我是靠谱客的博主 无辜龙猫,这篇文章主要介绍什么是随机种子What are random seed values?什么是随机种子?,现在分享给大家,希望可以做个参考。

我们来自江河梦小组(Scond Effect Group),工程用到gh,所以必须学习好GH插件,而大部分权威资料都来自国外,所以就组织组员翻译来自GH官方论坛的帖子,以便学习。下面是一篇David的帖子讲解随机数原理,由黄思颖同学翻译。

What are random seed values?什么是随机种子?

  • Posted by David Rutten on October 20,     2012 at 9:52am in FAQ (Frequent Questions and Problems)
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Most components inGrasshopper that utilize randomness on some level have an input called 'Seed'.So what is a seed for, why would you want to change it and how do you know whatto change it to?


First, let's talkabout randomness. Randomness is a problem in computing because digitalcomputers are deterministic.If you give them the exact same instructions they always end up with the exactsame result. It turns out to be mathematically impossible to generate true random numbers usinga digital computer, but it is fairly easy to generate pseudo-random numbers.This is actually not bad news as pseudo-random numbers -unlike real randomnumbers- can be generated again and again and you'll end up with the same random numbers every time.Being able to get the same random numbers on demand increases the reliabilityof these number sequences which in turn makes them easier to use.


Pseudo-random numbersare numbers that have certain characteristics. Note that when we talk aboutrandom numbers we are really talking about numbers. Plural. It's easy to generate only asingle one, as xkcd so eloquently put it:


So what are thesecharacteristics that define pseudo-randomness? Without being actually correct,I can sum them up as follows:

§ Thesequence of generated numbers should never repeat itself*

§ Thenumbers in the sequence ought to be spread evenly across the numeric domain**




There are a lot ofdifferent algorithms out there, some better than others, some faster thanothers, some solving very specific problems while others are more generic. Thegenerator used in Grasshopper is the standard Microsoft .NET Random, based on Donald Knuth's subtractive algorithm.


So let's imagine wewant random integers between 0 and 10. What would a bad randomsequence look like?


§ 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 (about as bad as it gets)

§ 0 1 2 3 45 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 (not random at all)非随机

§ 1 3 2 5 39 1 2 4 2 5 1 1 2 8 1 5 2 3 4 (too many low numbers)

§ 2 8 4 6 09 8 2 4 8 6 4 2 2 5 1 4 8 6 2 (too many even numbers)

So what about goodsequences? Well, here's a few:好的序列是:

§ 6 9 1 2 04 2 8 5 7 2 9 1 9 2 5 3 1 9 2 (sure, why not)

§ 6 2 5 3 41 9 7 8 0 2 1 6 4 5 8 9 5 0 9 (looks about right)

§ 1 8 5 2 34 5 7 9 5 2 1 0 2 1 0 9 7 6 4 (I suppose)

§ 9 0 6 4 83 1 5 2 7 6 1 4 6 0 1 9 7 5 6 (whatever)

There are a lot of validpseudo-random sequences. (Seriously, loads). So even if we have a goodpseudo-random generator we may be given a random sequence that isn't entirelyto our liking. The shorter the sequence we need, the more likely it is that statisticalaberrationsinvalidate that particular sequence for us. What we need is some control overthe generator so we don't just get a repeatable sequence, but a repeatablesequence we actually like.


Enter seed values. Therandom generator requires a seed value before it can generate a randomsequence. These seed values are always integers, and they can be any valid32-bit integer. Every unique seed value results in the same sequence. Everytime.


Unfortunately there isno clear relationship between seeds and sequences. Changing the seed value from5 to 6 will result in a completely difference random sequence, and twosequences that are very similar may well have to wildly different seeds. Thereis therefore no way to guess a good seed value, it is completely trial-and-error.Also because of this extremely discontinuous nature, you cannot use tools likeGalapagos to optimize a seed value.


If you are looking fora pseudo-random sequence which has custom characteristics, you may well end uphaving to write your own generator algorithm. Ask questions about this on theGrasshopper main forum or the VB/C# forum.


Conclusion:Seed values are integers that define the exact sequenceof pseudo-random numbers, but there's no way of knowing ahead of time whatsequence it will be and there's no way of tweaking a sequence by slightly changing the seed. Even the tiniest change inseed value will result in a radically different random sequence.



David Rutten


Poprad, Slovakia

* This is not actuallypossible. A finite amount of numbers always repeats itself eventually.


** This should only betrue for long enough sequences, short sequences are allowed to cluster theirvalues somewhat.


Interesting links forfurther reading:

Coding Horror: Computers are Louse Random NumberGenerators

StackOverflow: When do random numbers start repeating?

Tags: Random, numbers, pseudo-random, seed



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