我通过搜索任何未加载状态的内容来处理等待几个元素的问题。您也可以使用“:nth child”选择器,如下所示:#in for loop with enumerate for i
selector.append(' > li:nth-child(%i)' % (i + 1)) # identify child
by its order pos这是我的硬注释代码解决方案,例如:def parse_crippled_shifted_list(driver, frame, selector, level=1, parent_id=0, path=None):
Traversal of html list of special structure (you can't know if element has sub list unless you enter it).
Supports start from remembered list element.
Nested lists have classes "closed" and "last closed" when closed and "open" and "last open" when opened (on
).Elements themselves have classes "leaf" and "last leaf" in both cases.
Nested lists situate in
element as- list. Each
- appears after clicking
If you click
driver - WebDriver; frame - frame of the list; selector - selector to current list (
);level - level of depth, just for console output formatting, parent_id - id of parent category (in DB),
path - remained path in categories (ORM objects) to target category to start with.
# Add current level list elements
# This method selects all but loading. Just what is needed to exclude.
selector.append(' > li > a:not([class=loading])')
# Wait for child list to load
query = WebDriverWait(driver, WAIT_LONG_TIME).until(
EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, ''.join(selector))))
except TimeoutException:
print "%s timed out" % ''.join(selector)
# List is loaded
del selector[-1] # selector correction: delete last part aimed to get loaded content
selector.append(' > li')
children = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(''.join(selector)) # fetch list elements
# Walk the whole list
for i, child in enumerate(children):
del selector[-1] # delete non-unique li tag selector
if selector[-1] != ' > ul' and selector[-1] != 'ul.ltr':
del selector[-1]
selector.append(' > li:nth-child(%i)' % (i + 1)) # identify child
by its order posselector.append(' > a') # add 'li > a' reference to click
child_link = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(''.join(selector))
# If we parse freely further (no need to start from remembered position)
if not path:
# Open child
double_click(driver, child_link)
except InvalidElementStateException:
print "nnERRORn", InvalidElementStateException.message(), 'nn'
# Determine its type
del selector[-1] # delete changed and already useless link reference
# If
is category, it would have as child now and class="open"# Check by class is priority, because
exists for sure.current_li = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(''.join(selector))
# Category case - BRANCH
if current_li.get_attribute('class') == 'open' or current_li.get_attribute('class') == 'last open':
new_parent_id = process_category_case(child_link, parent_id, level) # add category to DB
selector.append(' > ul') # forward to nested list
# Wait for nested list to load
query = WebDriverWait(driver, WAIT_LONG_TIME).until(
EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, ''.join(selector))))
except TimeoutException:
print "t" * level, "%s timed out (%i secs). Failed to load nested list." %
''.join(selector), WAIT_LONG_TIME
# Parse nested list
parse_crippled_shifted_list(driver, frame, selector, level + 1, new_parent_id)
# Page case - LEAF
elif current_li.get_attribute('class') == 'leaf' or current_li.get_attribute('class') == 'last leaf':
process_page_case(driver, child_link, level)
raise Exception('Damn! Alien class: %s' % current_li.get_attribute('class'))
# If it's required to continue from specified category
# Check if it's required category
if child_link.text == path[0].name:
# Open required category
double_click(driver, child_link)
except InvalidElementStateException:
print "nnERRORn", InvalidElementStateException.msg, 'nn'
# This element of list must be always category (have nested list)
del selector[-1] # delete changed and already useless link reference
# If
is category, it would have as child now and class="open"# Check by class is priority, because
exists for sure.current_li = driver.find_element_by_css_selector(''.join(selector))
# Category case - BRANCH
if current_li.get_attribute('class') == 'open' or current_li.get_attribute('class') == 'last open':
selector.append(' > ul') # forward to nested list
# Wait for nested list to load
query = WebDriverWait(driver, WAIT_LONG_TIME).until(
EC.presence_of_all_elements_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, ''.join(selector))))
except TimeoutException:
print "t" * level, "%s timed out (%i secs). Failed to load nested list." %
''.join(selector), WAIT_LONG_TIME
# Process this nested list
last = path.pop(0)
if len(path) > 0: # If more to parse
print "t" * level, "Going deeper to: %s" % ''.join(selector)
parse_crippled_shifted_list(driver, frame, selector, level + 1,
parent_id=last.id, path=path)
else: # Current is required
print "t" * level, "Returning target category: ", ''.join(selector)
path = None
parse_crippled_shifted_list(driver, frame, selector, level + 1, last.id, path=None)
# Page case - LEAF
elif current_li.get_attribute('class') == 'leaf':
print "dummy"
del selector[-2:]
以上就是无奈裙子为你收集整理的python selenium 等待元素出现_Python Selenium等待加载几个元素的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决python selenium 等待元素出现_Python Selenium等待加载几个元素所遇到的程序开发问题。
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