Hello everyone
Am using a For Loop to access records from my database but the code opens instead of a specific record base on values passed by the user. These values a fields in the database which i want to make keys.
This a bit of the code
Vb 6 and Microsof Access
code Vb:
If rs.RecordCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
For i = 1 To rs.RecordCount '' Read all the records from database
cbosch = rs("CentNo")
Cand_No = rs("IndexNo")
Sex = rs("Sex")
DOB = rs("DOB")
Cnd_Name = rs("CandName")
Grd11 = rs("Grd1")
Subj2 = rs("Subj2")
Grd12 = rs("Grd2")
Subj3 = rs("Subj3")
Grd13 = rs("Grd3")
Subj4 = rs("Subj4")
Grd14 = rs("Grd4")
Subj5 = rs("Subj5")
Grd15 = rs("Grd5")
Subj6 = rs("Subj6")
Grd16 = rs("Grd6")
Subj7 = rs("Subj7")
Grd17 = rs("Grd7")
Subj8 = rs("Subj8")
Grd18 = rs("Grd8")
''validate the Key fields (Examseries, year, candNo and index no.)
Exam_Sr = rs("ExamSeries")
If Exam_Sr = "" Then
MsgBox ("Pls enter the correct Exam Serie"), vbOKOnly
ElseIf Exam_Sr = 1 Then
frmListing.Exam_Series.Caption = "May/June"
Exam_Sr = 2
frmListing.Exam_Series.Caption = "Nov/Dec"
End If
Exam_Yr = rs("ExamYear")
If Exam_Yr = "" Then
MsgBox ("Please Enter the exam year"), vbOKOnly
End If
It prints the fields on to another form after getting them
''Show a modal form named frmListing.
frmListing.Show vbModal, Me
Next i
code ends
i understand your code and every thing is ok, but i didnt find your question, or i miss something???
Best Regards
Thanks for the reply
The problem is this
the for loop am using counts all the records and the prints all of the records from the database.
What i can''t do is to be able to choose record by record using the the Candidate No, Year of exam and centre No.
I just don''t how to use these three values as a key to search for a record.
Thanks for your help.
One possibility would be to check these fields inside the For loop, to decide whether to process the record.
Generally though, you would probably want to use a WHERE clause in your SQL to determine which records are placed in the recordset. Can you show us how rs was created?
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