S - Number of letters
Find out the letter that occurs the most times in a string that consistes
of 'a'-'z'.Input
Line 1: an integer N, indicates the number of test case
Line 2, 4, 6...2N: a string consistes of 'a'-'z', of which the size is from 1 to 1000 inclusive
LIne 3, 5, 7...2N-1: blank lineOutput
Output N lines corresponding N strings of inputs.
Each line contains a letter that occurs the most times in the corresponding string and a number that is the time of occurence, seperated by a blank space.Sample Input
2 abbccc adfadffasdf
Sample Output
c 3 f 4
01 map[26]={"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"}; 进行映射
02 (不用映射也行)用下标做一个加法
03 小心输入字符串时中间的空行
// S - Number of letters
int main()
int n,i,count,pos;
int map[26];
char str[1005],ch;
// 老规矩 %*c 吃回车
while( count<n )
gets( str );
// 跳过空行
if( str[0]=='