what is the best methodology to export data from Neo4j to CSV, I had imported data from csv to neo4j using CSV importer in the link https://github.com/sroycode/neo4j-import.
I had performed some operations on the data, i want to get back the query results into the csv, can anyone suggest me the solution.
iam using neo4j 1.9.3 and java 1.6
A short snippet in Groovy doing this:
@Grab(group="org.neo4j", module="neo4j-cypher", version="1.9")
@Grab(group='net.sf.opencsv', module='opencsv', version='2.3')
import org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase
import org.neo4j.cypher.javacompat.ExecutionEngine
import au.com.bytecode.opencsv.CSVWriter
assert args, "specify location of graph.db and cypher statement"
def db = new org.neo4j.kernel.EmbeddedGraphDatabase(args[0])
def ee = new ExecutionEngine(db)
def result = ee.execute(args[1])
def columns = result.columns()
System.out.withWriter { writer ->
CSVWriter csv = new CSVWriter(writer)
csv.writeNext(columns as String[])
for (def row in result) {
def values = columns.collect {row[it]}
csv.writeNext(values as String[])
Of course opencsv can be used in a pure Java environment as well.
以上就是雪白香氛为你收集整理的java导入数据 neo4j,使用Java将数据从Neo4j导出到CSV的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决java导入数据 neo4j,使用Java将数据从Neo4j导出到CSV所遇到的程序开发问题。
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