1 He studied philosophy and psychology at Cambridge。
2 一个虚幻的身份,一个心智中的形象,一个假象的实体。
An illusory identity, an image in your mind, a fictitious entity.
3 China entered a post-industrial society when its GDP per capita reached $3000.
And in a post-industrial society,people tend to feel lonely and pressurized.
4 a far cry from 相差甚远
5 Just remember I'm a phone call away
6 account for 解释
7 anything but 绝对不
8 at home with... 对...很熟悉
9 be burned up 生气
10 bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂
11 You lost your nerve 你没种了
12 busy signal 占线
13 cut it out 闭嘴
14 department chair 系主任
15 have a way with 擅长
16 reconciliation 和解 和好
17 indecision 优柔寡断
18 plague 瘟疫 灾祸 折磨
19 dissipate 消散 放荡
20 comely 清秀的 美好的
21 I might have cross a bit of line 我可能做得有点过了
22 approaching squalls 即将到来的风暴 squall 号啕
23 water under the bridge 过去的事儿了
24 sake 清酒
25 sleazy 龌龊
26 I wanted only to wallow in my own grief. wallow 沉迷 wallow in 沉湎
27 aliasing 走样
28 B spline B样条
29 bounding volume 包围盒
30 CSG Constructive Solid Geometry 构造几何法,叶子节点表示基本体素,中间节点表示叶子的运算
31 HMD Head Mounted Display 头盔显示器
32 OSP Octree Space Partitioning 八叉树分割算法
33 dire warnings 可怖的预兆
34 in dire need of sleep 困倦,渴睡
35 your questioning is just a formality. 对你的询问只是例行公事
36 The important thing is what he talks about, not whether he agrees with it or not
37 hassle 口角
38 Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.Who looks outside, dreams;
Who looks inside, awaken.
39 The first UNIAC 1 was delivered to the Census Bureau and used for the 1950 census.The second UNIAC 1 was used to predict the Dwight Eisenhower would win
the 1952 presidential election,less than an hour after the polls closed.
40 compatible 兼容的
41 Reading is to the mind what exercise to the body.
42 gist 主旨 要点
Your body is a mirror of your thoughts and people get the gist of what you are thinking anyway.
43 accuman 聪明 敏锐
44 capitalize 利用 投资于
45 GEC 美国通用电气公司
46 predisposition 素质 倾向
47 retrieval 检索
48 It's a puzzler 这是个难题
49 pherobones 荷尔蒙
50 chiropractor 指压按摩师
51 agoraphobia 恐旷症
52 bladder 膀胱
53 The lack of confidence is cited as one of the reasons why home sales last month dropped to a 15 year low.
54 I can hit on her 我可以追到她
55 I have an inflamed larynx 我喉咙发炎了
56 You've been in a faul mood since I sat down. 自打我坐下你就呆若木鸡。
57 Ergo 也就是说
58 How do we circumvent his inevitable rejection? 我们如何避免他不可避免的失败
59 Obama call New Orleans a "symbol of Resilience" on Katrina Anniversary. resilience 弹力 恢复力
60 burn incense 烧香
61 I'm not going to moon away(虚度)the whole of my life
62 promise somebody the moon.对某人做无法兑现的许诺
63 glue pudding 汤圆
64 I'll be there momentarily 我马上就到
65 What you proposing is blackmail 你的提议是勒索
66 I implore you to work with me 我恳求你与我合作
67 small talk 说闲话 说废话
68 white elephant 鸡肋物品,闲置
69 non-negotiation with terrorists
70 In fact, most noise is subordinate to a certain model, and the model is generally known. 服从特定模型
71 The State Tobacco Monopoly Administration will be subordinate to the Ministry of Industry and Information.
72 The legal attribute of market manipulation is not monopoly or vicious speculation(恶意投机), but securities fraud.(证券诈骗)
73 I.T 2.0 mean computing moves to the cloud.
74 not everyone can understand it, since we often employ a symbolic or esoteric( /esou'teric/ 秘传的,难懂的)language.
75 flurry 疾风,慌张,混乱
76 dismiss speculation 消除疑惑
77 Seoul /soul/ 汉城
78 run_up 前夕,准备活动
79 traditional friendship has withstood the best of history and shown great vitality.
80 Strong management and coordination capacity, can withstand the market pressure, to lead by example, take the lead.
81 Just as suddenly as lightening strikes, an act of arrogance can destroy an otherwise credible communicator.
82 Agenda for buget meeting
July 1 09.30 - ...
1. Welcome/Apologies
2. Minutes of last meeting review
3. Presentation of financial situation(CFO) -20min
4. Budget presentations(heads) -10min each
5. proposals -30min
6. AOB (Any other business)
83 make less hacky 减少杂乱
84 She's been inactive since ctu was decommissioned
85 aim and comfort to the enemy
86 Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started... wait
The earth began to cool,
The autotrophs began to drool, 自养生物开始繁殖
Neanderthals developed tools, 尼安德特人发明了工具
We built a wall, Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries, That all started with the big bang!
87 workshop proposal 研讨会提案
88 omni 全,全部
89 XXX is linked to a Namibian graft(嫁接,渎职) probe(探查), industry sources said.
90 horse sense 常识
91 red tape 官僚习气
92 Chinese dragon 麒麟
93 an apple of love 西红柿
94 handwriting on the wall 不祥之兆
95 make one's hair stand on end 令人毛骨悚然
96 have a fit 勃然大怒
97 rediscount 再贴现
98 overtime 业余时间
99 sliding scale 按物价计酬法
100 premium bonus extra pay 奖励
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