zyjsupers-MacBook-Air:etc root# diskutil
Disk Utility Tool
Utility to manage local disks and volumes
Most commands require an administrator or root user
WARNING: Most destructive operations are not prompted
Usage: diskutil [quiet] <verb> <options>, where <verb> is as follows:
eraseDisk (Erase an existing disk, removing all volumes)
eraseVolume (Erase an existing volume)
reformat (Erase an existing volume with same name and type)
eraseOptical (Erase optical media (CD/RW, DVD/RW, etc.))
zeroDisk (Erase a disk, writing zeros to the media)
randomDisk (Erase a disk, writing random data to the media)
secureErase (Securely erase a disk or freespace on a volume)
zyjsupers-MacBook-Air:etc root# diskutil secureErase
Usage: diskutil secureErase [freespace] level
"Securely" (but see "man diskutil") erases either a whole disk
or a volume's freespace. Level should be one of the following:
0 - Single-pass zeros.
1 - Single-pass random numbers.
2 - US DoD 7-pass secure erase.
3 - Gutmann algorithm 35-pass secure erase.
4 - US DoE 3-pass secure erase.
Ownership of the affected disk is required.
Note: Level 2, 3, or 4 secure erases can take an extremely long time.
5个清理级别,0 level代表用数字0填充磁盘空间,速度较快,其他几个速度较慢。
secureErase [freespace] level device
Erase, using a "secure" (but see the NOTE below) method, either a whole-disk (including all of its partitions
if partitioned), or, only the free space (not in use for files) on a currently-mounted volume. Secure erasing
makes it harder to recover data using "file recovery" software.
Erasing a whole-disk will leave it useless until it is partitioned again. Erasing freespace on a volume will
leave your files intact, indeed, from an end-user perspective, it will appear unchanged, with the exception
that it will have attempted to make it impossible to recover deleted files.
If you need to erase all contents of a partition but not its hosting whole-disk, use the zeroDisk or
randomDisk verbs. Ownership of the affected disk is required.
Level should be one of the following:
o 0 - Single-pass zero-fill erase.
o 1 - Single-pass random-fill erase.
o 2 - US DoD 7-pass secure erase.
o 3 - Gutmann algorithm 35-pass secure erase.
o 4 - US DoE algorithm 3-pass secure erase.
NOTE: This kind of secure erase is no longer considered safe. Modern devices have wear-leveling, block-spar-
ing, and possibly-persistent cache hardware, which cannot be completely erased by these commands. The modern
solution for quickly and securely erasing your data is encryption. Strongly-encrypted data can be instantly
"erased" by destroying (or losing) the key (password), because this renders your data irretrievable in practi-
cal terms. Consider using APFS encryption (FileVault).
zyjsupers-MacBook-Air:etc root# diskutil secureErase freespace 0 disk2s1
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