-hshows a short help message.-aqueries the specified ethernet device for pause parameter information.-Achange the pause parameters of the specified ethernet device.autoneg on|offSpecify if pause autonegotiation is enabled.rx on|offSpecify if RX pause is enabled.tx on|offSpecify if TX pause is enabled.-cqueries the specified ethernet device for coalescing information.-Cchange the coalescing settings of the specified ethernet device.-gqueries the specified ethernet device for rx/tx ring parameter information.-Gchange the rx/tx ring parameters of the specified ethernet device.rxNChange number of ring entries for the Rx ring.rx-miniNChange number of ring entries for the Rx Mini ring.rx-jumboNChange number of ring entries for the Rx Jumbo ring.txNChange number of ring entries for the Tx ring.-iqueries the specified ethernet device for associated driver information.-dretrieves and prints a register dump for the specified ethernet device.-eretrieves and prints an EEPROM dump for the specified ethernet device.-kqueries the specified ethernet device for checksumming information.-Kchange the checksumming parameters of the specified ethernet device.rx on|offSpecify if RX checksumming is enabled.tx on|offSpecify if TX checksumming is enabled.sg on|offSpecify if scatter-gather is enabled.-pinitiates adapter-specific action intended to enable an operator to easily identify the adapter by sight. typically this involves blinking one or more LEDs on the specific ethernet port.NLength of time to perform phys-id, in seconds.-rrestarts auto-negotiation on the specified ethernet device, if auto-negotiation is enabled.-Squeries the specified ethernet device for NIC- and driver-specific statistics.-texecutes adapter selftest on the specified ethernet device. Possible test modes are:offline|onlinedefines test type: offline (default) means to perform full set of tests possibly causing normal operation interruption during the tests, online means to perform limited set of tests do not interrupting normal adapter operation.-soption allows changing some or all settings of the specified ethernet device. All following options only apply if -s was specified.speed 10|100|1000Set speed in Mb/s. ethtool with single argument will show you the supported device speeds.duplex half|fullSet full or half duplex mode.port tp|aui|bnc|miiSelect device port.autoneg on|offSpecify if autonegotiation is enabled. In the usual case it is, but might cause some problems with some network devices, so you can turn it off.phyadNPHY address.xcvr internal|externalSelect transceiver type. Currently only internal and external can be specified, in the future further types might be added.wol p|u|m|b|a|g|s|d...Set Wake-on-LAN options. Not all devices support this. The argument to this option is a string of characters specifying which options to enable.pWake on phy activityuWake on unicast messagesmWake on multicast messagesbWake on broadcast messagesaWake on ARPgWake on MagicPacket(tm)sEnable SecureOn(tm) password for MagicPacket(tm)dDisable (wake on nothing). This option clears all previous options.sopass xx:yy:zz:aa:bb:ccSet the SecureOn(tm) password. The argument to this option must be 6 bytes in ethernet MAC hex format (xx:yy:zz:aa:bb:cc).msglvlNSet the driver message level. Meanings differ per driver
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