我是靠谱客的博主 妩媚帅哥,这篇文章主要介绍Python学习之文件(二),现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



Help on method_descriptor:

read([size]) -> read at most size bytes, returned as a string.

If the size argument is negative or omitted, read until EOF is reached.
Notice that when in non-blocking mode, less data than what was requested
may be returned, even if no size parameter was given.


解释: read([size]) - >读取大多数字节,以字符串形式返回。

Help on method_descriptor:

readline([size]) -> next line from the file, as a string.

Retain newline.
A non-negative size argument limits the maximum
number of bytes to return (an incomplete line may be returned then).
Return an empty string at EOF.


Help on method_descriptor:

readlines([size]) -> list of strings, each a line from the file.

Call readline() repeatedly and return a list of the lines so read.
The optional size argument, if given, is an approximate bound on the
total number of bytes in the lines returned.




[root@python file]# pwd
[root@python file]# cat rtext.txt 
What Happened to My Computer?
Your important files are encrypted.
Many of your documents,photos,videos,
databases and others are no longer
accesssible because they have been encrypted.
Maybe you are busy looking for
a wayto recover your files,
but do not waste your time.
Nobody can recover your files without our
decryption service.Can I Recover My files?
Sure,We guarantee that you can recover all
your files safely and easily,
But you have not so enouth time.
you can decrypt some of your files and free.
Try now by clicking <Decryt>.
But if you want to decrypt all
your files,you need to pay.
Your only have 3 days to submit
the payment.After that the
price will be doubled.
Also,if you don't be able to
recover your file forever.
We will have free events for user who
are so poor that they couldn't pay in 6 months.
[root@python file]# 


>>> tread = open("/pythonFile/file/rtext.txt")
>>> line = tread.read()
>>> line
"What Happened to My Computer?nYour important files are encrypted.nMany of your documents,photos,videos,ndatabases and others are no longer naccesssible because they have been encrypted.nMaybe you are busy looking forna wayto recover your files,nbut do not waste your time.nNobody can recover your files without ourndecryption service.Can I Recover My files?nSure,We guarantee that you can recover allnyour files safely and easily,nBut you have not so enouth time.nyou can decrypt some of your files and free.nTry now by clicking <Decryt>.nBut if you want to decrypt allnyour files,you need to pay.nYour only have 3 days to submitnthe payment.After that thenprice will be doubled.nAlso,if you don't be able tonrecover your file forever.nWe will have free events for user who nare so poor that they couldn't pay in 6 months.n"
>>> print line
What Happened to My Computer?
Your important files are encrypted.
Many of your documents,photos,videos,
databases and others are no longer
accesssible because they have been encrypted.
Maybe you are busy looking for
a wayto recover your files,
but do not waste your time.
Nobody can recover your files without our
decryption service.Can I Recover My files?
Sure,We guarantee that you can recover all
your files safely and easily,
But you have not so enouth time.
you can decrypt some of your files and free.
Try now by clicking <Decryt>.
But if you want to decrypt all
your files,you need to pay.
Your only have 3 days to submit
the payment.After that the
price will be doubled.
Also,if you don't be able to
recover your file forever.
We will have free events for user who
are so poor that they couldn't pay in 6 months.
>>> tread.close()

上述例子中,我们发现如果原文本中有换行,那么read( )函数在读取的时候就将换行符读取出来。再使用print函数的时候“”n“”就被自动转义换行了。

使用readline( )函数读取

>>> treadline = open("/pythonFile/file/rtext.txt")
>>> reline = treadline.readline()
>>> reline
'What Happened to My Computer?n'
>>> reline = treadline.readline()
>>> reline
'Your important files are encrypted.n'
>>> reline = treadline.readline()
>>> reline
'Many of your documents,photos,videos,n'

每次操作一次readline( )就读取一行


[root@python file]# cat treadline.py 
#!/usr/bin/env python
treadline = open("/pythonFile/file/rtext.txt")
#use while loop
while True:
lineread = treadline.readline()
if not lineread:
#if returns none string,end loop
print lineread ,
[root@python file]# 


