select * from zyj_dxzxyh where name in (select name from zyj_dxzxyh group by name having count(name) > 1)
# 查找表中多余的重复记录
# 选择 * 所有列 从表zyj_dxzxyh
# where 条件过滤 name 列 是字句
# 字句:选择name列 group by 分组排序列 name ; having count(name) 计数 name列相同的行的个是大于1
delete from people where peopleId in (select peopleId from people group by peopleId having count(peopleId) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from people group by peopleId having count(peopleId )>1)
# 删除表中多余的重复记录
select * from vitae a where (a.peopleId,a.seq) in (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1)
# 查找表中多余的重复记录
delete from vitae a where (a.peopleId,a.seq) in (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*)>1)
# 删除表中多余的重复记录(多个字段),只留有rowid最小的记录
select * from vitae a where (a.peopleId,a.seq) in (select peopleId,seq from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*) > 1) and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from vitae group by peopleId,seq having count(*)>1)
# 查找表中多余的重复记录(多个字段),不包含rowid最小的记录
#-------------------------------------- 补充 --------------------------------------
select distinct * from tableName
select distinct * into #Tmp from tableName
drop table tableName
select * into tableName from #Tmp
drop table #Tmp
select identity(int,1,1) as autoID, * into #Tmp from tableName
select min(autoID) as autoID into #Tmp2 from #Tmp group by Name,autoID
select * from #Tmp where autoID in(select autoID from #tmp2)
以上就是机灵秋天为你收集整理的存储过程 mysql 删除重复数据库_MySQL中查询、删除重复记录的方法大全的全部内容,希望文章能够帮你解决存储过程 mysql 删除重复数据库_MySQL中查询、删除重复记录的方法大全所遇到的程序开发问题。
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