: 1 warden: enable: false postgresql: "100": description: "Shared server, shared VM, 1MB memory, 10MB storage, 10 connections" free: true job_management: high_water: 900 low_water: 100 configuration: capacity: 500 max_db_size: 10 max_long_query: 3 max_long_tx: 10 max_clients: 10 max_connections: 1000 shared_buffers: 320 effective_cache_size: 1142 shmmax: 397410304 checkpoint_segments: 16 checkpoint_segments_max: 50 maintenance_work_mem: 30 backup: enable: true lifecycle: enable: true serialization: enable snapshot: quota: 1 warden: enable: false mongodb: "100": description: "Dedicated server, shared VM, 250MB storage, 10 connections" free: true job_management: high_water: 230 low_water: 20 configuration: capacity: 125 max_clients: 10 quota_files: 4 quota_data_size: 240 enable_journaling: true backup: enable: true lifecycle: enable: true serialization: enable snapshot: quota: 1 redis: "100": description: "Dedicated server, shared VM, 20MB memory, 50 connections" free: true job_management: high_water: 410 low_water: 40 configuration: capacity: 220 max_memory: 20 memory_overhead: 20 max_clients: 50 persistent: true backup: enable: true lifecycle: enable: true serialization: enable snapshot: quota: 1 rabbit: "100": description: "Dedicated server, shared VM, 1MB messages/day, 10 connections" free: true job_management: high_water: 280 low_water: 20 configuration: capacity: 150 max_disk: 10 max_clients: 10 vm_memory_high_watermark: 0.00587 free_disk_low_water: 0.01832 bandwidth_quotas: per_day: 1 per_second: 0.01 filesystem_quota: true serialization_data_server: upload_token: asdf9asd9asd9ad9ads9ads use_nginx: true upload_timeout: 10 port: 8080 upload_file_expire_time: 600 purge_expired_interval: 30 service_backup: nfs_server: address: export_dir: /var/vcap/store/shared service_migration: nfs_server: address: export_dir: /var/vcap/store/shared service_backup_manager: enable: true service_snapshot_manager: enable: true service_job_manager: # enable: true service_lifecycle: download_url: service-serialization.cf.local mount_point: /var/vcap/service_lifecycle tmp_dir: /var/vcap/service_lifecycle/tmp_dir resque: host: port: 3456 password: sfgasdgfasdfg nfs_server: address: export_dir: /var/vcap/store/shared serialization_data_server: - mysql_gateway: token: uiasdfkasdfophasdfkjadsf default_plan: "100" supported_versions: ["5.5"] version_aliases: current: "5.5" cc_api_version: v2 mysql_node: password: adfsadfsadsv supported_versions: ["5.5"] default_version: "5.5" max_tmp: 1024 redis_gateway: token: u9sadfy9adfspsadonjasdfhjopadfs default_plan: "100" supported_versions: ["2.6"] version_aliases: current: "2.6" cc_api_version: v2 redis_node: command_rename_prefix: foobar supported_versions: ["2.6"] default_version: "2.6" mongodb_gateway: token: asdfasdfadfs090uadsf9fsrg default_plan: "100" supported_versions: ["2.2"] version_aliases: current: "2.2" cc_api_version: v2 mongodb_node: supported_versions: ["2.2"] default_version: "2.2" max_tmp: 900 rabbit_gateway: token: asdfuiasdfojiasdfjosadfjks default_plan: "100" supported_versions: ["2.8"] version_aliases: current: "2.8" cc_api_version: v2 rabbit_node: supported_versions: ["2.8"] default_version: "2.8" postgresql_gateway: token: asdfg0uadsfophiasdfhophoads supported_plan: "100" supported_versions: ["9.1"] version_aliases: current: "9.1" cc_api_version: v2 postgresql_node: supported_versions: ["9.1"] default_version: "9.1" password: puafsp0uadfsophdsafjoidfs syslog_aggregator: address: port: 54321 uaa: catalina_opts: -Xmx768m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m url: http://uaa.cf.local resource_id: account_manager client_secret: somesecret token_secret: tokensecret cc: token_secret: asdfasdfasdfadfs client_secret: asdfasdfasdffth admin: client_secret: erthth45ydbgaerg login: client_secret: 457dgnsrgw457sdg batch: username: sdfgjwetrysdgf password: 235dshsbsdgssd client: override: true autoapprove: - vmc - my - portal - micro - support-signon - login clients: dashboard: secret: w4ydbsbJUetdrgdsg scope: openid,dashboard.user authorities: uaa.admin,uaa.resource,tokens.read,scim.read,scim.write authorized-grant-types: client_credentials,authorization_code,refresh_token portal: override: true id: portal scope: scim.write,scim.read,openid,cloud_controller.read,cloud_controller.write authorities: scim.write,scim.read,openid,cloud_controller.read,cloud_controller.write,password.write,uaa.admin secret: portalsecret authorized-grant-types: authorization_code,client_credentials,password,implicit access-token-validity: 1209600 refresh-token-validity: 1209600 support-services: scope: scim.write,scim.read,openid,cloud_controller.read,cloud_controller.write secret: ssosecretsso id: support-services authorized-grant-types: authorization_code,client_credentials redirect-uri: http://support-signon.cf.your.domain.com authorities: portal.users.read access-token-validity: 1209600 refresh-token-validity: 1209600 vmc: override: true authorized-grant-types: implicit authorities: uaa.none scope: cloud_controller.read,cloud_controller.write,openid,password.write,cloud_controller.admin,scim.read,scim.write scim: users: - your-admin@your-org.com|your-admin-password|scim.write,scim.read,openid,cloud_controller.admin - dash-user|dash-password|openid,dashboard.user
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