[root@python file]# python treadline.py 
What Happened to My Computer?
Your important files are encrypted.
Many of your documents,photos,videos,
databases and others are no longer
accesssible because they have been encrypted.
Maybe you are busy looking for
a wayto recover your files,
but do not waste your time.
Nobody can recover your files without our
decryption service.Can I Recover My files?
Sure,We guarantee that you can recover all
your files safely and easily,
But you have not so enouth time.
you can decrypt some of your files and free.
Try now by clicking <Decryt>.
But if you want to decrypt all
your files,you need to pay.
Your only have 3 days to submit
the payment.After that the
price will be doubled.
Also,if you don't be able to
recover your file forever.
We will have free events for user who
are so poor that they couldn't pay in 6 months.
[root@python file]# 

使用readlines( )函数读取

>>> rlines = treadlines.readlines()
>>> rlines
['What Happened to My Computer?n', 'Your important files are encrypted.n', 'Many of your documents,photos,videos,n', 'databases and others are no longer n', 'accesssible because they have been encrypted.n', 'Maybe you are busy looking forn', 'a wayto recover your files,n', 'but do not waste your time.n', 'Nobody can recover your files without ourn', 'decryption service.Can I Recover My files?n', 'Sure,We guarantee that you can recover alln', 'your files safely and easily,n', 'But you have not so enouth time.n', 'you can decrypt some of your files and free.n', 'Try now by clicking <Decryt>.n', 'But if you want to decrypt alln', 'your files,you need to pay.n', 'Your only have 3 days to submitn', 'the payment.After that then', 'price will be doubled.n', "Also,if you don't be able ton", 'recover your file forever.n', 'We will have free events for user who n', "are so poor that they couldn't pay in 6 months.n"]
>>> treadlines = open("/pythonFile/file/rtext.txt")
>>> rlines = treadlines.readlines()
>>> for line in rlines:
print line,
What Happened to My Computer?
Your important files are encrypted.
Many of your documents,photos,videos,
databases and others are no longer
accesssible because they have been encrypted.
Maybe you are busy looking for
a wayto recover your files,
but do not waste your time.
Nobody can recover your files without our
decryption service.Can I Recover My files?
Sure,We guarantee that you can recover all
your files safely and easily,
But you have not so enouth time.
you can decrypt some of your files and free.
Try now by clicking <Decryt>.
But if you want to decrypt all
your files,you need to pay.
Your only have 3 days to submit
the payment.After that the
price will be doubled.
Also,if you don't be able to
recover your file forever.
We will have free events for user who
are so poor that they couldn't pay in 6 months.
>>> treadlines.close()



read/readline/readlines只是用来读取小文件,当然readline()也可以用while循环来读取大文件。也可以用readlin( )函数来读取大文件,但是Python为了更好的解决读取大文件不方便的问题,又引入了一个模块儿,文件输入模块儿fileinput

[‘DEFAULT_BUFSIZE’, ‘FileInput’, ‘all‘, ‘builtins‘, ‘doc‘, ‘file‘, ‘name‘, ‘package‘, ‘_state’, ‘_test’, ‘close’, ‘filelineno’, ‘filename’, ‘fileno’, ‘hook_compressed’, ‘hook_encoded’, ‘input’, ‘isfirstline’, ‘isstdin’, ‘lineno’, ‘nextfile’, ‘os’, ‘sys’]

Help on function input in module fileinput:

input(files=None, inplace=0, backup=”, bufsize=0, mode=’r’, openhook=None)
input([files[, inplace[, backup[, mode[, openhook]]]]])

Create an instance of the FileInput class. The instance will be used
as global state for the functions of this module, and is also returned
to use during iteration. The parameters to this function will be passed
along to the constructor of the FileInput class.



>>> import fileinput
>>> bigfile = fileinput.input("/pythonFile/file/rtext.txt")
>>> for text in bigfile:
print text,
What Happened to My Computer?
Your important files are encrypted.
Many of your documents,photos,videos,
databases and others are no longer
accesssible because they have been encrypted.
Maybe you are busy looking for
a wayto recover your files,
but do not waste your time.
Nobody can recover your files without our
decryption service.Can I Recover My files?
Sure,We guarantee that you can recover all
your files safely and easily,
But you have not so enouth time.
you can decrypt some of your files and free.
Try now by clicking <Decryt>.
But if you want to decrypt all
your files,you need to pay.
Your only have 3 days to submit
the payment.After that the
price will be doubled.
Also,if you don't be able to
recover your file forever.
We will have free events for user who
are so poor that they couldn't pay in 6 months.
>>> bigfile.close()

移动文件中的指针seek( )函数

Help on method_descriptor:

seek(offset[, whence]) -> None. Move to new file position.

