清华大学电子工程系导师教师师资介绍简介-崔晓伟本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-04-16
崔晓伟 ,博士 副教授
中国北京市清华大学电子工程系 100084
电话: +86-
电子邮箱: cxw2005@tsinghua.edu.cn
学术成果[1] X.W. Cui, Q.T. Zhang, Zh.M. Feng, “Generic procedure for tightly bounding the capacity of MIMO correlated Rician fading channels,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, May 2005, 53(5):890-898.
[2] X.W. Cui, Q.T. Zhang, Zh.M. Feng, “Outage probability for maximal ratio combining of arbitrarily correlated faded signals corrupted by multiple Rayleigh interferers, ” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Jan. 2006, 55(1):383-387.
[3] Q.T. Zhang, X.W. Cui, A closed-form expression for the symbol-error rate of M-ary DPSK in fast Rayleigh fading, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Jul. 2005, 53(7):1085-1087.
[4] Li Hong, X.W. Cui, Lu Mingquan, Zh.M. Feng, “Dual-Folding based rapid search method for long PN-code acquisition,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communicaitons, Dec.2008, 7(12):5286-5296 Part 2.
[5] Yao Zheng, X.W. Cui, Lu Mingquan, Zh.M. Feng, “Dual update-rate carrier tracking technique for new generation GNSS signals in dynamic enviroments,” IET(IEE) Radar Sonar & Navigation, 2009, 3(1):81-92.
[6] Liu JiaXing, Lu Mingquan, X.W. Cui, Zh.M. Feng, Theoretical analysis of RAIM in the occurrence of simultaneous two-satellite faults, IET(IEE) Radar Sonar & Navigation, 2007, 1(2):92-97.
[7] Q.T. Zhang, X.W. Cui, “New performance results for MDPSK with noncoherent diversity in fast Rayleigh fading,” IEEE Communications Letters, Aug.2006, 10(8):605-607.
[8] Q.T. Zhang, X.W. Cui, X.M. Li, “Very tight capacity bounds for MIMO-correlated Rayleigh-fading channels,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Mar.2005, 4(2):681-688.
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