hotelling变换 One of the most common challenges encountered in the modeling of spectroscopic data is to select a subset of variables (i.e. wavelengths) out of a large number of variables associated with the response variable. It is common for spectroscopic data to have a large number of variables relative to the number of observations. In such a situation, the selection of a smaller number of variables is crucial especially if we want to speed up the computation time and gain in the model’s stability and interpretability. Typically, variable selection methods are classified into two groups: 在光谱数据的建模中遇到的最常见的挑战Òne为选择的变量的子集(即,波长)了大量的与该响应相关联的变量的变量。 光谱数据相对于观测数量通常具有大量变量。 在这种情况下,选择较小数量的变量至关重要,尤其是在我们希望加快计算时间并提高模型稳定性和可解释性的情况下。 通常,变量选择方法分为两类: 背景 (Background)
以上就是年轻滑板为你收集整理的hotelling变换_基于Hotelling-T²的偏最小二乘(PLS)中的变量选择 背景 (Background) 方法 (Method)的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决hotelling变换_基于Hotelling-T²的偏最小二乘(PLS)中的变量选择 背景 (Background) 方法 (Method)所遇到的程序开发问题。
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