Argument offset is a byte count.
Optional argument whence defaults to
0 (offset from start of file, offset should be >= 0); other values are 1
(move relative to current position, positive or negative), and 2 (move
relative to end of file, usually negative, although many platforms allow
seeking beyond the end of a file).
If the file is opened in text mode,
only offsets returned by tell() are legal.
Use of other offsets causes
undefined behavior.

whence为0: 偏移量从文件开头开始,偏移量应该是大于等于0的。
在文本模式下如果打开文件,只有使用tell( )返回的偏移量是合法的。使用其它的偏移量是没有被定义的动作。

>>> see = open("/pythonFile/file/rtext.txt")
>>> seetext = see.readline()
>>> seetext
'What Happened to My Computer?n'
>>> seetext = see.readline()
>>> seetext
'Your important files are encrypted.n'
>>> see.seek(0)
>>> seetext
'Your important files are encrypted.n'
>>> seetext = see.readline()
>>> seetext
'What Happened to My Computer?n'
>>> see.close()

注意,指针seek( )里面至少要有一个给定的值,如果没有给定值,那么将会抛异常。

>>> see.seek()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: seek() takes at least 1 argument (0 given)
>>> see.close()


>>> see = open("/pythonFile/file/rtext.txt")
>>> seetext = see.readline()
>>> seetext
'What Happened to My Computer?n'
>>> seetext = see.readline()
>>> seetext
'Your important files are encrypted.n'
>>> see.seek(7)
>>> seetext
'Your important files are encrypted.n'
>>> seetext = see.readline()
>>> seetext
'ppened to My Computer?n'
>>> see.close()


循环: 指在条件满足的情况下,反复执行同一段代码。


[‘class‘, ‘delattr‘, ‘doc‘, ‘enter‘, ‘exit‘, ‘format‘, ‘getattribute‘, ‘hash‘, ‘init‘, ‘iter‘, ‘new‘, ‘reduce‘, ‘reduce_ex‘, ‘repr‘, ‘setattr‘, ‘sizeof‘, ‘str‘, ‘subclasshook‘, ‘close’, ‘closed’, ‘encoding’, ‘errors’, ‘fileno’, ‘flush’, ‘isatty’, ‘mode’, ‘name’, ‘newlines’, ‘next’, ‘read’, ‘readinto’, ‘readline’, ‘readlines’, ‘seek’, ‘softspace’, ‘tell’, ‘truncate’, ‘write’, ‘writelines’, ‘xreadlines’]




>>> treadlines = open("/pythonFile/file/rtext.txt")
>>> trlines = treadlines.readlines()
>>> trlines
['What Happened to My Computer?n', 'Your important files are encrypted.n', 'Many of your documents,photos,videos,n', 'databases and others are no longer n', 'accesssible because they have been encrypted.n', 'Maybe you are busy looking forn', 'a wayto recover your files,n', 'but do not waste your time.n', 'Nobody can recover your files without ourn', 'decryption service.Can I Recover My files?n', 'Sure,We guarantee that you can recover alln', 'your files safely and easily,n', 'But you have not so enouth time.n', 'you can decrypt some of your files and free.n', 'Try now by clicking <Decryt>.n', 'But if you want to decrypt alln', 'your files,you need to pay.n', 'Your only have 3 days to submitn', 'the payment.After that then', 'price will be doubled.n', "Also,if you don't be able ton", 'recover your file forever.n', 'We will have free events for user who n', "are so poor that they couldn't pay in 6 months.n"]
>>> liter = iter(trlines)
>>> liter.next()
'What Happened to My Computer?n'
>>> liter.next()
'Your important files are encrypted.n'
>>> liter.next()
'Many of your documents,photos,videos,n'
>>> liter.next()
'databases and others are no longer n'
>>> liter.next()
'accesssible because they have been encrypted.n'
>>> liter.next()
'Maybe you are busy looking forn'
>>> liter.next()
'a wayto recover your files,n'
>>> liter.next()
'but do not waste your time.n'
>>> liter.next()
'Nobody can recover your files without ourn'
>>> liter.next()
'decryption service.Can I Recover My files?n'
>>> liter.next()
'Sure,We guarantee that you can recover alln'
>>> liter.next()
'your files safely and easily,n'
>>> liter.next()
'But you have not so enouth time.n'
>>> liter.next()
'you can decrypt some of your files and free.n'
>>> liter.next()
'Try now by clicking <Decryt>.n'
>>> liter.next()
'But if you want to decrypt alln'
>>> liter.next()
'your files,you need to pay.n'
>>> liter.next()
'Your only have 3 days to submitn'
>>> liter.next()
'the payment.After that then'
>>> liter.next()
'price will be doubled.n'
>>> liter.next()
"Also,if you don't be able ton"
>>> liter.next()
'recover your file forever.n'
>>> liter.next()
'We will have free events for user who n'
>>> liter.next()
"are so poor that they couldn't pay in 6 months.n"
>>> liter.next()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>


