我是靠谱客的博主 愉快大船,最近开发中收集的这篇文章主要介绍React-redux app best practice,觉得挺不错的,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。


Background & Purpose

  • Flux and redux suggests more practice than eslint rules and compile-time issues.
  • thunk empower developers to do anything, and overuse it in most conditions.
  • To commit reasonable, maintainable and low-coupling code.

Coding practice

  • Avoid use dispatch in component directly
    If we inject dispatch into components via props(mapDispatch), it couples store and the view component tree because dispatch is a part of store implementation detail. Besides, dispatching action inside component directly will require us to import action types and other store detail, making the component tree doing too much thing other than “displaying view”. The better practice is to separate action implementation and component view, such that component view doesn’t have to be aware of actions’ implementation and actions are also usable for other components in the same module.
// bad
// ComponentA.js
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { SPECIFIC_ACTION_TYPE } from '@/actions/types';
const ComponentA = props => (
	<button onClick={() => props.dispatch({ type: SPECIFIC_ACTION_TYPE, payload: 'xxx' })}>{props.text}</button>
const mapState = state => ({
	text: state.text
export default connect(mapState)(ComponentA);

// good
// action.js
import { SPECIFIC_ACTION_TYPE } from '@/actions/types';
export const updateContent = content => ({
	payload: { content }
// ComponentA.js
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { updateContent } from '@/action';
const ComponentA = props => (
	<button onClick={() => props.onClickButton('content')}>{props.text}</button>
const mapState = state => ({
	text: state.text
const mapDispatch = {
	onClickButton: updateContent
export default connect(mapState, mapDispatch)(ComponentA);
  • Apply selectors and reselect for mapState
    Store is a place for storing data and state, but it doesn’t mean that we could only store what’s displayed on the view. Instead, store is an independent module, and it could expose interface for other module to retrieve states. This is where selectors take effects, which act as data derivation in the middle layer between store and component view. Except the advantages of encapsulation, selectors and reselect boost significant performance improvement, since they could reduce unnecessary selectors’ execution and component re-render when store’s state keep unchanged.
// bad
// reducer.js
import { SPECIFI_ACTION_TYPE } from '@/actions/types';
export default (state = { percent: 0 }, { type, payload }) => {
	switch (type) {
			const { point } = payload;
			return {
				percent: `${Number.parseInt(point / 100, 10)}%`
			return state;
// ComponentA.js
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
const ComponentA = props => <p>{props.text}</p>;
const mapState = state => ({
	text: state.percent
connect(mapState, null)(ComponentA);

// good
// reducer.js
import { SPECIFI_ACTION_TYPE } from '@/actions/types';
export default (state = { point: 0 }, { type, payload }) => {
	switch (type) {
			const { point } = payload;
			return {
			return state;
// selector.js
export const selectPercent = state => `${Number.parseInt(state.point / 100, 10)}%`;
// ComponentA.js
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
const ComponentA = props => <p>{props.text}</p>;
const mapState = state => ({
	text: selectPercent(state)
connect(mapState, null)(ComponentA);


以上就是愉快大船为你收集整理的React-redux app best practice的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决React-redux app best practice所遇到的程序开发问题。



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