我是靠谱客的博主 发嗲蛋挞,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍arm cef3 linux 编译_【学习笔记】CEF Linux编译,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。



Linux Setup

What's Required

Linux Build Requirements as listed on the BranchesAndBuilding Wiki page.

Building with other versions or distros has not been tested and may experience issues.

At least 6GB of RAM (16GB+ recommended) and 60GB of free disk space (for a Debug build).

Approximately 3 hours with a fast internet connection (100Mbps) and fast build machine (2.4Ghz, 16 logical cores, SSD).

Step-by-step Guide

In this example "~" is "/home/marshall". Note that in some cases the absolute path must be used. Environment variables described in this section can be added to your "~/.profile" or "~/.bashrc" file to persist them across sessions.

Create the following directories.

mkdir ~/code

mkdir ~/code/automate

mkdir ~/code/chromium_git

2. Download and run "~/code/install-build-deps.sh" to install build dependencies. Answer Y (yes) to all of the questions.

cd ~/code

sudo apt-get install curl

curl 'https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/+/master/build/install-build-deps.sh?format=TEXT' | base64 -d > install-build-deps.sh

chmod 755 install-build-deps.sh

sudo ./install-build-deps.sh --no-arm --no-chromeos-fonts --no-nacl

3. Install the "libgtkglext1-dev" package required by the cefclient sample application.

sudo apt-get install libgtkglext1-dev

4. Download "~/code/depot_tools" using Git.

cd ~/code

git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git

5. Add the "~/code/depot_tools" directory to your PATH. Note the use of an absolute path here.

export PATH=/home/marshall/code/depot_tools:$PATH

6. Download the "~/automate/automate-git.py" script.

cd ~/code/automate

wget https://bitbucket.org/chromiumembedded/cef/raw/master/tools/automate/automate-git.py

7. Create the "~/code/chromium_git/update.sh" script with the following contents.


python ../automate/automate-git.py --download-dir=/home/marshall/code/chromium_git --depot-tools-dir=/home/marshall/code/depot_tools --no-distrib --no-build

Give it executable permissions.

cd ~/code/chromium_git

chmod 755 update.sh

Run the "update.sh" script and wait for CEF and Chromium source code to download. CEF source code will be downloaded to "~/code/chromium_git/cef" and Chromium source code will be downloaded to "~/code/chromium_git/chromium/src". After download completion the CEF source code will be copied to "~/code/chromium_git/chromium/src/cef".

cd ~/code/chromium_git


8. Create the "~/code/chromium_git/chromium/src/cef/create.sh" script with the following contents.



Give it executable permissions.

cd ~/code/chromium_git/chromium/src/cef

chmod 755 create.sh

Run the "create.sh" script to create Ninja project files. Repeat this step if you change the project configuration or add/remove files in the GN configuration (BUILD.gn file).

cd ~/code/chromium_git/chromium/src/cef


9. Create a Debug build of CEF/Chromium using Ninja. Edit the CEF source code at "~/code/chromium_git/chromium/src/cef" and repeat this step multiple times to perform incremental builds while developing. Note the additional "chrome_sandbox" target required by step 10.

cd ~/code/chromium_git/chromium/src

ninja -C out/Debug_GN_x64 cef chrome_sandbox

10. Set up the Linux SUID sandbox.

This environment variable should be set at all times.

export CHROME_DEVEL_SANDBOX=/usr/local/sbin/chrome-devel-sandbox

This command only needs to be run a single time.

cd ~/code/chromium_git/chromium/src

sudo BUILDTYPE=Debug_GN_x64 ./build/update-linux-sandbox.sh

11. Run the cefclient sample application.

cd ~/code/chromium_git/chromium/src


See the Linux debugging guide for detailed debugging instructions.

Next Steps

If you're seeking a good code editor on Linux check out the Eclipse and Emacs tutorials.

Review the Tutorial and GeneralUsage Wiki pages for details on CEF implementation and usage.

Review the Chromium debugging guide for Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.

When you’re ready to contribute your changes back to the CEF project see the ContributingWithGit Wiki page for instructions on creating a pull request.

! 非必须修改源码,才下载源码编译,上面是转载的我也没用过



john@john-virtual-machine:~/work/cef_binary_84.2.1+g3f2c372+chromium-84.0.4147.89_linux64$ cmake CMakeLists.txt

提示,gtkglext-1.0 ,没有

sudo apt-get install libgtkglext1-dev


cmake CMakeLists.txt

4. 编译cefclient

make cefclient



cmake CMakeLists.txt --DPROJECT_ARCH="arm64"


以上就是发嗲蛋挞为你收集整理的arm cef3 linux 编译_【学习笔记】CEF Linux编译的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决arm cef3 linux 编译_【学习笔记】CEF Linux编译所遇到的程序开发问题。



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