>>> treadlines = open("/pythonFile/file/rtext.txt")
>>> trlines = treadlines.readlines()
>>> liter = iter(trlines)
>>> while True:
print liter.next(),
What Happened to My Computer?
Your important files are encrypted.
Many of your documents,photos,videos,
databases and others are no longer
accesssible because they have been encrypted.
Maybe you are busy looking for
a wayto recover your files,
but do not waste your time.
Nobody can recover your files without our
decryption service.Can I Recover My files?
Sure,We guarantee that you can recover all
your files safely and easily,
But you have not so enouth time.
you can decrypt some of your files and free.
Try now by clicking <Decryt>.
But if you want to decrypt all
your files,you need to pay.
Your only have 3 days to submit
the payment.After that the
price will be doubled.
Also,if you don't be able to
recover your file forever.
We will have free events for user who
are so poor that they couldn't pay in 6 months.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 2, in <module>
>>> treadlines.close()


>>> treadlines = open("/pythonFile/file/rtext.txt")
>>> list(treadlines)
['What Happened to My Computer?n', 'Your important files are encrypted.n', 'Many of your documents,photos,videos,n', 'databases and others are no longer n', 'accesssible because they have been encrypted.n', 'Maybe you are busy looking forn', 'a wayto recover your files,n', 'but do not waste your time.n', 'Nobody can recover your files without ourn', 'decryption service.Can I Recover My files?n', 'Sure,We guarantee that you can recover alln', 'your files safely and easily,n', 'But you have not so enouth time.n', 'you can decrypt some of your files and free.n', 'Try now by clicking <Decryt>.n', 'But if you want to decrypt alln', 'your files,you need to pay.n', 'Your only have 3 days to submitn', 'the payment.After that then', 'price will be doubled.n', "Also,if you don't be able ton", 'recover your file forever.n', 'We will have free events for user who n', "are so poor that they couldn't pay in 6 months.n"]
>>> tuple(treadlines)
>>> treadlines.close()


>>> treadlines = open("/pythonFile/file/rtext.txt")
>>> tuple(treadlines)
('What Happened to My Computer?n', 'Your important files are encrypted.n', 'Many of your documents,photos,videos,n', 'databases and others are no longer n', 'accesssible because they have been encrypted.n', 'Maybe you are busy looking forn', 'a wayto recover your files,n', 'but do not waste your time.n', 'Nobody can recover your files without ourn', 'decryption service.Can I Recover My files?n', 'Sure,We guarantee that you can recover alln', 'your files safely and easily,n', 'But you have not so enouth time.n', 'you can decrypt some of your files and free.n', 'Try now by clicking <Decryt>.n', 'But if you want to decrypt alln', 'your files,you need to pay.n', 'Your only have 3 days to submitn', 'the payment.After that then', 'price will be doubled.n', "Also,if you don't be able ton", 'recover your file forever.n', 'We will have free events for user who n', "are so poor that they couldn't pay in 6 months.n")
>>> treadlines.close()







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