yum grouplist
yum grouplist hidden
yum grouplist ids
man yum #查看帮助
"group list" is used to list the available groups from all yum
repos. When group_command=objects the group is installed if the
user explicitly installed it (or used the group mark* commands
to mark it installed). It does not need to have any packages
installed. When not using group_command=objects groups are
shown as "installed" if all mandatory packages are installed, or
if a group doesn't have any mandatory packages then it is
installed if any of the optional or default package are
installed (when not in group_command=objects mode). You can
pass optional arguments to the list/summary commands: installed,
available, environment, language, packages,
available, environment, language, packages, hidden and ids (or
any of those prefixed by "no" to turn them off again). Note
that groups that are available but hidden will not be listed
unless ´hidden´ keyword is passed to the command. If you pass
the -v option, to enable verbose mode, then the groupids are
displayed by default (but "yum group list ids" is often easier
to read).
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